Copyright ©1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Indexing Kit



Inherits From: Object

Initializing an Instance

init Initializes and returns a new IXAttributeParser

Managing Readers

setAttributeReaders:(List *)aList Sets the  IXAttributeReaders to those in aList, freeing the previous IXAttributeReaders
getAttributeReaders:(List *)aList Returns in aList the IXAttributeReaders

Managing Text Stream Types

(BOOL)understandsType:(const char *)aType Returns YES if streams or files of aType are parsed
addSourceType:(const char *)aType Sets aType as a type that will be parsed
removeSourceType:(const char *)aType Unsets aType as a type that will be parsed

Managing Parse Options

setMinimumWeight:(unsigned int)anInt Sets the minimum weight for a token to be included
(unsigned int)minimumWeight Returns the minimum weight for a token to be included
setPercentPassed:(unsigned int)anInt Sets the percent of tokens dropped
(unsigned int)percentPassed Returns the percent of tokens dropped
setWeightingDomain:(IXWeightingDomain *)aDomain
Sets the weighting domain for caluculating peculiarities
(IXWeightingDomain *)weightingDomain Returns the weighting domain
setWeightingType:(IXWeightingType)anInt Sets the type of weighting to calculate
(IXWeightingType)weightingType Returns the type of weighting calculated

Parsing Text

parseFile:(const char *)filename Parses the contents of filename if possible, adding the
ofType:(const char *)aType information to the attribute-value list
parseStream:(NXStream *)stream Parses the contents of stream if possible, adding the
ofType:(const char *)aType information to the attribute-value list
(NXStream *)analyzeFile:(const char *)filename Parses the contents of filename if possible, adding the
ofType:(const char *)aType information and returning the analyzed stream
(NXStream *)analyzeStream:(NXStream *)stream Parses the contents of stream if possible, adding the
ofType:(const char *)aType information and returning the analyzed stream
reset Clears all compiled information in the attribute-value list


Inherits From: Object

Initializing an IXAttributeQuery

initQueryString:(const char *)aString
andAttributeParser:(IXAttributeParser *)aParser
Initializes a new IXAttributeQuery with aString as
the query expression and aParser used to parse it

Accessing Attributes

(char *)attributeNames Returns the names of attributes in the query string
(IXAttributeParser *)attributeParser Returns the IXAttributeParser

Retrieving the Query Expression

(const char *)queryString Returns the query string

Evaluating the Query

(IXPostingList *)evaluateFor:anObject Evaluates the query string against anObject, returning the records that match in an IXPostingList


Inherits From: Object

Analyzing a Stream of Text

(NXStream *)analyzeStream:(NXStream *)stream
Analyzes the text in stream, returning a stream of lexed text in Attribute Reader Format

Altering Words

(unsigned int)foldPlural:(char *)aString Reduces aString to its singular form
inLength:(unsigned int)aLength
(unsigned int)reduceStem:(char *)aString Reduces aString to its base or root form
inLength:(unsigned int)aLength

Setting Reader Options

setCaseFolded:(BOOL)flag Sets whether uppercase letters are changed to lowercase
(BOOL)isCaseFolded Returns whether uppercase letters are changed to lowercase
setPluralsFolded:(BOOL)flag Sets whether plural words are reduced to singular
(BOOL)arePluralsFolded Returns whether plural words are reduced to singular
setStemsReduced:(BOOL)flag Sets whether words are reduced to base or root forms
(BOOL)areStemsReduced Returns whether words are reduced to base or root forms
setPunctuation:(const char *)aString Sets the set of characters used to delimit tokens to aString
(char *)punctuation Returns the set of characters used to delimit tokens
setStopWords:(const char *)stopWords Sets the words that are deleted from a stream
(char *)stopWords Returns the words that are deleted from a stream


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: IXBlockAndStoreAccess

Accessing IXBTree Information

(unsigned int)count Returns the number of key-value pairs in the IXBTree
(unsigned int)keyLimit Returns the maximumn allowed length for a key

Affecting IXBTree Contents

empty Removes the contents of the IXBTree
compact Compacts the IXBTree's contents to consume less space

Optimizing Performance

optimizeForSpace Keeps the IXBTree small, making insertions slower but seeks faster
optimizeForTime Makes insertions faster, and seeks slower


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: IXCursorPositioning

Initializing an IXBTreeCursor

initWithBTree:(IXBTree *)aBTree Initializes a new IXBTreeCursor to move in aBTree

Accessing the IXBTree

(IXBTree *)btree Returns the IXBTree that the cursor moves in

Positioning with Hints

(BOOL)setKey:(void *)aKey Positions the IXBTreeCursor at aKey if possible,
andLength:(unsigned int)aLength using aHint to speed search; returns YES if aKey
withHint:(unsigned int)aHint is found
(BOOL)getKey:(void **)aKey Returns the position of the cursor in aKey and aLength;
andLength:(unsigned int *)aLength also returning in aHint a hint that can be used to speed
withHint:(unsigned int *)aHint later search; returns NO if the cursor is past the end of the IXBTree's key space

Accessing IXBTree Data

(BOOL)writeValue:(void *)aValue Writes or inserts aValue at the cursor's position
andLength:(unsigned int)aLength
writeRange:(void *)aRange Writes aRange into the value at the cursor's position;
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset if the cursor isn't exactly on a key, raises an exception
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength
(unsigned int)readValue:(void **)aValue Reads the value at the cursor's position and returns its length; slides forward if needed to get a value
(unsigned int)readRange:(void **)aRange Reads a portion of the value at the cursor's position and
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength returns its length; if the cursor isn't exactly on a key,
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset raises an exception
removeValue Removes the value at the cursor's position; if the cursor isn't exactly on a key, raises an exception


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: IXBlockAndStoreAccess

Initializing an IXFileFinder

initInStore:(IXStore *)aStore Initializes a new IXFileFinder in aStore to index files
atPath:(const char *)path in path
initFromBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Reloads an IXFileFinder from block aHandle in aStore
inStore:(IXStore *)aStore to index files in path
atPath:(const char *)path
initWithName:(const char *)aName Initializes a new IXFileFinder named aName in filename
inFile:(const char *)filename to index files in path
atPath:(const char *)path
initFromName:(const char *)aName Reloads an IXFileFinder stored under aName in filename,
inFile:(const char *)filename allowing writing back to the file according to flag,
forWriting:(BOOL)flag and set to index files in path
atPath:(const char *)path


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: NXTransport

Initializing a New Instance

initWithFileFinder:(IXFileFinder *)aFileFinder Initializes a new IXFileRecord for aFileFinder

Getting the File Finder

(IXFileFinder *)fileFinder Returns the IXFileFinder that the IXFileRecord belongs to

Accessing  File Attributes

setFilename:(const char *)aName Sets the filename that the IXFileRecord refers to to aName
(const char *)filename Returns the filename that the IXFileRecord refers to
setFiletype:(const char *)aType Sets the recorded type for the associated file to aType
(const char *)filetype Returns the recorded type for the associated file
setDescription:(const char *)aDescription Sets the description for the associated file to aName
(const char *)description Returns the description for the associated file
setFiledate:(unsigned int)aDate Sets the recorded creation date for the associated file to aDate
(unsigned int)filedate Returns the recorded creation date for the associated file

Accessing UNIX File Information

(const struct stat *)statBuffer Returns the cached UNIX stat buffer for the associated file, or NULL if one hasn't been cached


Inherits From: IXAttributeReader : Object
Conforms To: IXAttributeReading (IXAttributeReader)

Getting Language Information

+ (char *)installedLanguages Returns the languages for which readers are installed
+ (Class)classForLanguage:(const char *)aLanguage
Returns the IXLanguageReader subclass for aLanguage

Getting Objects Associated with Languages

+ readerForLanguage:(const char *)aLanguage Returns an IXLanguageReader for aLanguage
+ domainForLanguage:(const char *)aLanguage Returns an IXWeightingDomain for aLanguage

Getting the Target Language

+ (NXAtom)targetLanguage Returns the target language of the subclass
(NXAtom)targetLanguage Returns the target language of the reader

Disabling Dynamic Loading

+ disableLoading Disables dynamic loading of external language readers


Inherits From: IXBTreeCursor : Object
Conforms To: IXPostingExchange
IXCursorPositioning (IXBTreeCursor)


This class declares no methods.


Inherits From: List : Object
Conforms To: IXPostingExchange

Initializing an IXPostingList

initWithSource:(id <IXRecordReading>)aSource Initializes a new IXPostingList to extract objects from aSource
initWithSource:(id <IXRecordReading>)aSource
andPostingsIn:(id <IXPostingExchange>)anObject
Initializes a new IXPostingList to extract objects
from aSource and initially contain the postings in anObject

Retrieving the Source

(id <IXRecordReading>)source Returns the archive from which objects are extracted

Manipulating Objects by Handle

addHandle:(unsigned int)aHandle Adds a new posting to the end of the list
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight
insertHandle:(unsigned int)aHandle Inserts a new posting at index
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight
at:(unsigned int)index
replaceHandleAt:(unsigned int)index Replaces the posting at index with the information supplied
with:(unsigned int)aHandle
weight:(unsigned int)aWeight

Manipulating Objects by id

addObject:anObject Adds anObject to the end of the list with aWeight, but no
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight posting handle
insertObject:anObject Inserts anObject with aWeight at index, but without a
withWeight:(unsigned int)aWeight posting handle
at:(unsigned int)index
replaceObjectAt:(unsigned int)index Replaces the object at index with the object and weight
with:anObject supplied, but without a posting handle
weight:(unsigned int)aWeight

Manipulating Objects by Index

(unsigned int)indexForHandle:(unsigned int)handle
Returns the index of the posting with handle handle
(unsigned int)handleOfObjectAt:(unsigned int)index
Returns the handle for the posting at index
(unsigned int)weightOfObjectAt:(unsigned int)index
Returns the weight for the posting at index

Sorting the Contents

sortByWeightAscending:(BOOL)flag Sorts the postings and objects by their weight
sortBySelector:(SEL)aSelector Sorts the postings and objects based on the return values
ascending:(BOOL)flag of aSelector as sent to each object


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: IXPostingExchange

Initializing Instances

initCount:(unsigned int)count Inializes a new IXPostingSet to conatin count postings
andPostings:(const IXPosting *)postings
initWithPostingsIn:anObject Initializes a new IXPostingSet to contain the postings in anObject

Setting the Postings

setCount:(unsigned int)count Sets the postings in the IXPostingSet to count postings,
andPostings:(const IXPosting *)postings copying them if flag is YES

Accessing Postings by Position

(unsigned int)setPosition:(unsigned int)index Sets the selected posting to the one at position index

Performing Set Operations

formUnionWithPostingsIn:(id <IXPostingExchange>)anObject
Performs a set union with the postings in anObject, altering the IXPostingSet's contents but not anObject's
formIntersectionWithPostingsIn:(id <IXPostingExchange>)anObject
Performs a set intersection with the postings in anObject, altering the IXPostingSet's contents but not anObject's
subtractPostingsIn:(id <IXPostingExchange>)anObject
Performs a set subtraction with the postings in anObject, altering the IXPostingSet's contents but not anObject's


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: IXBlockAndStoreAccess

Adding and Removing Attributes

addAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName Creates an attribute named aName, based on the values
forSelector:(SEL)aSelector returned by objects sent aSelector
(BOOL)hasAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName Returns whether an attribute named aName exists
removeAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName Removes the attribute named aName

Key Comparison

setComparisonFormat:(const char *)aFormat Sets the data format used for values in the attribute named
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName aName
(const char *)comparisonFormatForAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName
Returns the data format used for values in the attribute named aName
setComparator:(IXComparator *)aComparator Sets the comparator function and context  used for values
andContext:(const void *)aContext in the attribute named aName
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName
getComparator:(IXComparator **)aComparator Returns the comparator function and context  used for
andContext:(const void **)aContext values in the attribute named aName
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName

Setting Attribute Targets

setTargetClass:aClass Restricts the attribute named aName to contain references
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName only to objects of class aClass (or a subclass)
getTargetName:(const char **)aName Returns the name and class version of the target class for
andVersion:(unsigned int *)targetVersion the attribute named aName
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName

Accessing Attributes

(IXPostingCursor *)cursorForAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName
Returns an IXPostingCursor that may be used to search for values for the attribute named aName

Getting Attribute Information

(SEL)selectorForAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName
Returns the selector used to build the attribute named aName
(char *)attributeNames Returns the names of all attributes in the IXRecordManager

Accessing Classes

(char *)classNames Returns the names of all classes that have instances stored in the IXRecordManager
(char *)attributeNamesForClass:aClass Returns the names of the attributes in the IXRecordManager that contain references to instances of aClass (or a subclass)
(IXPostingList *)recordsForClass:aClass Returns in an IXPostingList all instances in the IXRecordManager of aClass (but not subclasses)

Discarding Records

discardRecord:(unsigned int)aHandle Discards the records identified by aHandle
reclaimRecord:(unsigned int)aHandle Reclaimes the discarded record identified by aHandle
(IXPostingList *)discards Returns in an IXPostingList all discarded records
clean Permanently deletes all discarded records

Setting Attribute Descriptions

setDescription:(const char *)aDescription Sets the description for the attribute named aName to
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName aDescription
getDescription:(char **)aDescription Returns the description for the attribute named aName
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName

Setting Parsers

setParser:(IXAttributeParser *)aParser Sets the IXAttributeParser used for the attribute named
forAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName aName
(IXAttributeParser *)parserForAttributeNamed:(const char *)aName
Returns the IXAttributeParser used for the attribute named aName

Writing Blobs

(BOOL)setValue:(const void *)aValue Stores aValue under blobName on behalf of the record
andLength:(unsigned int)aLength identified by aHandle; returns YES on success, NO
ofBlob:(const char *)blobName otherwise
forRecord:(unsigned int)aHandle
(BOOL)getValue:(void **)aValue Retrieves the value and length for blobName on behalf of
andLength:(unsigned int *)aLength the record identified by aHandle; returns YES on
ofBlob:(const char *)blobName success, NO otherwise
forRecord:(unsigned int)aHandle


Inherits From: Object

Initializing, Copying, and Freeing Instances

init Initializes a new IXStore
copy Returns a copy of the IXStore that references the same storage
free Deallocates the IXStore, and all the storage if it's not shared

Creating, Copying, and Freeing Blocks

createBlock:(unsigned int *)aHandle Creates a block of size size and returns its identifier in
ofSize:(unsigned int)size aHandle
(unsigned int)copyBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Copies a portion of the block identified by aHandle and
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset returns the copies identifier
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength
freeBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Frees the block identified by aHandle

Opening and Closing Blocks

(void *)openBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Opens a portion of the block identified by aHandle for
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset writing if possible, otherwise raises an exception
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength
(void *)readBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Opens a portion of the block identified by aHandle for
atOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset reading if possible, otherwise raises an exception
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength
closeBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Closes the open block identified by aHandle

Managing Block Sizes

resizeBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Resizes the block identified by aHandle to aSize
toSize:(unsigned int)aSize
(unsigned int)sizeOfBlock:(unsigned int)aHandle Returns the size of the block identified by aHandle

Using Transactions

(unsigned int)startTransaction Starts a new transaction and returns the nested level of transactions pending
abortTransaction Aborts the current transaction
commitTransaction Commits the changes made in the current transaction
(BOOL)areTransactionsEnabled Returns YES if a transaction has ever been started
(unsigned int)nestingLevel Returns the nesting level of transactions pending
(unsigned int)changeCount Returns the number of commitTransaction and abortTransaction messages received by the instantiation

Accessing the Contents

setContents:(vm_address_t)someContents Replaces the IXStore's storage with that in someContents
getContents:(vm_address_t *)theContents Returns in theContents and aLength the IXStore's storage
andLength:(vm_size_t *)aLength and its length

Reducing Memory Consumption

compact Compacts the blocks of storage to take as little space as possible; delayed until all transactions are finished


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: IXBlockAndStoreAccess

Accessing the Block's Contents

(void *)openAtOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset Opens a portion of the block for writing if possible; raises
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength an exception otherwise
(void *)readAtOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset Opens a portion of the block for reading if possible; raises
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength an exception otherwise
(unsigned int)copyAtOffset:(unsigned int)anOffset
forLength:(unsigned int)aLength Copies a portion of the block, returning the copy's
close Closes the block if it's been opened

Managing the Block Size

resizeTo:(unsigned int)size Resizes the block to size
(unsigned int)size Returns the size of the block

Archiving an Object in an IXStoreBlock

readObject Unarchives the object previously archived into the block
writeObject:(unsigned int)anObject Archives anObject into the block


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: IXBlockAndStoreAccess

Adding Entries or Objects

addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName Creates an instance of the store client class named aName,
ofClass:aName and stores it under aName
addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName Creates an instance of the store client class named aName,
ofClass:aName and stores it under aName in the block of the
atBlock:(IXBlockHandle)aHandle IXStoreDirectory's IXStore identified by aHandle
addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName Stores the store client anObject under aName

Removing Entries

freeEntryNamed:(const char *)aName Removes from the IXStore the object stored under aName
removeName:(const char *)aName Removes the reference to the object stored under aName, but doesn't remove the object itself
empty Empties all stored objects and names
reset Removes all references to stored objects, but not the objects themselves

Getting Entries

(BOOL)hasEntryNamed:(const char *)aName Returns whether there's an object stored under aName
getBlock:(unsigned int *)aHandle Gets the block identifier for the object stored under aName
ofEntryNamed:(const char *)aName
getClass:(id *)aClass Gets the class object for the object stored under aName
ofEntryNamed:(const char *)aName
openEntryNamed:(const char *)aName Activates and returns the object stored under aName
(const char **)entries Returns the stored names


Inherits From: IXStore : Object

Initializing and Freeing Instances

init Initializes a new IXStoreFile in a temporary file
initWithFile:(const char *)filename Initializes a new IXStoreFile with a file named filename
initFromFile:(const char *)filename Initializes an IXStoreFile from existing storage in filename,
forWriting:(BOOL)flag allowing writing back to the file if flag is YES
free Frees the IXStoreFile, but doesn't affect the storage file

Limiting the File Mapping Size

setSizeLimit:(vm_size_t)aLimit Sets the caching limit for the IXStoreFile to aLimit
(vm_size_t)sizeLimit Returns the caching limit for the IXStoreFile

Getting File Information

(int)descriptor Returns the file descriptor for the storage file
(const char *)filename Returns the name of the storage file


Inherits From: Object

Initializing Instances

initFromDomain:(NXStream *)stream Initializes a new IXWeightingDomain from domain format data in stream
initFromHistogram:(NXStream *)stream Initializes a new IXWeightingDomain from histogram format data in stream
initFromWFTable:(NXStream *)stream Initializes a new IXWeightingDomain from NeXTSTEP 2.0 WFTable format data in stream

Saving Domain Information

writeDomain:(NXStream *)stream Write domain format data to stream
writeHistogram:(NXStream *)stream Writes histogram format data to stream
writeWFTable:(NXStream *)stream Writes NeXTSTEP 2.0 WFTable format data to stream

Counting Tokens

(unsigned int)totalTokens Returns the total number of tokens in the weighting domain
(unsigned int)uniqueTokens Returns the total number of unque tokens

Retrieving Information about Tokens

(unsigned int)countForToken:(void *)aToken Returns the number of occurrences of aToken in the domain
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength
(unsigned int)rankForToken:(void *)aToken Returns the ordinal rank of occurrences of aToken in the
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength domain
(float)frequencyOfToken:(void *)aToken Returns the frequency of aToken in the domain
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength
(float)peculiarityOfToken:(void *)aToken Returns the peculiarity of aToken in the domain
ofLength:(unsigned int)aLength