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 * nilist
 * usage: nilist domain directory
 * compile with: cc -o nilist nilist.c
 * Similar to "niutil -list domain directory [key]"
 * Sample output:
 *    myhost> nilist . /users 
 *    25       "root"
 *    27       "nobody"
 *    29       "agent"
 *    31       "daemon"
 *    33       "uucp"
 *    35       "news"
 *    37       "sybase"
 *    39       "me"
 *    myhost> nilist . /users uid
 *    25       "0"
 *    27       "-2"
 *    29       "1"
 *    31       "1"
 *    33       "4"
 *    35       "6"
 *    37       "8"
 *    39       "20"
 * Author: Marc Majka
 * You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.  
 * NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to 
 * its fitness for any particular use.

#import <ansi/stdio.h>
#import <bsd/errno.h>
#import <netinfo/ni.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int             en, vn;
    ni_entrylist    elist;
    ni_entry        entry;
    ni_namelist     values;
    void            *dom;
    ni_id           dir;    
    ni_status       ret;
    char            listkey[256];

    /* check usage */
    if (argc < 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s domain directory [key]\n", argv[0]);

    /* argv[1] should be a domain name */
    ret = ni_open(NULL, argv[1], &dom);
    if (ret != NI_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ni_open: %s\n", ni_error(ret));

    /* argv[2] should be a directory specification */
    ret = ni_pathsearch(dom, &dir, argv[2]);
    if (ret != NI_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ni_pathsearch: %s\n", ni_error(ret));

    /* if there's a third argument, it's a property key */
    /* by default, we'll list directories by name */
    if (argc > 3) {
        strcpy(listkey, argv[3]);
    else {
        strcpy(listkey, "name");

    /* get the values of the specified key for all subdirectories */
    ret = ni_list(dom, &dir, listkey, &elist);
    if (ret != NI_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ni_list: %s\n", ni_error(ret));

    /* for each entry */
    for (en = 0; en <  elist.ni_entrylist_len; en++) {

        entry = elist.ni_entrylist_val[en];

        /* print the directory ID */

        /* entries contain a pointer to a namelist of values */
		/* if there are no values for the key, the pointer is null */
		if (entry.names != NULL) {
      	  values = *entry.names;

     	   /* for each value in the namelist for this property */
    	    for (vn = 0; vn < values.ni_namelist_len; vn++) {
     	       /* print the value enclosed in quotes */
       	     printf(" \"%s\"", values.ni_namelist_val[vn]);

    /* clean up */


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