Enterprise Objects Framework Release 1.0 Copyright ©1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From: NSObject
Declared In: foundation/NSNotification.h

Class Description

The NSNotificationCenter class defines the behavior of notification-center objects (or simply, notification centers). A notification center is essentially a notification dispatch table. It notifies all observers of notifications meeting the specific criteria of notification name and object. Client objects register themselves as observers of a specific notification originating in another object. When the condition occurs to signal a notification, that other object notifies all of its observers by posting an appropriate notification object to the notification center. (See the class specification of NSNotification for more on notification objects.)   The notification center dispatches a message to each observer (using the selector provided by the observer), with the notification as the sole argument.

As an example, suppose you have an array of text-converter objects (for instance, MIF to RTF or RTF to ASCII), whose services a word-processing application can access. The word-processing application has a client object that wants to be notified when converter objects are added to or removed from the array, allowing the application to reflect the available options in its menus. The application would register itself as an observer by sending the following message to the notification center:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
notificationName:@"NSConvertersChanged" object:converterArray];

When a user installs or removes a converter, the object managing the array sends the following message to the notification center:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"NSConvertersChanged" object:self];

The notification center identifies all observers of converterArray who are interested in the NSConvertersChanged notification and invokes the method they specified in the selector argument of addObserver:selector:notificationName:object. In the case of our example observer, that is updateConvMenu:

updateConvMenu:(NSNotification *)notification
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[notification object]
id object;

while (object = [enumerator nextObject]) {
// update menu ...
// ...

There is one notification center per task. Subclassing NSNotificationCenter is not recommended.

Instance Variables

None declared in this class.

Method Types

Accessing the default center + defaultCenter
Adding and removing observers addObserver:selector:notificationName:object:
Posting notifications postNotification:

Class Methods

+ (NSNotificationCenter *)defaultCenter

Returns the notification-center object for the current task.

Instance Methods

notificationName:(NSString *)notificationName

By invoking this method, an object that wants to be notified of a notification registers itself as an observer of the object originating the notification. The method selector specified in aSelector must have one and only one argument (which, by default, is the notification object). If notificationName is nil, the notification center notifies the observer of all notifications with an object matching anObject. If anObject is nil, the notification center notifies the object of all notifications with the notification name, regardless of object. This method does not return anything.

The notification center does not retain the observer object or the object specified in anObject. Therefore, you should always send removeObserver: to the notification center before invalidating these objects.

See also:  removeObserver:


(void)postNotification:(NSNotification *)aNotification

Posts the notification object aNotification to the notification center. You can create this object with the NSNotification class method notificationWithName:object:.

See also:  postNotificationName:object:


(void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)notificationName object:anObject

Creates a notification name notificationName from originating object anObject and posts it to the notification center. This method is the preferred one for posting notifications. To post anonymously, make anObject nil.

See also:  postNotification:



Removes the anObserver object from all notification associations in the notification center. Be sure to invoke this method (or removeObserver:notificationName:object:) before deallocating the observer object or any object specified in addObserver:selector:notificationName:object:.

See also:  addObserver:selector:notificationName:object:, removeObserver:notificationName:object:


notificationName:(NSString *)notificationName

Removes all anObserver objects with the same notificationName and anObject (even when anObject is nil) from the notification center. Be sure to invoke this method (or removeObserver:) before deallocating the observer object or any object specified in addObserver:selector:notificationName:object:.

See also:  addObserver:selector:notificationName:object:, removeObserver: