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Workspace Manager



Inherits From: Object

Accessing the Inspector Object

+ new Creates a new WMInspector if none exists, or returns the existing one

Accessing Panel Controls

okButton Returns the id of the Inspector's OK button
revertButton Returns the id of the Inspector's Revert button
window Returns the id of the window that contains the user interface for the inspector

Accessing Workspace Selection

(unsigned)selectionCount Returns the number of items selected in the File Viewer
selectionPathsInto:(unsigned)pathString Returns the paths of the files selected in the File Viewer

Managing Changes

ok:sender Implement in your subclass to commit the changes that the user has made to the selected item
revert:sender Implement in your subclass to load data into the inspector's display
textDidChange:sender Sends the WMInspector a touch: message
touch:sender Changes the image in the Inspector panel's close box to a broken "X"