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Distributed Objects



Inherits From: NXInvalidationNotifier : Object
Conforms To: NXSenderIsInvalid
NXReference (NXInvalidationNotifier)

Establishing a Connection

+ (NXProxy *)connectToName:(const char *)n Connects to the named object
+ (NXProxy *)connectToName:(const char *)n Connects to the named object
fromZone:(NXZone *)z
+ (NXProxy *)connectToName:(const char *)n Connects to the named object
onHost:(const char *)h
+ (NXProxy *)connectToName:(const char *)n Connects to the named object
onHost:(const char *)h
fromZone:(NXZone *)z
+ (NXProxy *)connectToPort:(NXPort *)p Connects over the specified port
+ (NXProxy *)connectToPort:(NXPort *)p Connects over the specified port
fromZone:(NXZone *)z
+ (NXProxy *)connectToPort:(NXPort *)aPort Connects over the specified port
withInPort:(NXPort *)inPort
+ (NXProxy *)connectToPort:(NXPort *)aPort Connects over the specified port
withInPort:(NXPort *)inPort
fromZone:(NXZone *)z

Ascertaining Connections

+ connections:(List *)l Returns all connections

Registering an Object

+ registerRoot:anObject Establishes a root object
+ registerRoot:anObject Establishes a root object
fromZone:(NXZone *)z
+ registerRoot:anObject Establishes a named root object
withName:(const char *)n
+ registerRoot:anObject Establishes a named root object
withName:(const char *)n
fromZone:(NXZone *)z

Eliminating References

+ removeObject:anObject Removes an object from all connections


+ unregisterForInvalidationNotification: Unregisters an object for notifications


+ (int)messagesReceived Number of messages received over connection


+ setDefaultTimeout:(int)t Sets default timeout for all connections
+ (int)defaultTimeout Returns default timeout for all connections
setInTimeout:(int)t Sets in timeout
setOutTimeout:(int)t Sets out timeout
(int)inTimeout Returns in timeout
(int)outTimeout Returns out timeout

Zone Usage

+ setDefaultZone: (NXZone *)zone Sets default zone for all connections
(NXZone *)defaultZone Returns default zone for all connections

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Sets the connection's delegate
delegate Returns the connection's delegate

Returning Port Objects

(NXPort *)inPort Returns the connection's in port
(NXPort *)outPort Returns the connection's out port

Getting and Setting the Root Object

rootObject Returns the connection's root object
setRoot:anObject Sets the connection's root object

Imported and Exported Objects

(List *)remoteObjects Returns the connection's remote proxies
(List *)localObjects Returns the connection's local proxies

Returning a Proxy

getLocal:anId Returns an object's local proxy
newRemote:(unsigned)anObject Creates a remote proxy for an object
withProtocol:(Protocol *)p

Running a Connection

run Runs the connection and blocks
runWithTimeout:(int)t Runs the connection for a while
runInNewThread Runs the connecion asynchronously
runFromAppKit Runs the connection from DPS client
runFromAppKitWithPriority:(int)priority Runs the connection from DPS client

Freeing an NXConnection Instance

free Frees the connection


Inherits From: none
Conforms To: NXReference

Counting References

addReference Adds a reference
free Eliminates a reference
references Returns number of references

Returning the proxy's connection

connectionForProxy Returns the proxy's connection

Freeing an NXProxy instance

freeProxy Frees the proxy but not its real object

Determining if an object is a proxy

isProxy Identifies the receiver as a proxy

Specifying a protocol

setProtocolForProxy:(Protocol *)proto Sets the proxy's protocol for efficiency

Object Additions

Making Objects Distributable

encodeRemotelyFor: Transports an object using a proxy
(NXConnection *)connection
freeAfterEncoding:(BOOL *)flagp
(BOOL)isProxy Identifies the receiver as an object