Copyright ©1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Defined Types
N3DProjectionType |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | typedef enum { N3D_Perspective, N3D_Orthographic |
} N3DProjectionType |
DESCRIPTION Used to set and test the projection type of an N3DCamera. |
N3DLightType |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | typedef enum { N3D_AmbientLight, N3D_PointLight, N3D_DistantLight, N3D_SpotLight |
} N3DLightType |
DESCRIPTION Used to set and test the light type of an N3DLight. |
N3DAxis |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | typedef enum { N3D_AllAxes, N3D_XAxis, N3D_YAxis, N3D_ZAxis, N3D_XYAxes, N3D_XZAxes, N3D_YZAxes |
} N3DAxis |
DESCRIPTION Used to determine the combination of axes about which a matrix is rotated by N3DRotator objects. |
N3DHider |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | typedef enum { N3D_HiddenRendering = 0, N3D_InOrderRendering, N3D_NoRendering |
} N3DHider |
DESCRIPTION Used to set the hider algorithm used by N3DCamera and N3DImageRep objects. |
N3DShapeName |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/N3DShape.h |
SYNOPSIS | typedef struct { |
char | id[6]; | |
char | name; | |
} N3DShapeName |
DESCRIPTION The name and id of the shape as character strings (used for picking shapes). |
N3DSurfaceType |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | typedef enum { N3D_PointCloud = 0, N3D_WireFrame, N3D_ShadedWireFrame, N3D_FacetedSolids, N3D_SmoothSolids |
} N3DSurfaceType |
DESCRIPTION Used to set the surface type applied to N3DShape and N3DRIBImageRep objects. |
SLOArgs |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/N3DShader.h |
SYNOPSIS | typedef struct { |
SLO_VISSYMDEF symb; union { float fval; RtPoint pval; NXColor cval; char *sval; } value; } SLOArgs |
DESCRIPTION The union that represents shader language function arguments. |
Symbolic Constants
Matrix Constants |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/N3DShape.h |
DESCRIPTION These constants track the status of an N3DShape's composite transformation matrix and its inverse. |
Global Variables
N3DIdentityMatrix |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | const RtMatrix N3DIdentityMatrix |
DESCRIPTION Assigned the values representing a normalized matrix when 3D Kit applications are initialized: |
{{1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 1}}
N3DOrigin |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | const RtPoint N3DOrigin |
DESCRIPTION Assigned the value {0, 0, 0} when 3D Kit applications are initialized. |
N3DRIBPboardType |
DECLARED IN 3Dkit/next3d.h |
SYNOPSIS | NXAtom N3DRIBPboardType |
DESCRIPTION Pasteboard for copying RIB data. |