Enterprise Objects Framework Release 1.0 Copyright ©1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From: NSObject
Declared In: foundation/NSException.h

Class Description

Assertion failures offer a convenient way to check for assertions. The NSAssertionHandler class manages assertion failures. Each thread has its own assertion-handler object, which usually work in coordination with a group of assertion macros. These macros evaluate a condition and, if the condition evaluates to false, call the assertion handler for the current thread, passing it a format string and a variable number of arguments.

The assertion macros come in two sorts, some for Objective-C methods and others for C functions. Two methods of NSAssertionHandler mirror this division; handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description: is used for assertion failures occurring within methods, while handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:description handles assertion failures occurring in C functions. Both methods begin by logging an error message with NSLog(); the only difference in the message is method selector and object (handleFailureInMethod:...), and function name (handleFailureInFunction:...). Then both methods raise an exception of NSInternalInconsistencyException.

Usually for assertions, you need only use the assertion macros NSAssert(), NSCAssert(), and other related macros, which incorporate the appropriate NSAssertionHandler methods.

Instance Variables

None declared in this class.

Method Types

Getting the thread's handler + currentHandler
Handling assertion failures handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:description:

Class Methods

+  (NSAssertionHandler *)currentHandler

Returns the assertion handler for the current thread.

Instance Methods

(void)handleFailureInFunction:(NSString *)functionName
file:(NSString *)fileName
description:(NSString *)formattedString,

This method logs an error message that includes the function, file, and line number and then raises an exception.


file:(NSString *)fileName
description:(NSString *)formattedString,

This method logs an error message that includes the class, method, file, and line number and then raises an exception.