Copyright ©1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


3D Graphics Kit



Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing

init Initializes with 0 frame size
initFrame:(const NXRect *)fRect Initializes with specified frame size
free Frees the N3DCamera

All Drawing

(BOOL)lockFocus YES if PostScript and RenderMan drawing lock on camera
unlockFocus Unlocks PostScript and RenderMan drawing
drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)nRects Performs all RIB and PostScript drawing

RenderMan Drawing

render Renders the camera and any content shapes
renderSelf:(RtToken)context Override to perform custom rendering in the camera
setFlushRIB:(BOOL)flag Sets the receiver to invoke flushRIB within render
doesFlushRIB Tests whether the receiver invokes flushRIB within render
flushRIB Waits until all RIB code has been rendered

PostScript Drawing

drawPS:(NXRect *)rects :(int)nRects Override to perform custom PostScript drawing

Background Color

setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color Sets the NXColor filled behind all drawing
(NXColor)backgroundColor The NXColor filled behind all drawing
setDrawBackgroundColor:(BOOL)flag If flag is YES, fills color behind all drawing
(BOOL)doesDrawBackgroundColor YES if camera fills color behind all drawing

PostScript Transformation Management

setFrame:(const NXRect *)fRect Sets frame for both PostScript and RenderMan coordinate systems
moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves both PostScript and RenderMan coordinate systems
moveBy:(NXCoord)deltaX :(NXCoord)deltaY Moves both PostScript and RenderMan coordinate systems
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes both PostScript and RenderMan coordinate systems
sizeBy:(NXCoord)deltaWidth Resizes both PostScript and RenderMan coordinate
:(NXCoord)deltaHeight systems
rotateTo:(NXCoord)angle Prevents rotation of PostScript coordinate system
rotateBy:(NXCoord)deltaAngle Prevents rotation of PostScript coordinate system

Shape Hierarchy Management

setWorldShape:a3DShape Sets world shape
worldShape Returns world shape

Global Light Management

addLight:aLight Adds an N3DLight to the camera's global light list
removeLight:aLight Removes an N3DLight to the camera's global light list
lightList Returns the camera's global light list


selectShapesIn:(const NXRect *)selectionRect Returns a List of N3DShapes in selectionRect

Projection Rectangle

setProjectionRectangle:(float)left Sets the 3D coordinate system projection rectangle
getProjectionRectangle:(float *)left Returns the 3D coordinate system's projection
:(float *)right rectangle
:(float *)top
:(float *)bottom

Selecting Projection Type

setProjection:(N3DProjectionType)aProjection Sets the projection type
(N3DProjectionType)projectionType Returns the projection type

Pretransform Matrix

setPreTransformMatrix:(RtMatrix)theMatrix Sets the camera's pretransformation matrix
getPreTransformMatrix:(RtMatrix)theMatrix Returns the camera's pretransformation matrix
setUsePreTransformMatrix:(BOOL)flag Sets the camera to use its pretransformation matrix
(BOOL)usesPreTransformMatrix YES if camera uses its pretransformation matrix

Setting Viewpoint

setEyeAt:(RtPoint)fromPoint Sets the eye-to-viewpoint vector and roll
getEyeAt:(RtPoint *)fromPoint Gets the eye-to-viewpoint vector and roll
toward:(RtPoint *)toPoint
roll:(float *)aRollAngle
moveEyeBy:(float)sDistance Moves camera in its own coordinate system
rotateEyeBy:(float)dElev :(float)dAzim Rotates the camera in its own coordinates

Clipping Planes

setClipPlanesNear:(float)aNearPlane Sets the camera's near and far clipping planes
getClipPlanesNear:(float *)aNearPlane Returns the camera's near and far clipping planes
far:(float *)aFarPlane

Field of View

setFieldOfViewByAngle:(float)viewAngle Sets the viewing angle of the camera
setFieldOfViewByFocalLength:(float)aLength Converts a focal length into a viewing angle for the camera
(float)fieldOfView Returns the viewing angle of the camera

Pixel Aspect Ratio

setPixelAspectRatio:(float)theRatio Sets the pixel aspect ratio for the camera
(float)pixelAspectRatio Returns the pixel aspect ratio for the camera

Converting Coordinates

convertPoints:(RtPoint *)points Converts an array of points to PostScript coordinates
convertPoints:(NXPoint *)mcoords Converts PostScript points to world coordinates
toWorld:(RtPoint *)wcoords

Crop Windows

(int)numCropWindows Count of rectangle divisions for photoreal rendering
cropInRects:(NXRect *)theRects Returns rectangles representing horizontal strips of
nRects:(int)rectCount camera image

Frame Number

(int)frameNumber Returns 1


(BOOL)canPrintRIB Returns YES

Copying RIB

copyRIBCode:(NXStream *)stream Copies RIB code generated by the receiver

Setting World Attributes

worldBegin:(RtToken)theContext Calls RiWorldBegin()
worldEnd:(RtToken)theContext Calls RiWorldEnd()

Setting and Getting the Delegate

setDelegate:cameraDelegate Sets the receiver's delegate
delegate Returns the receiver's delegate

Setting the Hider

(N3DHider)hider Returns the receiver's N3DHider
setHider:(N3DHider)cameraHider Sets the receiver's N3DHider
chooseHider:(BOOL)flag Sets surface type for shapes in world shape hierarchy

Rendering Photorealistically

(int)renderAsEPS Begins rendering, returns identifier for rendering session
(int)renderAsTIFF Begins rendering, returns identifier for rendering session


read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Reads the camera from the stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Writes the camera to the stream
awake Performs additional initialization after unarchiving

Methods Implemented by the Delegate

camera:theCamera Handles images generated by photoreal rendering
didRenderStream:(NXStream *)imageStream methods


Inherits From: Object

Initializing and Freeing

+ new Returns (creating if necessary) one instance per application
free Destroys all contexts, frees the receiver

Getting the Main Context

(RtToken)mainContext Returns (creating if necessary) the application's main context

Creating Other Contexts

(RtToken)createContext:(const char *)name Creates a named context
(RtToken)createContext:(const char *)name Creates a named context for a specific renderer
(RtToken)createContext:(const char *)came Creates a named context on a file
toFile:(const char *)ribFile
(RtToken)createContext:(const char *)name Does nothing, returns NULL
toStream:(NXStream *)stream

Managing the Current Context

(RtToken)currentContext The application's current context
(RtToken)setCurrentContext:(RtToken)context Sets the current context, returns previous context
(RtToken)setCurrentContextByName:(const char *)name
Sets the current context by name, returns previous context

Destroying a Context

(void)destroyContext:(RtToken)context Destroys the context
(void)destroyContextByName:(const char *)name
Destroys a context with name


awake Performs additional initialization after unarchiving


Inherits From: N3DShape : Object


init Initializes the receiver as an N3D_AmbientLight

Setting Light Type

setType:(N3DLightType)aType Sets the receiver's light type
(N3DLightType)type Returns the receiver's light type
makeAmbientWithIntensity:(RtFloat)intensity Sets type N3D_AmbientLight with appropriate parameter
makePointFrom:(RtPoint)from Sets type N3D_PointLight with appropriate
intensity:(RtFloat)intensity parameters
makeDistantFrom:(RtPoint)fromPoint Sets type N3D_PointLight with appropriate
to:(RtPoint)toPoint parameters
makeSpotFrom:(RtPoint)fromPoint Sets type N3D_SpotLight with appropriate parameters

Setting Light Parameters

setFrom:(RtPoint)fromPoint Sets the from point
setFrom:(RtPoint)fromPoint Sets the from and to points
getFrom:(RtPoint *)fromPoint Returns the from and to points
to:(RtPoint *)toPoint
setConeAngle:(RtFloat)coneAngle Sets the cone angle, cone delta, and beam distribution
getConeAngle:(RtFloat *)coneAngle Gets the cone angle, cone delta, and beam distribution
coneDelta:(RtFloat *)coneDelta
beamDistribution:(RtFloat *)distribution
setIntensity:(RtFloat)intensity Sets the intensity
(RtFloat)intensity Returns the intensity


renderSelf:(N3DCamera *)theCamera Renders the light as a local light
renderGlobal:(N3DCamera *)theCamera Renders the light as a global light

Global Light Management

setGlobal:(BOOL)flag Override to add behavior on becoming/resigning global
(BOOL)isGlobal YES if light is global

Switching On and Off

switchLight:(BOOL)flag If flag is YES, turns receiver on

Setting Color

setColor:(NXColor)theColor Sets the receiver's color
(NXColor)color Returns the receiver's color


read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Reads the receiver from the stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Writes the receiver to the stream
awake Performs additional initialization after unarchiving


Inherits From: N3DCamera : View : Responder : Object


initFrame:(const NXRect *)fRect Initializes the receiver

RenderMan Drawing

render Renders current frame; if printing, renders current page

Interactive Display

displayMovie Displays movie, first frame to last, onscreen

Frame Numbers

setFrameNumber:(int)aFrameNumber Sets the current frame number
(int)frameNumber Returns the current frame number
setStartFrame:(int)start Sets counters for movie
(int)startFrame Returns the first frame number
(int)endFrame Returns the last frame number
(int)frameIncrement Returns the frame increment


read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Reads the receiver from the stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Writes the receiver to the stream
awake Performs additional initialization after unarchiving


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Initializing the Class

+ initialize Initializes the class with data from the defaults database
+ new Creates, if necessary, and returns an N3DRenderPanel

Setting Accessory View

accessoryView Returns the accessory view
setAccessoryView:aView Sets the accessory view

Running Modal

(int)runModal Presents the render panel in a model loop


(int)resolution Returns the resolution set by the user in the panel

Host Management

(int)numSelectedHosts Returns the number of hosts selected by the user
(char **)hostNames Returns an array of strings for selected host names

Browser Delegate Method

(int)browser:sender Fills the panel's browser with host names


Inherits From: NXImageRep : Object

Initializing and Freeing

initFromFile:(const char *)ribfile Initializes the receiver from a file
initFromStream:(NXStream *)ribStream Initializes the receiver from a stream
free Frees the receiver

Declaring Data Types

+ (const char *const *)imageUnfilteredFileTypes Returns supported file types
+ (const NXAtom *)imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes
Returns supported pasteboard types
+ (BOOL)canLoadFromStream:(NXStream *)theStream
Tests theStream for RIB data


(BOOL)drawAt:(const NXPoint *)point Returns YES if the image is successfully drawn at point
(BOOL)drawIn:(const NXRect *)rect Returns YES if the image is successfully drawn in rect
(BOOL)draw Returns YES if the image is successfully drawn


getBoundingBox:(NXRect *)rectangle Returns the rectangle that bounds the image
getSize:(NXSize *)theSize Returns the size of the image

Background Color

(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the background color
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)theColor Sets the background color

Hidden Surface Removal Type

(N3DHider)hider Returns the hider type for rendering images
setHider:(N3DHider)theHider Sets the hider type for rendering images

Surface Type

setSurfaceType:(N3DSurfaceType)type Sets the surface type used for rendering images
(N3DSurfaceType)surfaceType Returns the surface type used for rendering images


read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Reads the receiver from the stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Writes the receiver to the stream


Inherits From: Object


init Initializes the receiver
initWithCamera:myCamera Initializes the receiver and sets its camera

Setting Parameters

setCamera:myCamera Sets the receiver's camera
setCenter:(const NXPoint *)center Sets the receiver's center point and radius

Axes of Rotation

setRotationAxis:(N3DAxis)axis Sets the axes about which the receiver rotates
(N3DAxis)rotationAxis Returns the axis about which the receiver rotates

Mouse Tracking

trackMouseFrom:(const NXPoint *)lastPoint Accepts two points in camera coordinates, returns
to:(const NXPoint *)thisPoint rotations based on their offset


read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Reads the receiver from the stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Writes the receiver to the stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing and Freeing

init Initializes the receiver with no shader file
initWithShader:(const char *)aShader Initializes the receiver with a shader file
free Frees the receiver

Shader Language Object File

setShader:(const char *)aShader Sets the receiver's shader
(const char *)shader Returns the receiver's shader

Shader Color

setColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the receiver's color
(NXColor)color Returns the receiver's color
setUseColor:(BOOL)flag Sets the receiver to apply its color
(BOOL)doesUseColor YES if receiver applies color

Shader Transparency

setTransparency:(float)alphaValue Sets the receiver's transparency
(float)transparency Returns the receiver's transparency

Shader Function Argument Handling

(int)shaderArgCount The number of arguments for the shader function
(const char *)shaderArgNameAt:(int)argIndex The name of the indicated argument
(SLO_TYPE)shaderArgType:(const char *)argName
The type of the named argument
(BOOL)isShaderArg:(const char *)argName YES if argName is an argument to the shader function
setShaderArg:(const char *)floatName Sets the specified argument to the specified value
setShaderArg:(const char *)stringName Sets the specified argument to the specified value
stringValue:(const char *)stringValue
setShaderArg:(const char *)pointName Sets the specified argument to the specified value
setShaderArg:(const char *)colorName Sets the specified argument to the specified value
getShaderArg:(const char *)floatName Gets the specified value for the specified argument
floatValue:(float *)floatValue
getShaderArg:(const char *)stringName Gets the specified value for the specified argument
stringValue:(const char **)stringValue
getShaderArg:(const char *)pointName Gets the specified value for the specified argument
pointValue:(RtPoint *)pointValue
getShaderArg:(const char *)colorName Gets the specified value for the specified argument
colorValue:(NXColor *)colorValue
resetShaderArg:(const char *)argName Resets the specified argument to its default value

Shader Type

(SLO_TYPE)shaderType Returns the type of the shader


set Applies the shader function during rendering


read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Reads the receiver from the stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Writes the receiver to the stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing and Freeing

init Initializes and returns the receiver
free Frees the receiver and its descendants
freeAll Frees the receiver, its next peer and its descendants

Rendering the N3DShape

render:(N3DCamera *)theCamera Renders the shape and its descendants
renderSelf:(N3DCamera *)theCamera Override to implement actual rendering
renderSelfAsBox:(N3DCamera *)theCamera Renders only the shape's bounding box

Traversing the Shape Hierarchy

nextPeer Returns the shape "to the right"
previousPeer Returns the shape "to the left"
firstPeer Returns the shape "to the far left" of receiver's peer group
lastPeer Returns the shape "to the far right" of receiver's peer group
descendant Returns the shape "below" the receiver
lastDescendant Returns the farthest descendant below the receiver
ancestor Returns the shape "above the receiver
firstAncestor Returns the shape at the top of the receiver's hierarchy
(BOOL)isWorld YES if the receiver is at the top of its hierarchy

Managing the Shape Hierarchy

linkPeer:aPeer Inserts aPeer between receiver and its next peer
linkDescendant:aDescendant Inserts aDescendant between receiver and its descendant
linkAncestor:anAncestor Sets receiver's ancestor, returns previous ancestor
unlink Unlinks the receiver, reconnects peers and descendants
group:anAncestor Makes the receiver a descendant of anAncestor
ungroup Removes receiver from hierarchy, promotes descendant


setShader:aShader Sets an N3DShader for the shape
shaderType:(SLO_TYPE)type Returns the N3DShader of type


(N3DSurfaceType)surfaceType Returns the receiver's surface type
setSurfaceType:(N3DSurfaceType)theSurface Sets receiver's surface type; if flag is YES, sets descendants
andDescendants:(BOOL)flag surface types

Bounding Box

getBoundingBox:(RtBound *)boundingBox Returns by reference the receiver's bounding box
setDrawAsBox:(BOOL)flag Sets the receiver to draw only its bounding box
(BOOL)doesDrawAsBox YES if the receiver draws only its bounding box
getBounds:(NXRect *)boundingRect Returns the rectangle representing the receiver's
inCamera:theCamera bounding box in the coordinates of the camera

Converting Points

convertObjectPoints:(RtPoint *)points Converts points from the receiver's coordinate system
count:(int)n to that of camera
convertPoints:(RtPoint *)points Converts points from an ancestor's coordinate system
count:(int)n to that of the receiver
fromAncestor:(N3DShape *)theShape
convertPoints:(RtPoint *)points Converts points from the receiver's coordinate system
count:(int)n to that of an ancestor
toAncestor:(N3DShape *)theShape


setSelectable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the receiver can be selected
(BOOL)isSelectable YES if the receiver can be selected


setVisible:(BOOL)flag Sets the receiver to render when renderSelf: is invoked
(BOOL)isVisible YES if receiver renders when renderSelf: is invoked

Naming Shapes

setShapeName:(const char *)aName Sets the name of the shape
(const char *)shapeName Returns the name of the shape

Delegate for Rendering

setRenderDelegate:aShape Sets the rendering delegate for the receiver
removeRenderDelegate Removes and returns the render delegate
renderDelegate Returns the render delegate

Transformation Matrices

Sets the receiver's transformation matrix
getTransformMatrix:(RtMatrix)transform Returns the receiver's transformation matrix
concatTransformMatrix:(RtMatrix)theMatrix Multiplies the transform matrix with theMatrix,
premultiply:(BOOL)flag premultiplying by theMatrix if flag is YES
relativeToAncestor:(N3DShape *)theAncestor
Returns the matrix representing the transformation between theAncestor's space and the receiver's
relativeToAncestor:(N3DShape *)theAncestor
Returns the matrix representing the transformation between the receiver's space and theAncestor's

Rotation, Scaling, Translation

rotateAngle:(float)ang Rotates the receiver about its origin and the point
preRotateAngle:(float)angle Premultiplies the rotation of the receiver about its
axis:(RtPoint)referencePoint origin and the point
scale:(float)xScaleFactor Scales the receiver
prescale:(float)xScaleFactor Scales the receiver, premultiplying the transformation
scaleUniformly:(float)scaleFactor Scales the receiver uniformly in all axes
prescaleUniformly:(float)scaleFactor Scales the receiver uniformly in all axes, premuliplying the transformation
translate:(float)xTranslation Translates the receiver
pretranslate:(float)xTranslation Translates the receiver, premultiplying the
:(float)yTranslation transformation


read:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Reads the camera from the stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)theStream Writes the camera to the stream
awake Performs additional initialization after unarchiving