Copyright ©1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Application Kit



Inherits From: Cell : Object

Configuring an ActionCell

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the ActionCell reacts to mouse events
setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Adds or removes the ActionCell's bezel
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Adds or removes the ActionCell's border
setAlignment:(int)mode Sets the ActionCell's text alignment to mode
setFloatingPointFormat:(BOOL)autoRange Sets the ActionCell's floating point format
left:(unsigned int)leftDigits
right:(unsigned int)rightDigits
setFont:fontObject Sets the ActionCell's Font to fontObject
setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the ActionCell's icon to the NXImage named iconName

Manipulating ActionCell Values

(double)doubleValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as a double
(float)floatValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as a float
(int)intValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the ActionCell's contents to a copy of aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(char *)aString Sets the ActionCell's contents to a aString; will free the
shouldFree:(BOOL)flag string when freed if flag is YES
(const char *)stringValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as a string


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the ActionCell in controlView
controlView Returns the View in which the ActionCell was most recently drawn (usually a Control)

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the ActionCell's action method to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the ActionCell's action method
setTarget:anObject Sets the ActionCell's target object to anObject
target Returns the ActionCell's target object

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt Sets the ActionCell's tag to anInt
(int)tag Returns the ActionCell's tag


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the ActionCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the ActionCell to stream


Inherits From: Responder : Object

Initializing the Class Object

+ initialize Registers defaults for the application

Creating and Freeing Instances

+ new Returns a new Application object
free Deallocates the Application object

Setting Up the Application

+ workspace Returns the id of WorkspaceManager
loadNibFile:(const char *)filename Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibFile:(const char *)filename Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibFile:(const char *)filename Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromZone:(NXZone *)zone
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromHeader:(const struct mach_header *)header
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromZone:(NXZone *)zone
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromHeader:(const struct mach_header *)header
fromZone:(NXZone *)zone
(const char *)appName Returns the application's name
setMainMenu:aMenu Makes aMenu the application's main menu
mainMenu Returns the id of the application's main menu

Responding to Notification)

applicationDidLaunch:appName Notice that appName launched; your arbitrary return
applicationDidTerminate:appName Notice that appName ended; your arbitrary return
applicationWillLaunch:appName Notice that appName will launch; your arbitrary return

Changing the Active Application

(int)activate:(int)contextNumber Makes contextNumber the active application
(int)activateSelf:(BOOL)flag Makes this the active application
(int)activeApp Returns context number of the active application
becomeActiveApp Responds to activating the application
deactivateSelf Deactivates the application
(BOOL)isActive Returns whether this is the active application
resignActiveApp Responds to deactivating the application

Running the Event Loop

run Starts the main event loop
stop:sender Stops the main event loop
(int)runModalFor:theWindow Starts a modal event loop for theWindow
stopModal Stops the modal event loop
stopModal:(int)returnCode Stops the event loop started by runModalFor:
(void)abortModal Aborts the event loop started by runModalFor:
(NXModalSession *)beginModalSession:(NXModalSession *)session
for:theWindow Sets up a modal session with theWindow
(int)runModalSession:(NXModalSession *)session
Runs a modal session
endModalSession:(NXModalSession *)session Finishes a modal session
delayedFree:theObject Frees theObject after finishing the current event
(BOOL)isRunning Returns whether the main event loop is running
sendEvent:(NXEvent *)theEvent Dispatches events to other objects

Getting and Peeking at Events

(NXEvent *)currentEvent Returns pointer to the current event
(NXEvent *)getNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
(NXEvent *)getNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
(NXEvent *)peekAndGetNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
(NXEvent *)peekNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
into:(NXEvent *)eventPtr
(NXEvent *)peekNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
into:(NXEvent *)eventPtr


(BOOL)isJournalable Returns whether the application can be journaled
setJournalable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the application can be journaled
masterJournaler Returns the controlling NXJournaler object
slaveJournaler Returns the controlled NXJournaler object

Handling User Actions and Events

applicationDefined:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to an application-defined event
hide:sender Hides all the application's windows
(BOOL)isHidden YES if windows are hidden
(int)unhide Responds to message to unhide windows
unhide:sender Restores hidden windows to the screen
unhideWithoutActivation:sender Restores hidden windows without activating their owner
powerOff:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a power-off subevent
(int)powerOffIn:(int)ms andSave:(int)aFlag Responds to message from Workspace Manager
rightMouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Causes main menu to pop up under the mouse
(int)unmounting:(const char *)fullPath Responds to message from Workspace Manager
ok:(int *)flag

Sending Action Messages

(BOOL)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector Sends an action message to aTarget or up the responder
to:aTarget chain
(BOOL)tryToPerform:(SEL)aSelector Attempts to send a message to the application or the
with:anObject delegate
calcTargetForAction:(SEL)theAction Looks up receiver for theAction message

Remote Messaging

setAppListener:aListener Makes aListener the application's Listener
appListener Returns the Listener for this application
setAppSpeaker:aSpeaker Makes aSpeaker the application's Speaker
appSpeaker Returns the Speaker for this application
(const char *)appListenerPortName Returns name used to register Listener with name server
(port_t)replyPort Returns port for synchronous return messages

Managing Windows

appIcon Returns the Window with the application's icon
findWindow:(int)windowNum Returns Window object corresponding to windowNum
getWindowNumbers:(int **)list Gets window numbers for the application's windows
count:(int *)winCount
keyWindow Returns the the key window
mainWindow Returns the main window
makeWindowsPerform:(SEL)aSelector Sends aSelector message to the Windows
setAutoupdate:(BOOL)flag Sets whether to send Windows update messages
updateWindows Sends update message to all on-screen Windows
windowList Returns a List of the application's Windows
miniaturizeAll: Miniaturizes all the receiver's application windows
preventWindowOrdering Suppresses usual window ordering entirely

Managing the Windows Menu

setWindowsMenu:aMenu Sets the Windows menu
windowsMenu Returns the Windows menu
arrangeInFront: Orders all registered Windows to the front
addWindowsItem:aWindow Adds a menu item for aWindow
title:(const char *)aString
removeWindowsItem:aWindow Removes the Window's menu item
changeWindowsItem:aWindow Changes the Window's menu item
title:(const char *)aString
updateWindowsItem:aWindow Updates the Window's menu item

Managing Panels

showHelpPanel:sender Shows the application's help panel or default
orderFrontDataLinkPanel: Shows the shared instance; creates if need be

Managing the Services menu

setServicesMenu:aMenu Sets the Services menu
servicesMenu Returns the Services menu
registerServicesMenuSendTypes:(const char *const *)sendTypes
andReturnTypes:(const char *const *)returnTypes
Registers pasteboard types the application can send/receive
validRequestorForSendType: Indicates whether the Application can send and receive the
(NXAtom)sendType specified types

Managing Screens

(const NXScreen *)mainScreen Returns the main screen
(const NXScreen *)colorScreen Returns the best screen for color
getScreens:(const NXScreen **)list Gets information about every connected screen
count:(int *)numScreens
getScreenSize:(NXSize *)theSize Provides the size of the screen in pixels

Querying the Application

(DPSContext)context Returns the Application's DPS context
focusView Gets the currently lockFocus'ed View
(const char *)hostName Returns machine running the Window Server

Reporting Current Languages

(const char *const *)systemLanguages Gets a list of the user's preferred languages

Opening Files

(int)openFile:(const char *)fullPath Asks the delegate to open the fullPath file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)openTempFile:(const char *)fullPath Asks the delegate to open a temporary file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)fileOperationCompleted:(int)operation Notification of completion of NXWorkspaceRequest; arbitrary operation and return

Responding to Devices

(int)mounted:(const char *)fullPath Notice that device at fullPath has been mounted; returns 0 (unless overrideen in a subclass)
unmounted:(const char *)fullPath Notice that device at fullPath has been unmounted; returns 0 (unless overrideen in a subclass)


setPrintInfo:info Makes info the application's PrintInfo object
printInfo Returns the application's PrintInfo object
runPageLayout:sender Runs the application's PageLayout panel


orderFrontColorPanel:sender Brings up the color panel
doesImportAlpha YES if application responds to opacity in imported colors
setImportAlpha: Enable/disable response to opacity in imported colors

Terminating the Application

terminate:sender Frees the Application object and exits the application

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the Application's delegate
delegate Returns the Application's delegate

Implemented by the Delegate

app:sender Notice that appName will launch¦
applicationWillLaunch:(const char *)appName
app:sender Notice that appName launched¦
applicationDidLaunch:(const char *)appName
appWillInit:sender Notifies delegate before initializing¦
appDidInit:sender Notifies delegate before getting first event¦
appDidBecomeActive:sender Notifies delegate on activating the application
appDidResignActive:sender Notifies delegate on deactivating the application
appDidHide:sender Notifies delegate application has been hidden
appDidUnhide:sender Notifies delegate application has been unhidden
appWillUpdate:sender Notifies delegate application's windows will be updated
appDidUpdate:sender Notifies delegate on updating the application's windows
(BOOL)appAcceptsAnotherFile:sender YES if it's okay to open another file¦
(int)app:sender Opens filename¦
openFile:(const char *)filename
type:(const char *)aType
(int)app:sender Opens temporary file filename¦
openTempFile:(const char *)filename
type:(const char *)aType
(NXDataLinkManager *)app:sender Open application to run without user interface¦
openFileWithoutUI:(const char *)filename
type:(const char *)aType
app:sender Notice that operation completed; your arbitrary return¦
app:sender mounted:(const char *)fullPath Notification that device at fullPath was mounted¦
(int)app:sender Facilitates unmounting a device¦
unmounting:(const char *)fullPath
app:sender Notification that device at fullPath was unmounted¦
unmounted:(const char *)fullPath
appWillTerminate:sender Notification that application will terminate¦
app:sender Notification that sender will show panel
app:sender Responds to message from Workspace Manager¦
powerOff:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a poweroff subevent
app:sender Notification that application terminated¦
applicationDidTerminate:(const char *)appName
¦ These methods may be defined in the delegate and/or in a subclass. If a method is implemented both in a subclass and in the delegate, the message is sent to the delegate.


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing a Box

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Box object with the given frameRect
free Deallocates the Box

Modifying the Border and Title

setBorderType:(int)aType Sets the Box's border to aType
(int)borderType Returns the Box's border type
setTitlePosition:(int)aPosition Sets the position of the title to aPosition
(int)titlePosition Returns the position of the title
setTitle:(const char *)aString Sets the Box's title to aString
(const char *)title Returns the title of the Box
cell Returns the Cell used to draw the title
setFont:fontObj Sets the Font of the title to fontObj
font Returns the Font used to draw the title

Setting and Placing the Content View

setContentView:aView Replaces the Box's content view with aView
contentView Returns the content view
setOffsets:(NXCoord)w :(NXCoord)h Sets the distance between the border and the content view
getOffsets:(NXSize *)aSize Gets the distance between the border and the content view

Putting Views in the Box

addSubview:aView Adds aView as a subview of the content view
replaceSubview:aView with:anotherView Replaces aView with anotherView within the content view

Resizing the Box

setFrameFromContentFrame:(const NXRect *)contentFrame
Resizes the Box to accommodate contentFrame
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the Box to width and height
sizeToFit Resizes the Box to exactly enclose its subviews

Drawing the Box

drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the Box


awake Lays out the graphic elements of the Box
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Box object from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Box object to the typed stream


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Initializing the Button Factory

+ setCellClass:classId Sets the subclass of ButtonCell used by Button

Initializing a Button

init Initializes a new Button with title "Button"
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Button within frameRect
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Button within frameRect,
icon:(const char *)iconName with the NXImage named iconName as its icon,
tag:(int)anInt anInt as its tag,
target:anObject anObject as its target object,
action:(SEL)aSelector aSelector as its action message,
key:(unsigned short)charCode a key equivalent of charCode,
enabled:(BOOL)flag and enabled according to flag
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Button within frameRect,
title:(const char *)aString with aString as its title,
tag:(int)anInt anInt as its tag,
target:anObject anObject as its target object,
action:(SEL)aSelector aSelector as its action message,
key:(unsigned short)charCode a key equivalent of charCode,
enabled:(BOOL)flag and enabled according to flag

Setting the Button Type

setType:(int)aType Sets how the Button highlights and shows its state

Setting the State

setState:(int)value Sets the Button's state to value (0 or 1)
(int)state Returns the Button's current state (0 or 1)

Setting the Repeat Interval

setPeriodicDelay:(float )delay Sets repeat parameters for continuous Buttons
andInterval:(float )interval
getPeriodicDelay:(float *)delay Gets repeat parameters for continuous Buttons
andInterval:(float *)interval

Setting the Titles

setTitle:(const char *)aString Makes aString the Button's title
setTitleNoCopy:(const char *)aString Makes aString the Button's title without copying it
(const char *)title Returns the Button's title
setAltTitle:(const char *)aString Makes aString the Button's alternate title
(const char *)altTitle Returns the Button's alternate title

Setting the Icons

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the Button's icon
setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the icon by name, and its position
(const char *)icon Returns the name of the Button's icon
setAltIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the alternate icon
(const char *)altIcon Returns the name of the Button's alternate icon
setImage:image Makes the NXImage image the Button's icon
image Returns the Button's image
setAltImage:altImage Makes the NXImage image the alternate icon
altImage Returns the Button's alternate image
setIconPosition:(int)aPosition Sets the position of the Button's icon
(int)iconPosition Returns the position of the Button's icon

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Button is transparent
(BOOL)isTransparent Returns whether the Button is transparent
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Button has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isBordered Returns whether the Button has a bezeled border


display Displays the Button
highlight:(BOOL)flag Highlights (or unhighlights) the Button according to flag

Setting the Key Equivalent

setKeyEquivalent:(unsigned short)charCode Makes charCode the Button's key equivalent
(unsigned short)keyEquivalent Returns the Button's key equivalent

Handling Events and Action Messages

(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse Ensures that the Button accepts first mouse-down
performClick:sender Simulates the user clicking the Button
(BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NXEvent *)theEvent
Simulates a mouse click, if the key is right

Setting the Sound

setSound:soundObject Sets the Sound played when the Button is pressed
sound Returns the Sound played when the Button is pressed


Inherits From: ActionCell : Cell : Object

Initializing, Copying, and Freeing a ButtonCell

init Initializes a new ButtonCell with title "Button"
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new ButtonCell with title aString
initIconCell:(const char *)iconName Initializes a new ButtonCell with an NXImage named iconName as its icon
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the ButtonCell allocated from zone
free Deallocates the ButtonCell

Determining Component Sizes

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Calculates and returns the size of the ButtonCell
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
getDrawRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the ButtonCell draws in
getTitleRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the title is drawn in
getIconRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the icon is drawn in

Setting the Titles

setTitle:(const char *)aString Makes a copy of aString the ButtonCell's title
setTitleNoCopy:(const char *)aString Makes aString the ButtonCell's title without copying it
(const char *)title Returns the ButtonCell's title
setAltTitle:(const char *)aString Makes a copy of aString the ButtonCell's alternate title
(const char *)altTitle Returns the ButtonCell's alternate title
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw the title

Setting the Icons

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the ButtonCell's icon
(const char *)icon Returns the name of the ButtonCell's icon
setAltIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the ButtonCell's alternate icon
(const char *)altIcon Returns the name of the ButtonCell's alternate icon
setImage:image Makes the NXImage object image the ButtonCell's icon
image Returns the ButtonCell's icon
setAltImage:altImage Makes the NXImage object image the alternate icon
altImage Returns the ButtonCell's alternate icon
setIconPosition:(int)aPosition Sets the position of the ButtonCell's icon to aPosition
(int)iconPosition Returns the position of the ButtonCell's icon

Setting the Sound

setSound:aSound Sets the Sound played by the ButtonCell on a mouse-down
sound Returns the Sound played by the ButtonCell

Setting the State

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to aDouble
(double)doubleValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to aFloat
(float)floatValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to anInt
(int)intValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to a copy of aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the ButtonCell's state (value)  to aString
(const char *)stringValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as a string

Setting the Repeat Interval

setPeriodicDelay:(float )delay Sets repeat parameters for continuous ButtonCells
andInterval:(float )interval
getPeriodicDelay:(float *)delay Gets repeat parameters for continuous ButtonCells
andInterval:(float *)interval

Tracking the Mouse

(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Plays the Sound, then tracks the mouse
inRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame

Setting the Key Equivalent

setKeyEquivalent:(unsigned short)charCode Sets the ButtonCell's key equivalent
setKeyEquivalentFont:fontObj Sets the Font used to draw the key equivalent
setKeyEquivalentFont:(const char *)fontName Sets the Font and size used to draw the key equivalent
(unsigned short)keyEquivalent Returns the ButtonCell's key equivalent

Setting Parameters

setParameter:(int)aParameter to:(int)value Sets various flag values
(int)getParameter:(int)aParameter Returns various flag values

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the ButtonCell has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isBordered Returns whether the ButtonCell has a bezeled border
setTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the ButtonCell is transparent
(BOOL)isTransparent Returns whether the ButtonCell is transparent
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether receiver is opaque

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setType:(int)aType Sets the ButtonCell's display behavior
setHighlightsBy:(int)aType Sets how the ButtonCell highlights
(int)highlightsBy Returns how the ButtonCell highlights
setShowsStateBy:(int)aType Sets how the ButtonCell shows its alternate state
(int)showsStateBy Returns how ButtonCell shows its alternate state

Simulating a Click

performClick:sender Simulates clicking the ButtonCell


drawInside:(const NXRect *)aRect Draws the inside of the ButtonCell
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the ButtonCell
highlight:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Highlights the ButtonCell


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the ButtonCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the ButtonCell to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing, Copying, and Freeing a Cell

init Initializes a new Cell
initIconCell:(const char *)iconName Initializes a new Cell with the NXImage named iconName
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new Cell with title aString
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the receiving Cell from zone
free Deallocates the Cell

Determining Component Sizes

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Returns the minimum size needed to display the Cell
calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Returns the minimum size needed to display the Cell
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
calcDrawInfo:(const NXRect *)aRect Implemented by subclasses to recalculate drawing sizes
getDrawRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the Cell draws in
getIconRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle that an icon is drawn in
getTitleRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle that a title is drawn in

Setting the Cell's Type

setType:(int)aType Sets the Cell's type to aType
(int)type Returns the Cell's type

Setting the Cell's State

setState:(int)value Sets the state of the Cell to value (0 or 1)
incrementState Increments the state of the Cell
(int)state Returns the state of the Cell (0 or 1)

Enabling and Disabling the Cell

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell reacts to mouse events
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the Cell reacts to mouse events

Setting the Icon

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the Cell's icon to the NXImage named iconName
(const char *)icon Returns the name of the Cell's icon

Setting the Cell's Value

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble Sets the Cell's value to aDouble
(double)doubleValue Returns the Cell's value as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets the Cell's value to aFloat
(float)floatValue Returns the Cell's value as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the Cell's value to anInt
(int)intValue Returns the Cell's value as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the Cell's value to a copy of aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the Cell's value to aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(char *)aString Sets the Cell's value to aString; will free the string when
shouldFree:(BOOL)flag freed if flag is YES
(const char *)stringValue Returns the Cell's value as a string

Interacting with Other Cells

takeDoubleValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's doubleValue
takeFloatValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's floatValue
takeIntValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's intValue
takeStringValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's stringValue

Modifying Text Attributes

setAlignment:(int)mode Sets the alignment of text in the Cell to mode
(int)alignment Returns the alignment of text in the Cell
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to display text in the Cell to fontObject
font Returns the Font used to display text in the Cell
setEditable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell's text is editable
(BOOL)isEditable Returns whether the Cell's text is editable
setSelectable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell's text is selectable
(BOOL)isSelectable Returns whether the Cell's text is selectable
setScrollable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell scrolls to follow typing
(BOOL)isScrollable Returns whether the Cell scrolls to follow typing
setTextAttributes:textObject Sets Text parameters for drawing or editing
setWrap:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell's text is word-wrapped

Editing Text

edit:(const NXRect *)aRect Allows text editing in response to a mouse-down event
event:(NXEvent *)theEvent
endEditing:textObject Ends any text editing occurring in the Cell
select:(const NXRect *)aRect Allows text selection in response to a mouse-down event

Validating Input

setEntryType:(int)aType Sets the type of data the user can type into the Cell
(int)entryType Returns the type of data the user can type into the Cell
(BOOL)isEntryAcceptable:(const char *)aString Returns whether aString is acceptable for the entry type

Formatting Data

setFloatingPointFormat:(BOOL)autoRange Sets the display format for floating point values

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isBezeled Returns whether the Cell has a bezeled border
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell has a plain border
(BOOL)isBordered Returns whether Cell has a plain border
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether the Cell is opaque

Setting Parameters

setParameter:(int)aParameter to:(int)value Sets various Cell flags
(int)getParameter:(int)aParameter Returns various Cell flag values


controlView Implemented by subclasses to return the View last drawn in
drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the area within the Cell's border in aView
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the Cell in aView
highlight:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Highlights the Cell according to flag in aView
(BOOL)isHighlighted Returns whether the Cell is highlighted

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Implemented by subclasses to set the action method
(SEL)action Implemented by subclasses to return the action method
setTarget:anObject Implemented by subclasses to set the target object
target Implemented by subclasses to return the target object
setContinuous:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell continuously sends action
(BOOL)isContinuous Returns whether the Cell continuously sends action
(int)sendActionOn:(int)mask Determines when the action is sent while tracking

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt Implemented by subclasses to set an identifier tag
(int)tag Implemented by subclasses to return the identifier tag

Handling Keyboard Alternatives

(unsigned short)keyEquivalent Implemented by subclasses to return a key equivalent

Tracking the Mouse

+ (BOOL)prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp Returns NO, so tracking stops when the mouse leaves the Cell; subclasses may override
(int)mouseDownFlags Returns the event flags set at the start of mouse tracking
getPeriodicDelay:(float*)delay Returns repeat values for continuous sending of the action
(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Controls tracking behavior of the Cell
inRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame
(BOOL)startTrackingAt:(const NXPoint *)startPoint
inView:aView Determines whether tracking should begin based on startPoint within aView
(BOOL)continueTracking:(const NXPoint *)lastPoint
at:(const NXPoint *)currentPoint Returns whether tracking should continue based on
inView:aView lastPoint and currentPoint within aView
stopTracking:(const NXPoint *)lastPoint Allows the Cell to update itself to end tracking, based on
at:(const NXPoint *)stopPoint lastPoint, stopPoint, within aView; flag is YES if the
inView:aView this method was invoked because mouse went up

Managing the Cursor

resetCursorRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Sets text Cells to show I-beam cursor


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Cell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Cell to stream
awake Reinitializes the Cell after being read


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing the Class

+ initialize Initializes the ClipView class

Initializing and Freeing a ClipView

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new ClipView instance
free Releases the ClipView's storage

Modifying the Frame Rectangle

moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves the origin of the frame rectangle
rotateTo:(NXCoord)angle Overridden to disable rotation
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the ClipView's frame

Modifying the Coordinate System

rotate:(NXCoord)angle Overriden to disable rotation
scale:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Rescales the coordinate system
setDrawOrigin:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Sets the origin of the coordinate system
setDrawRotation:(NXCoord)angle Disables rotation of the coordinate system
setDrawSize:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Scales the coordinate system
translate:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Shifts the coordinate system

Managing Component Views

docView Returns the ClipView's document view
setDocView:aView Makes aView the ClipView's document view
getDocRect:(NXRect *)aRect Returns the document rectangle
getDocVisibleRect:(NXRect *)aRect Gets the visible portion of the document view
resetCursorRects Resets the cursor rectangle for the document view
setDocCursor:anObj Sets the cursor for the document view

Modifying Graphic Attributes and Displaying

(float)backgroundGray Returns the ClipView's background gray
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the ClipView's background gray
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the ClipView's background color
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color Sets the ClipView's background color
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int )rectCount Fills the background gray where needed


autoscroll:(NXEvent *)theEvent Scrolls in response to mouse-dragged events
constrainScroll:(NXPoint *)newOrigin Prevents scrolling to an undesirable position
rawScroll:(const NXPoint *)newOrigin Lowest-level unconstrained scrolling routine
setCopyOnScroll:(BOOL)flag Sets how the visible areas are redrawn
setDisplayOnScroll:(BOOL)flag Sets how the document view is displayed during scrolling

Coordinating with Other Views

descendantFlipped:sender Notification that the document's orientation has changed
descendantFrameChanged:sender Notification that the document's frame has changed


awake Initializes the ClipView after unarchiving
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the ClipView from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the ClipView to the typed stream

Implemented by ClipView's Superview

reflectScroll:aClipView Notifies the superview to update indicators
scrollClip:aClipView to:(const NXPoint *)aPoint
Notifies the superview of a scroll


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing a Control

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Control
free Deallocates the Control

Setting the Control's Cell

+ setCellClass:classId Implemented by subclasses to set the Cell class used
setCell:aCell Sets the Control's Cell to aCell
cell Returns the Control's Cell

Enabling and Disabling the Control

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Control reacts to mouse events
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the Control reacts to mouse events

Identifying the Selected Cell

selectedCell Returns the Control's selected Cell
(int)selectedTag Returns the tag of the Control's selected Cell

Setting the Control's Value

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble Sets the Control's  value to aDouble
(double)doubleValue Returns the Control's value as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets the Control's  value to aFloate
(float)floatValue Returns the Control's value as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the Control's  value to anInt
(int)intValue Returns the Control's value as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the Control's  value to aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the Control's  value to aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(char *)aString Sets the Control's  value to aString
(const char *)stringValue Returns the Control's value as a string

Interacting with Other Controls

takeDoubleValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's doubleValue
takeFloatValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's floatValue
takeIntValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's intValue
takeStringValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's stringValue

Formatting Text

setAlignment:(int)mode Sets the alignment of text in the Control to mode
(int)alignment Returns the alignment of text in the Control
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw text in the Control to fontObject
font Returns the Font used to draw text in the Control
setFloatingPointFormat:(BOOL)autoRange Sets the display format for floating point values

Managing the Field Editor

abortEditing Aborts editing of text displayed by the Control
currentEditor Returns the object used to edit text in the Control
validateEditing Validates the user's changes to editable text

Managing the Cursor

resetCursorRects Sets text-bearing Controls to show an I-beam cursor

Resizing the Control

calcSize Recalculates internal size information
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the Control to width and height
sizeToFit Resizes the Control to fit its Cell

Displaying the Control and Cell

drawCell:aCell Redraws aCell if it's the Control's Cell
drawCellInside:aCell Redraws aCell's inside if it's the Control's Cell
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the Control
selectCell:aCell Selects aCell if it's the Control's cell
update Redisplays the Control or marks it for later redisplay
updateCell:aCell Redisplays aCell or marks it for redisplay
updateCellInside:aCell Redisplays the inside of aCell or marks it for redisplay

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the Control's action method to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the Control's action method
setTarget:anObject Sets the Control's target object to anObject
target Returns the Control's target object
setContinuous:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Control continuously sends its action
(BOOL)isContinuous Returns whether the Control continuously sends its action
sendAction:(SEL)theAction to:theTarget Has the Application object send theAction to theTarget
(int)sendActionOn:(int)mask Determines when the action is sent while tracking

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt Sets the Control's tag to anInt
(int)tag Returns the Control's tag

Tracking the Mouse

ignoreMultiClick:(BOOL)flag Sets whether multiple clicks are ignored
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles a mouse-down event in the Control
(int)mouseDownFlags Returns flags in effect at beginning of tracking


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Control from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Control to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing the Class Object

+ initialize Performed automatically at start-up
+ useFont:(const char *)fontName Registers that fontName is used in the document

Creating and Freeing a Font Object

+ newFont:(const char *)fontName Returns the specified Font object
+ newFont:(const char *)fontName Returns the specified Font object
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix
+ newFont:(const char *)fontName Returns the specified Font object
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix
+ boldSystemFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the bold system
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
+ userFixedPitchFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the application's
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix fixed-pitch font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
+ userFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the application's
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix standard font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
+ systemFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the system
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
free Has no effect

Querying the Font Object

(const float *)displayName Returns the full name of the font
(const float *)familyName Returns the name of the font's family
(const char *)name Returns the name of the font
(int)fontNum Returns the Window Server's font number
(float)getWidthOf:(const char *)string Returns the width of string in this font
(BOOL)hasMatrix Returns whether font differs from identity matrix
(const float *)matrix Returns a pointer to the font matrix
(NXFontMetrics *)metrics Returns pointer to a record of font information
(float)pointSize Returns the size of the font in points
(NXFontMetrics *)readMetrics:(int)flags Reads flags information into the font record
screenFont Returns the screen font for this font
(int)style Returns the font style

Setting the Font

set Makes this font the graphic state's current font
setStyle:(int)aStyle Sets the Font's style
+ setUserFixedPitchFont:(Font *)aFont Sets the fixed-pitch font used by default in the application
+ setUserFont:(Font *)aFont Sets the standard font used by default in the application


awake Reinitializes the Font object
finishUnarchiving Checks whether the Font object already exists
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Font object from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Font object to the typed stream


Inherits From: Object

Creating a FontManager

+ new Returns the application-wide FontManager

Converting Fonts

convertFont:fontObj Converts the font in response to changeFont:
convertWeight:(BOOL)upFlag of:fontObj Raises or lowers the weight of the font
convert:fontObj toFace:(const char *)typeface Converts the font to the specified typeface
convert:fontObj toFamily:(const char *)family Converts the font to the specified family
convert:fontObj toSize:(float)size Converts the font to the specified point size
convert:fontObj Converts the font to have the specified trait
convert:fontObj Converts the font to remove the specified trait
findFont:(const char *)family Tries to find a font that matches the specified characteristics
getFamily:(const char **)family Provides the characteristics of the given fontObj
traits:(NXFontTraitMask *)traits
weight:(int *)weight
size:(float *)size

Setting Parameters

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the action sent by the FontManager
+ setFontPanelFactory:classId Sets the class used to create the Font panel
+ setFontManagerFactory:classId Sets the class used to create the font manager
setSelFont:fontObj isMultiple:(BOOL)flag Notifies FontManager of selection's current font
setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Enables and disables the Font panel and menu

Querying Parameters

(SEL)action Gets the action sent by the FontManager
(char **)availableFonts Provides a list of all available fonts
getFontMenu:(BOOL)create Returns the Font menu
getFontPanel:(BOOL)create Returns the Font panel
(BOOL)isMultiple Returns whether selection contains multiple fonts
selFont Returns the first font in the current selection
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the Font panel and menu are enabled

Target and Action Methods

modifyFont:sender Converts current selection's font
addFontTrait:sender Causes trait to be added to font in current selection
removeFontTrait:sender Causes trait to be removed from font in current selection
modifyFontViaPanel:sender Converts font according to Font panel settings
orderFrontFontPanel:sender Orders the FontPanel front
sendAction Dispatches action message up responder chain

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Sets the FontManager's delegate
delegate: Returns the FontManager's delegate

Archiving the FontManager

finishUnarchiving Finishes unarchiving by creating the FontManager


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating a FontPanel

+ new Returns a FontPanel object
+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Returns a FontPanel object

Setting the Font

setPanelFont:fontObj isMultiple:(BOOL)flag Sets the Font panel's current font
panelConvertFont:fontObj Converts fontObj to the user's choice from the panel

Configuring the FontPanel

accessoryView Returns the application-customized view
setAccessoryView:aView Adds application-customized View to the FontPanel
setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Enables and disables the FontPanel's Set button
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the FontPanel's Set button is enabled
(BOOL)worksWhenModal Returns whether FontPanel works when another window is modal

Editing the FontPanel's Fields

textDidEnd:textObject Detects completion of size field editing
endChar:(unsigned short)endChar
textDidGetKeys:textObject isEmpty:(BOOL)flag
Detects empty size field

Displaying the FontPanel

orderWindow:(int)place relativeTo:(int)otherWin
Repositions panel and updates it if necessary

Resizing the FontPanel

windowWillResize:sender Constrains FontPanel resizing
toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize


Inherits From: Matrix : Control : View : Responder : Object

Setting Form's Cell Class

+ setCellClass:classId Sets the subclass of Cell used by Form

Initializing a Form

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Form in frameRect

Laying Out the Form

addEntry:(const char *)title Adds a new entry with title as its title at the end of the Form
addEntry:(const char *)title Adds a new entry with title as its title at the end of the Form
tag:(int)anInt and sets its tag, target, and action
insertEntry:(const char *)title at:(int)index Inserts a new entry with title as its title at index
insertEntry:(const char *)title Inserts a new entry with title as its title at index and sets
at:(int)index its tag, target, and action
removeEntryAt:(int)index Removes the entry at index
setInterline:(NXCoord)spacing Sets the spacing between entries

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt at:(int)index Sets the tag of the entry at index to anInt

Finding Indices

(int)findIndexWithTag:(int)aTag Returns the index for the entry with tag aTag
(int)selectedIndex Returns the index of the currently selected entry

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether entries have a bezeled border
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the entries have a plain border
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw both titles and text
setTitleFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw entry titles
setTextFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw entry text
setTitleAlignment:(int)mode Sets how titles are aligned
setTextAlignment:(int)mode Sets how text is aligned within the entries

Setting Item Titles

setTitle:(const char *)aString at:(int)index Sets the title of the entry at index to aString
(const char *)titleAt:(int)index Returns the title of the entry at index

Setting Item Values

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble at:(int)index Sets the value of the entry at index to aDouble
(double)doubleValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat at:(int)index Sets the value of the entry at index to aFloat
(float)floatValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt at:(int)index Sets the value of the entry at index to anInt
(int)intValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString at:(int)index
Sets the value of the entry at index to a aString
(const char *)stringValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as a string

Editing Text

selectTextAt:(int)index Selects the text in the entry at index

Resizing the Form

calcSize Recalculates title positions in the Form
setEntryWidth:(NXCoord)width Sets the width of all the entries
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the Form and updates the widths of its entries
sizeToFit Modifies the Form's frame to fit its entries


drawCellAt:(int)index Displays the Cell at the specified index

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector at:(int)index Sets the action method of the entry at index to aSelector
setTarget:anObject at:(int)index Sets the target object of the entry at index to anObject


Inherits From: ActionCell : Cell : Object

Initializing, Copying, and Freeing a FormCell

init Initializes a new FormCell with "Field" as its title
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new FormCell with aString as its title
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the FormCell allocated from zone
free Deallocates the FormCell

Determining a FormCell's Size

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Calculates the FormCell's size within aRect
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect

Enabling the FormCell

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the FormCell reacts to events

Modifying the Title

setTitle:(const char *)aString Sets the FormCell's title to aString
(const char *)title Returns the FormCell's title
setTitleFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw the title
titleFont Returns the Font used to draw the title
setTitleAlignment:(int)mode Sets the alignment of the title
(int)titleAlignment Returns the alignment of the title
setTitleWidth:(NXCoord)width Sets the width of the FormCell's title field to width
(NXCoord)titleWidth:(const NXSize *)aSize Returns the width of the title, constrained to aSize
(NXCoord)titleWidth Returns the width of the title

Modifying Graphic Attributes

(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether the FormCell is opaque


drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the editable text portion of the cell
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the entire FormCell

Managing Cursor Rectangles

resetCursorRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Resets the cursor rectangle so that the cursor becomes an
inView:controlView I-beam when over the editable portion of the FormCell

Tracking the Mouse

(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent*)event Overrides Cell's method to allow editing
inRect:(const NXRect*)aRect


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the FormCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the FormCell to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing the Class

+ initialize Sets up a table of understood messages

Initializing a New Listener Instance

init Initializes the Listener after it's allocated

Freeing a Listener

free Deallocates the Listener and its ports

Setting Up a Listener

addPort Sets procedure to receive messages at port
removePort Removes procedure that receives messages
(int)checkInAs:(const char *)name Allocates a port and registers it as name
(int)usePrivatePort Allocates a port but doesn't register it
(int)checkOut Unregisters the port, making it private
(port_t)listenPort Returns the Listener's port
(port_t)signaturePort Returns the port used to validate the Listener
(const char *)portName Returns registered name of the Listener's port
setPriority:(int)level Sets the priority for receiving messages to level
(int)priority Returns priority level for receiving messages
setTimeout:(int)ms Sets how long to wait on sending reply
(int)timeout Returns how long to wait on sending reply
+ run Enables Listener in absence of an Application object

Providing for Program Control

(int)msgCalc:(int *)flag Receives message to update the current window
(int)msgCopyAsType:(const char *)aType Receives message to copy the selection
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgCutAsType:(const char *)aType Receives message to cut selection as aType data
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgDirectory:(char *const *)fullPath Receives message asking for the current directory
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgFile:(char *const *)fullPath Receives message asking for the current document
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgPaste:(int *)flag Receives message to paste data from pasteboard
(int)msgPosition:(char *const *)aString Receives message requesting selection information
posType:(int *)anInt
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgPrint:(const char *)fullPath Receives message to print the fullPath file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgQuit:(int *)flag Receives a remote message to quit
(int)msgSelection:(char *const *)bytes Receives message requesting the current selection
length:(int *)numBytes
asType:(const char *)aType
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgSetPosition:(const char *)aString Receives message to scroll so aString is visible
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgVersion:(char *const *)aString Receives message requesting version information
ok:(int *)flag

Receiving Remote Messages

messageReceived:(NXMessage *)msg Receives messages at the Listener's port
(int)performRemoteMethod:(NXRemoteMethod *)method
paramList:(NXParamValue *)params Performs Listener's remote method
(NXRemoteMethod *)remoteMethodFor:(SEL)aSelector
Looks up remote method for aSelector

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the Listener's delegate
delegate Returns the Listener's delegate
setServicesDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the receiver of service requests
servicesDelegate Returns the object that receives service requests


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Listener from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Listener to stream


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Initializing the Matrix Class

+ initialize Initializes the Matrix class
+ setCellClass:classId Sets the default class used to make Cells

Initializing and Freeing a Matrix

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Matrix object in frameRect
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Matrix object in frameRect,
mode:(int)aMode with aMode as the selection mode,
cellClass:classId classId as the class used to make new Cells,
numRows:(int)numRows and having numRows rows
numCols:(int)numCols and numCols columns
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Matrix object with the given values
mode:(int)aMode with aMode as the selection mode,
prototype:aCell aCell as the prototype copied to make new Cells,
numRows:(int)numRows and having numRows rows
numCols:(int)numCols and numCols columns
free Deallocates the Matrix and all its Cells

Setting the Selection Mode

setMode:(int)aMode Sets the selection mode of the Matrix
(int)mode Returns the selection mode of the Matrix

Configuring the Matrix

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Matrix reacts to events
setEmptySelectionEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether there may be no Cells selected
(BOOL)isEmptySelectionEnabled Returns whether there may be no Cells selected
setSelectionByRect:(BOOL)flag Sets whether a user can drag a rectangular selection
(the default is YES)
(BOOL)isSelectionByRect Returns whether a user can drag a rectangular selection

Setting the Cell class

setCellClass:classId Sets the subclass of Cell used to make new Cells
setPrototype:aCell Sets the prototype Cell copied to make new Cells
prototype Returns the prototype Cell copied to make new Cells

Laying Out the Matrix

addCol Adds a new column of Cells to the bottom of the Matrix
addRow Adds a new row of Cells to the right of the Matrix
insertColAt:(int)col Inserts a new column of Cells at col, creating as many as needed to make the Matrix col columns wide
insertRowAt:(int)row Inserts a new row of Cells at row, creating as many as needed to make the Matrix row rows wide
removeColAt:(int)col andFree:(BOOL)flag Removes the column at col, freeing the Cells if flag is YES
removeRowAt:(int)row andFree:(BOOL)flag Removes the row at row, freeing the Cells if flag is YES
makeCellAt:(int)row :(int)col Creates a new Cell at row, col in the Matrix and returns it
putCell:newCell at:(int)row :(int)col Replaces Cell at row and col with newCell; returns old Cell
renewRows:(int)newRows cols:(int)newCols Changes the number of rows and columns in Matrix without freeing any Cells
setCellSize:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the width and height of all Cells in the Matrix
getCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Gets the width and height of Cells in the Matrix
getCellFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the frame of the Cell at row and col
setIntercell:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the vertical and horizontal spacing between Cells
getIntercell:(NXSize *)theSize Gets the vertical and horizontal spacing between Cells
(int)cellCount Returns the number of Cells in the Matrix
getNumRows:(int *)rowCount Gets the number of rows and columns in the Matrix
numCols:(int *)colCount

Finding Matrix Coordinates

getRow:(int *)row Gets the row and col position of aCell
andCol:(int *)col
getRow:(int *)row Gets the row and col position corresponding to aPoint, and
andCol:(int *)col returns the Cell at that point
forPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint

Modifying Individual Cells

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the icon for the Cell at row and col to the NXImage
at:(int)row named iconName
setState:(int)value at:(int)row :(int)col Sets the state of the Cell at row and col to value
setTitle:(const char *)aString at:(int)row :(int)col
Assigns Cell at row and col the title aString
setTag:(int)anInt at:(int)row :(int)col Assigns the Cell at row and col the tag anInt
setTag:(int)anInt Assigns a tag, target, and action to the specified Cell

Selecting Cells

selectCell:aCell Selects the Cell aCell if it is in the Matrix
selectCellAt:(int)row :(int)col Selects the Cell at row and col
selectCellWithTag:(int)anInt Selects the Cell with the tag anInt
setSelectionFrom:(int)startPos Selects the Cells in the Matrix from startPos to endPos,
to:(int)endPos counting in row order from the upper left, as though
anchor:(int)anchorPos anchorPos were the number of the last Cell selected,
lit:(BOOL)flag and highlighting the Cells according to flag
selectAll:sender Selects all the Cells in the Matrix
selectedCell Returns the last (lowest and rightmost) selected Cell
getSelectedCells:(List *)aList Puts the selected Cells into aList and returns the List
(int)selectedCol Returns the column of the selected Cell
(int)selectedRow Returns the row of the selected Cell
clearSelectedCell Deselects the selected Cell

Finding Cells

findCellWithTag:(int)anInt Returns the Cell with anInt as its tag
cellAt:(int)row :(int)col Returns the Cell at row row and column col
cellList Returns the Matrix's List of Cells

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the background between Cells to aColor
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the color of the background between Cells
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the background between Cells to value
(float)backgroundGray Returns the gray of the background between Cells
setCellBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the background within Cells to aColor
(NXColor)cellBackgroundColor Returns the color of the background within Cells
setCellBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the background within Cells to value
(float)cellBackgroundGray Returns the gray of the background within Cells
setBackgroundTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the background between Cells is transparent