Copyright ©1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Application Kit



Inherits From: Cell : Object

Configuring an ActionCell

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the ActionCell reacts to mouse events
setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Adds or removes the ActionCell's bezel
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Adds or removes the ActionCell's border
setAlignment:(int)mode Sets the ActionCell's text alignment to mode
setFloatingPointFormat:(BOOL)autoRange Sets the ActionCell's floating point format
left:(unsigned int)leftDigits
right:(unsigned int)rightDigits
setFont:fontObject Sets the ActionCell's Font to fontObject
setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the ActionCell's icon to the NXImage named iconName

Manipulating ActionCell Values

(double)doubleValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as a double
(float)floatValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as a float
(int)intValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the ActionCell's contents to a copy of aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(char *)aString Sets the ActionCell's contents to a aString; will free the
shouldFree:(BOOL)flag string when freed if flag is YES
(const char *)stringValue Returns the ActionCell's contents as a string


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the ActionCell in controlView
controlView Returns the View in which the ActionCell was most recently drawn (usually a Control)

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the ActionCell's action method to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the ActionCell's action method
setTarget:anObject Sets the ActionCell's target object to anObject
target Returns the ActionCell's target object

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt Sets the ActionCell's tag to anInt
(int)tag Returns the ActionCell's tag


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the ActionCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the ActionCell to stream


Inherits From: Responder : Object

Initializing the Class Object

+ initialize Registers defaults for the application

Creating and Freeing Instances

+ new Returns a new Application object
free Deallocates the Application object

Setting Up the Application

+ workspace Returns the id of WorkspaceManager
loadNibFile:(const char *)filename Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibFile:(const char *)filename Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibFile:(const char *)filename Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromZone:(NXZone *)zone
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromHeader:(const struct mach_header *)header
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromZone:(NXZone *)zone
loadNibSection:(const char *)name Loads objects built using Interface Builder
fromHeader:(const struct mach_header *)header
fromZone:(NXZone *)zone
(const char *)appName Returns the application's name
setMainMenu:aMenu Makes aMenu the application's main menu
mainMenu Returns the id of the application's main menu

Responding to Notification)

applicationDidLaunch:appName Notice that appName launched; your arbitrary return
applicationDidTerminate:appName Notice that appName ended; your arbitrary return
applicationWillLaunch:appName Notice that appName will launch; your arbitrary return

Changing the Active Application

(int)activate:(int)contextNumber Makes contextNumber the active application
(int)activateSelf:(BOOL)flag Makes this the active application
(int)activeApp Returns context number of the active application
becomeActiveApp Responds to activating the application
deactivateSelf Deactivates the application
(BOOL)isActive Returns whether this is the active application
resignActiveApp Responds to deactivating the application

Running the Event Loop

run Starts the main event loop
stop:sender Stops the main event loop
(int)runModalFor:theWindow Starts a modal event loop for theWindow
stopModal Stops the modal event loop
stopModal:(int)returnCode Stops the event loop started by runModalFor:
(void)abortModal Aborts the event loop started by runModalFor:
(NXModalSession *)beginModalSession:(NXModalSession *)session
for:theWindow Sets up a modal session with theWindow
(int)runModalSession:(NXModalSession *)session
Runs a modal session
endModalSession:(NXModalSession *)session Finishes a modal session
delayedFree:theObject Frees theObject after finishing the current event
(BOOL)isRunning Returns whether the main event loop is running
sendEvent:(NXEvent *)theEvent Dispatches events to other objects

Getting and Peeking at Events

(NXEvent *)currentEvent Returns pointer to the current event
(NXEvent *)getNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
(NXEvent *)getNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
(NXEvent *)peekAndGetNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
(NXEvent *)peekNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
into:(NXEvent *)eventPtr
(NXEvent *)peekNextEvent:(int)mask Returns pointer to the next event matching mask
into:(NXEvent *)eventPtr


(BOOL)isJournalable Returns whether the application can be journaled
setJournalable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the application can be journaled
masterJournaler Returns the controlling NXJournaler object
slaveJournaler Returns the controlled NXJournaler object

Handling User Actions and Events

applicationDefined:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to an application-defined event
hide:sender Hides all the application's windows
(BOOL)isHidden YES if windows are hidden
(int)unhide Responds to message to unhide windows
unhide:sender Restores hidden windows to the screen
unhideWithoutActivation:sender Restores hidden windows without activating their owner
powerOff:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a power-off subevent
(int)powerOffIn:(int)ms andSave:(int)aFlag Responds to message from Workspace Manager
rightMouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Causes main menu to pop up under the mouse
(int)unmounting:(const char *)fullPath Responds to message from Workspace Manager
ok:(int *)flag

Sending Action Messages

(BOOL)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector Sends an action message to aTarget or up the responder
to:aTarget chain
(BOOL)tryToPerform:(SEL)aSelector Attempts to send a message to the application or the
with:anObject delegate
calcTargetForAction:(SEL)theAction Looks up receiver for theAction message

Remote Messaging

setAppListener:aListener Makes aListener the application's Listener
appListener Returns the Listener for this application
setAppSpeaker:aSpeaker Makes aSpeaker the application's Speaker
appSpeaker Returns the Speaker for this application
(const char *)appListenerPortName Returns name used to register Listener with name server
(port_t)replyPort Returns port for synchronous return messages

Managing Windows

appIcon Returns the Window with the application's icon
findWindow:(int)windowNum Returns Window object corresponding to windowNum
getWindowNumbers:(int **)list Gets window numbers for the application's windows
count:(int *)winCount
keyWindow Returns the the key window
mainWindow Returns the main window
makeWindowsPerform:(SEL)aSelector Sends aSelector message to the Windows
setAutoupdate:(BOOL)flag Sets whether to send Windows update messages
updateWindows Sends update message to all on-screen Windows
windowList Returns a List of the application's Windows
miniaturizeAll: Miniaturizes all the receiver's application windows
preventWindowOrdering Suppresses usual window ordering entirely

Managing the Windows Menu

setWindowsMenu:aMenu Sets the Windows menu
windowsMenu Returns the Windows menu
arrangeInFront: Orders all registered Windows to the front
addWindowsItem:aWindow Adds a menu item for aWindow
title:(const char *)aString
removeWindowsItem:aWindow Removes the Window's menu item
changeWindowsItem:aWindow Changes the Window's menu item
title:(const char *)aString
updateWindowsItem:aWindow Updates the Window's menu item

Managing Panels

showHelpPanel:sender Shows the application's help panel or default
orderFrontDataLinkPanel: Shows the shared instance; creates if need be

Managing the Services menu

setServicesMenu:aMenu Sets the Services menu
servicesMenu Returns the Services menu
registerServicesMenuSendTypes:(const char *const *)sendTypes
andReturnTypes:(const char *const *)returnTypes
Registers pasteboard types the application can send/receive
validRequestorForSendType: Indicates whether the Application can send and receive the
(NXAtom)sendType specified types

Managing Screens

(const NXScreen *)mainScreen Returns the main screen
(const NXScreen *)colorScreen Returns the best screen for color
getScreens:(const NXScreen **)list Gets information about every connected screen
count:(int *)numScreens
getScreenSize:(NXSize *)theSize Provides the size of the screen in pixels

Querying the Application

(DPSContext)context Returns the Application's DPS context
focusView Gets the currently lockFocus'ed View
(const char *)hostName Returns machine running the Window Server

Reporting Current Languages

(const char *const *)systemLanguages Gets a list of the user's preferred languages

Opening Files

(int)openFile:(const char *)fullPath Asks the delegate to open the fullPath file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)openTempFile:(const char *)fullPath Asks the delegate to open a temporary file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)fileOperationCompleted:(int)operation Notification of completion of NXWorkspaceRequest; arbitrary operation and return

Responding to Devices

(int)mounted:(const char *)fullPath Notice that device at fullPath has been mounted; returns 0 (unless overrideen in a subclass)
unmounted:(const char *)fullPath Notice that device at fullPath has been unmounted; returns 0 (unless overrideen in a subclass)


setPrintInfo:info Makes info the application's PrintInfo object
printInfo Returns the application's PrintInfo object
runPageLayout:sender Runs the application's PageLayout panel


orderFrontColorPanel:sender Brings up the color panel
doesImportAlpha YES if application responds to opacity in imported colors
setImportAlpha: Enable/disable response to opacity in imported colors

Terminating the Application

terminate:sender Frees the Application object and exits the application

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the Application's delegate
delegate Returns the Application's delegate

Implemented by the Delegate

app:sender Notice that appName will launch¦
applicationWillLaunch:(const char *)appName
app:sender Notice that appName launched¦
applicationDidLaunch:(const char *)appName
appWillInit:sender Notifies delegate before initializing¦
appDidInit:sender Notifies delegate before getting first event¦
appDidBecomeActive:sender Notifies delegate on activating the application
appDidResignActive:sender Notifies delegate on deactivating the application
appDidHide:sender Notifies delegate application has been hidden
appDidUnhide:sender Notifies delegate application has been unhidden
appWillUpdate:sender Notifies delegate application's windows will be updated
appDidUpdate:sender Notifies delegate on updating the application's windows
(BOOL)appAcceptsAnotherFile:sender YES if it's okay to open another file¦
(int)app:sender Opens filename¦
openFile:(const char *)filename
type:(const char *)aType
(int)app:sender Opens temporary file filename¦
openTempFile:(const char *)filename
type:(const char *)aType
(NXDataLinkManager *)app:sender Open application to run without user interface¦
openFileWithoutUI:(const char *)filename
type:(const char *)aType
app:sender Notice that operation completed; your arbitrary return¦
app:sender mounted:(const char *)fullPath Notification that device at fullPath was mounted¦
(int)app:sender Facilitates unmounting a device¦
unmounting:(const char *)fullPath
app:sender Notification that device at fullPath was unmounted¦
unmounted:(const char *)fullPath
appWillTerminate:sender Notification that application will terminate¦
app:sender Notification that sender will show panel
app:sender Responds to message from Workspace Manager¦
powerOff:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a poweroff subevent
app:sender Notification that application terminated¦
applicationDidTerminate:(const char *)appName
¦ These methods may be defined in the delegate and/or in a subclass. If a method is implemented both in a subclass and in the delegate, the message is sent to the delegate.


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing a Box

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Box object with the given frameRect
free Deallocates the Box

Modifying the Border and Title

setBorderType:(int)aType Sets the Box's border to aType
(int)borderType Returns the Box's border type
setTitlePosition:(int)aPosition Sets the position of the title to aPosition
(int)titlePosition Returns the position of the title
setTitle:(const char *)aString Sets the Box's title to aString
(const char *)title Returns the title of the Box
cell Returns the Cell used to draw the title
setFont:fontObj Sets the Font of the title to fontObj
font Returns the Font used to draw the title

Setting and Placing the Content View

setContentView:aView Replaces the Box's content view with aView
contentView Returns the content view
setOffsets:(NXCoord)w :(NXCoord)h Sets the distance between the border and the content view
getOffsets:(NXSize *)aSize Gets the distance between the border and the content view

Putting Views in the Box

addSubview:aView Adds aView as a subview of the content view
replaceSubview:aView with:anotherView Replaces aView with anotherView within the content view

Resizing the Box

setFrameFromContentFrame:(const NXRect *)contentFrame
Resizes the Box to accommodate contentFrame
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the Box to width and height
sizeToFit Resizes the Box to exactly enclose its subviews

Drawing the Box

drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the Box


awake Lays out the graphic elements of the Box
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Box object from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Box object to the typed stream


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Initializing the Button Factory

+ setCellClass:classId Sets the subclass of ButtonCell used by Button

Initializing a Button

init Initializes a new Button with title "Button"
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Button within frameRect
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Button within frameRect,
icon:(const char *)iconName with the NXImage named iconName as its icon,
tag:(int)anInt anInt as its tag,
target:anObject anObject as its target object,
action:(SEL)aSelector aSelector as its action message,
key:(unsigned short)charCode a key equivalent of charCode,
enabled:(BOOL)flag and enabled according to flag
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Button within frameRect,
title:(const char *)aString with aString as its title,
tag:(int)anInt anInt as its tag,
target:anObject anObject as its target object,
action:(SEL)aSelector aSelector as its action message,
key:(unsigned short)charCode a key equivalent of charCode,
enabled:(BOOL)flag and enabled according to flag

Setting the Button Type

setType:(int)aType Sets how the Button highlights and shows its state

Setting the State

setState:(int)value Sets the Button's state to value (0 or 1)
(int)state Returns the Button's current state (0 or 1)

Setting the Repeat Interval

setPeriodicDelay:(float )delay Sets repeat parameters for continuous Buttons
andInterval:(float )interval
getPeriodicDelay:(float *)delay Gets repeat parameters for continuous Buttons
andInterval:(float *)interval

Setting the Titles

setTitle:(const char *)aString Makes aString the Button's title
setTitleNoCopy:(const char *)aString Makes aString the Button's title without copying it
(const char *)title Returns the Button's title
setAltTitle:(const char *)aString Makes aString the Button's alternate title
(const char *)altTitle Returns the Button's alternate title

Setting the Icons

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the Button's icon
setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the icon by name, and its position
(const char *)icon Returns the name of the Button's icon
setAltIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the alternate icon
(const char *)altIcon Returns the name of the Button's alternate icon
setImage:image Makes the NXImage image the Button's icon
image Returns the Button's image
setAltImage:altImage Makes the NXImage image the alternate icon
altImage Returns the Button's alternate image
setIconPosition:(int)aPosition Sets the position of the Button's icon
(int)iconPosition Returns the position of the Button's icon

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Button is transparent
(BOOL)isTransparent Returns whether the Button is transparent
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Button has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isBordered Returns whether the Button has a bezeled border


display Displays the Button
highlight:(BOOL)flag Highlights (or unhighlights) the Button according to flag

Setting the Key Equivalent

setKeyEquivalent:(unsigned short)charCode Makes charCode the Button's key equivalent
(unsigned short)keyEquivalent Returns the Button's key equivalent

Handling Events and Action Messages

(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse Ensures that the Button accepts first mouse-down
performClick:sender Simulates the user clicking the Button
(BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NXEvent *)theEvent
Simulates a mouse click, if the key is right

Setting the Sound

setSound:soundObject Sets the Sound played when the Button is pressed
sound Returns the Sound played when the Button is pressed


Inherits From: ActionCell : Cell : Object

Initializing, Copying, and Freeing a ButtonCell

init Initializes a new ButtonCell with title "Button"
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new ButtonCell with title aString
initIconCell:(const char *)iconName Initializes a new ButtonCell with an NXImage named iconName as its icon
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the ButtonCell allocated from zone
free Deallocates the ButtonCell

Determining Component Sizes

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Calculates and returns the size of the ButtonCell
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
getDrawRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the ButtonCell draws in
getTitleRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the title is drawn in
getIconRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the icon is drawn in

Setting the Titles

setTitle:(const char *)aString Makes a copy of aString the ButtonCell's title
setTitleNoCopy:(const char *)aString Makes aString the ButtonCell's title without copying it
(const char *)title Returns the ButtonCell's title
setAltTitle:(const char *)aString Makes a copy of aString the ButtonCell's alternate title
(const char *)altTitle Returns the ButtonCell's alternate title
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw the title

Setting the Icons

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the ButtonCell's icon
(const char *)icon Returns the name of the ButtonCell's icon
setAltIcon:(const char *)iconName Makes the NXImage named iconName the ButtonCell's alternate icon
(const char *)altIcon Returns the name of the ButtonCell's alternate icon
setImage:image Makes the NXImage object image the ButtonCell's icon
image Returns the ButtonCell's icon
setAltImage:altImage Makes the NXImage object image the alternate icon
altImage Returns the ButtonCell's alternate icon
setIconPosition:(int)aPosition Sets the position of the ButtonCell's icon to aPosition
(int)iconPosition Returns the position of the ButtonCell's icon

Setting the Sound

setSound:aSound Sets the Sound played by the ButtonCell on a mouse-down
sound Returns the Sound played by the ButtonCell

Setting the State

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to aDouble
(double)doubleValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to aFloat
(float)floatValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to anInt
(int)intValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the ButtonCell's state (value) to a copy of aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the ButtonCell's state (value)  to aString
(const char *)stringValue Returns the ButtonCell's state as a string

Setting the Repeat Interval

setPeriodicDelay:(float )delay Sets repeat parameters for continuous ButtonCells
andInterval:(float )interval
getPeriodicDelay:(float *)delay Gets repeat parameters for continuous ButtonCells
andInterval:(float *)interval

Tracking the Mouse

(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Plays the Sound, then tracks the mouse
inRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame

Setting the Key Equivalent

setKeyEquivalent:(unsigned short)charCode Sets the ButtonCell's key equivalent
setKeyEquivalentFont:fontObj Sets the Font used to draw the key equivalent
setKeyEquivalentFont:(const char *)fontName Sets the Font and size used to draw the key equivalent
(unsigned short)keyEquivalent Returns the ButtonCell's key equivalent

Setting Parameters

setParameter:(int)aParameter to:(int)value Sets various flag values
(int)getParameter:(int)aParameter Returns various flag values

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the ButtonCell has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isBordered Returns whether the ButtonCell has a bezeled border
setTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the ButtonCell is transparent
(BOOL)isTransparent Returns whether the ButtonCell is transparent
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether receiver is opaque

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setType:(int)aType Sets the ButtonCell's display behavior
setHighlightsBy:(int)aType Sets how the ButtonCell highlights
(int)highlightsBy Returns how the ButtonCell highlights
setShowsStateBy:(int)aType Sets how the ButtonCell shows its alternate state
(int)showsStateBy Returns how ButtonCell shows its alternate state

Simulating a Click

performClick:sender Simulates clicking the ButtonCell


drawInside:(const NXRect *)aRect Draws the inside of the ButtonCell
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the ButtonCell
highlight:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Highlights the ButtonCell


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the ButtonCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the ButtonCell to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing, Copying, and Freeing a Cell

init Initializes a new Cell
initIconCell:(const char *)iconName Initializes a new Cell with the NXImage named iconName
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new Cell with title aString
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the receiving Cell from zone
free Deallocates the Cell

Determining Component Sizes

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Returns the minimum size needed to display the Cell
calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Returns the minimum size needed to display the Cell
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
calcDrawInfo:(const NXRect *)aRect Implemented by subclasses to recalculate drawing sizes
getDrawRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle the Cell draws in
getIconRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle that an icon is drawn in
getTitleRect:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle that a title is drawn in

Setting the Cell's Type

setType:(int)aType Sets the Cell's type to aType
(int)type Returns the Cell's type

Setting the Cell's State

setState:(int)value Sets the state of the Cell to value (0 or 1)
incrementState Increments the state of the Cell
(int)state Returns the state of the Cell (0 or 1)

Enabling and Disabling the Cell

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell reacts to mouse events
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the Cell reacts to mouse events

Setting the Icon

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the Cell's icon to the NXImage named iconName
(const char *)icon Returns the name of the Cell's icon

Setting the Cell's Value

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble Sets the Cell's value to aDouble
(double)doubleValue Returns the Cell's value as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets the Cell's value to aFloat
(float)floatValue Returns the Cell's value as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the Cell's value to anInt
(int)intValue Returns the Cell's value as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the Cell's value to a copy of aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the Cell's value to aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(char *)aString Sets the Cell's value to aString; will free the string when
shouldFree:(BOOL)flag freed if flag is YES
(const char *)stringValue Returns the Cell's value as a string

Interacting with Other Cells

takeDoubleValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's doubleValue
takeFloatValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's floatValue
takeIntValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's intValue
takeStringValueFrom:sender Sets the Cell's value to sender's stringValue

Modifying Text Attributes

setAlignment:(int)mode Sets the alignment of text in the Cell to mode
(int)alignment Returns the alignment of text in the Cell
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to display text in the Cell to fontObject
font Returns the Font used to display text in the Cell
setEditable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell's text is editable
(BOOL)isEditable Returns whether the Cell's text is editable
setSelectable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell's text is selectable
(BOOL)isSelectable Returns whether the Cell's text is selectable
setScrollable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell scrolls to follow typing
(BOOL)isScrollable Returns whether the Cell scrolls to follow typing
setTextAttributes:textObject Sets Text parameters for drawing or editing
setWrap:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell's text is word-wrapped

Editing Text

edit:(const NXRect *)aRect Allows text editing in response to a mouse-down event
event:(NXEvent *)theEvent
endEditing:textObject Ends any text editing occurring in the Cell
select:(const NXRect *)aRect Allows text selection in response to a mouse-down event

Validating Input

setEntryType:(int)aType Sets the type of data the user can type into the Cell
(int)entryType Returns the type of data the user can type into the Cell
(BOOL)isEntryAcceptable:(const char *)aString Returns whether aString is acceptable for the entry type

Formatting Data

setFloatingPointFormat:(BOOL)autoRange Sets the display format for floating point values

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isBezeled Returns whether the Cell has a bezeled border
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell has a plain border
(BOOL)isBordered Returns whether Cell has a plain border
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether the Cell is opaque

Setting Parameters

setParameter:(int)aParameter to:(int)value Sets various Cell flags
(int)getParameter:(int)aParameter Returns various Cell flag values


controlView Implemented by subclasses to return the View last drawn in
drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the area within the Cell's border in aView
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the Cell in aView
highlight:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Highlights the Cell according to flag in aView
(BOOL)isHighlighted Returns whether the Cell is highlighted

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Implemented by subclasses to set the action method
(SEL)action Implemented by subclasses to return the action method
setTarget:anObject Implemented by subclasses to set the target object
target Implemented by subclasses to return the target object
setContinuous:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell continuously sends action
(BOOL)isContinuous Returns whether the Cell continuously sends action
(int)sendActionOn:(int)mask Determines when the action is sent while tracking

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt Implemented by subclasses to set an identifier tag
(int)tag Implemented by subclasses to return the identifier tag

Handling Keyboard Alternatives

(unsigned short)keyEquivalent Implemented by subclasses to return a key equivalent

Tracking the Mouse

+ (BOOL)prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp Returns NO, so tracking stops when the mouse leaves the Cell; subclasses may override
(int)mouseDownFlags Returns the event flags set at the start of mouse tracking
getPeriodicDelay:(float*)delay Returns repeat values for continuous sending of the action
(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Controls tracking behavior of the Cell
inRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame
(BOOL)startTrackingAt:(const NXPoint *)startPoint
inView:aView Determines whether tracking should begin based on startPoint within aView
(BOOL)continueTracking:(const NXPoint *)lastPoint
at:(const NXPoint *)currentPoint Returns whether tracking should continue based on
inView:aView lastPoint and currentPoint within aView
stopTracking:(const NXPoint *)lastPoint Allows the Cell to update itself to end tracking, based on
at:(const NXPoint *)stopPoint lastPoint, stopPoint, within aView; flag is YES if the
inView:aView this method was invoked because mouse went up

Managing the Cursor

resetCursorRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Sets text Cells to show I-beam cursor


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Cell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Cell to stream
awake Reinitializes the Cell after being read


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing the Class

+ initialize Initializes the ClipView class

Initializing and Freeing a ClipView

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new ClipView instance
free Releases the ClipView's storage

Modifying the Frame Rectangle

moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves the origin of the frame rectangle
rotateTo:(NXCoord)angle Overridden to disable rotation
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the ClipView's frame

Modifying the Coordinate System

rotate:(NXCoord)angle Overriden to disable rotation
scale:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Rescales the coordinate system
setDrawOrigin:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Sets the origin of the coordinate system
setDrawRotation:(NXCoord)angle Disables rotation of the coordinate system
setDrawSize:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Scales the coordinate system
translate:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Shifts the coordinate system

Managing Component Views

docView Returns the ClipView's document view
setDocView:aView Makes aView the ClipView's document view
getDocRect:(NXRect *)aRect Returns the document rectangle
getDocVisibleRect:(NXRect *)aRect Gets the visible portion of the document view
resetCursorRects Resets the cursor rectangle for the document view
setDocCursor:anObj Sets the cursor for the document view

Modifying Graphic Attributes and Displaying

(float)backgroundGray Returns the ClipView's background gray
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the ClipView's background gray
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the ClipView's background color
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color Sets the ClipView's background color
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int )rectCount Fills the background gray where needed


autoscroll:(NXEvent *)theEvent Scrolls in response to mouse-dragged events
constrainScroll:(NXPoint *)newOrigin Prevents scrolling to an undesirable position
rawScroll:(const NXPoint *)newOrigin Lowest-level unconstrained scrolling routine
setCopyOnScroll:(BOOL)flag Sets how the visible areas are redrawn
setDisplayOnScroll:(BOOL)flag Sets how the document view is displayed during scrolling

Coordinating with Other Views

descendantFlipped:sender Notification that the document's orientation has changed
descendantFrameChanged:sender Notification that the document's frame has changed


awake Initializes the ClipView after unarchiving
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the ClipView from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the ClipView to the typed stream

Implemented by ClipView's Superview

reflectScroll:aClipView Notifies the superview to update indicators
scrollClip:aClipView to:(const NXPoint *)aPoint
Notifies the superview of a scroll


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing a Control

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Control
free Deallocates the Control

Setting the Control's Cell

+ setCellClass:classId Implemented by subclasses to set the Cell class used
setCell:aCell Sets the Control's Cell to aCell
cell Returns the Control's Cell

Enabling and Disabling the Control

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Control reacts to mouse events
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the Control reacts to mouse events

Identifying the Selected Cell

selectedCell Returns the Control's selected Cell
(int)selectedTag Returns the tag of the Control's selected Cell

Setting the Control's Value

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble Sets the Control's  value to aDouble
(double)doubleValue Returns the Control's value as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets the Control's  value to aFloate
(float)floatValue Returns the Control's value as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the Control's  value to anInt
(int)intValue Returns the Control's value as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the Control's  value to aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the Control's  value to aString
setStringValueNoCopy:(char *)aString Sets the Control's  value to aString
(const char *)stringValue Returns the Control's value as a string

Interacting with Other Controls

takeDoubleValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's doubleValue
takeFloatValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's floatValue
takeIntValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's intValue
takeStringValueFrom:sender Sets the Control's value to sender's stringValue

Formatting Text

setAlignment:(int)mode Sets the alignment of text in the Control to mode
(int)alignment Returns the alignment of text in the Control
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw text in the Control to fontObject
font Returns the Font used to draw text in the Control
setFloatingPointFormat:(BOOL)autoRange Sets the display format for floating point values

Managing the Field Editor

abortEditing Aborts editing of text displayed by the Control
currentEditor Returns the object used to edit text in the Control
validateEditing Validates the user's changes to editable text

Managing the Cursor

resetCursorRects Sets text-bearing Controls to show an I-beam cursor

Resizing the Control

calcSize Recalculates internal size information
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the Control to width and height
sizeToFit Resizes the Control to fit its Cell

Displaying the Control and Cell

drawCell:aCell Redraws aCell if it's the Control's Cell
drawCellInside:aCell Redraws aCell's inside if it's the Control's Cell
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the Control
selectCell:aCell Selects aCell if it's the Control's cell
update Redisplays the Control or marks it for later redisplay
updateCell:aCell Redisplays aCell or marks it for redisplay
updateCellInside:aCell Redisplays the inside of aCell or marks it for redisplay

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the Control's action method to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the Control's action method
setTarget:anObject Sets the Control's target object to anObject
target Returns the Control's target object
setContinuous:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Control continuously sends its action
(BOOL)isContinuous Returns whether the Control continuously sends its action
sendAction:(SEL)theAction to:theTarget Has the Application object send theAction to theTarget
(int)sendActionOn:(int)mask Determines when the action is sent while tracking

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt Sets the Control's tag to anInt
(int)tag Returns the Control's tag

Tracking the Mouse

ignoreMultiClick:(BOOL)flag Sets whether multiple clicks are ignored
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles a mouse-down event in the Control
(int)mouseDownFlags Returns flags in effect at beginning of tracking


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Control from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Control to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing the Class Object

+ initialize Performed automatically at start-up
+ useFont:(const char *)fontName Registers that fontName is used in the document

Creating and Freeing a Font Object

+ newFont:(const char *)fontName Returns the specified Font object
+ newFont:(const char *)fontName Returns the specified Font object
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix
+ newFont:(const char *)fontName Returns the specified Font object
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix
+ boldSystemFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the bold system
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
+ userFixedPitchFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the application's
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix fixed-pitch font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
+ userFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the application's
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix standard font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
+ systemFontOfSize:(float)fontSize Returns the Font object representing the system
matrix:(const float *)fontMatrix font of size fontSize and matrix fontMatrix
free Has no effect

Querying the Font Object

(const float *)displayName Returns the full name of the font
(const float *)familyName Returns the name of the font's family
(const char *)name Returns the name of the font
(int)fontNum Returns the Window Server's font number
(float)getWidthOf:(const char *)string Returns the width of string in this font
(BOOL)hasMatrix Returns whether font differs from identity matrix
(const float *)matrix Returns a pointer to the font matrix
(NXFontMetrics *)metrics Returns pointer to a record of font information
(float)pointSize Returns the size of the font in points
(NXFontMetrics *)readMetrics:(int)flags Reads flags information into the font record
screenFont Returns the screen font for this font
(int)style Returns the font style

Setting the Font

set Makes this font the graphic state's current font
setStyle:(int)aStyle Sets the Font's style
+ setUserFixedPitchFont:(Font *)aFont Sets the fixed-pitch font used by default in the application
+ setUserFont:(Font *)aFont Sets the standard font used by default in the application


awake Reinitializes the Font object
finishUnarchiving Checks whether the Font object already exists
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Font object from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Font object to the typed stream


Inherits From: Object

Creating a FontManager

+ new Returns the application-wide FontManager

Converting Fonts

convertFont:fontObj Converts the font in response to changeFont:
convertWeight:(BOOL)upFlag of:fontObj Raises or lowers the weight of the font
convert:fontObj toFace:(const char *)typeface Converts the font to the specified typeface
convert:fontObj toFamily:(const char *)family Converts the font to the specified family
convert:fontObj toSize:(float)size Converts the font to the specified point size
convert:fontObj Converts the font to have the specified trait
convert:fontObj Converts the font to remove the specified trait
findFont:(const char *)family Tries to find a font that matches the specified characteristics
getFamily:(const char **)family Provides the characteristics of the given fontObj
traits:(NXFontTraitMask *)traits
weight:(int *)weight
size:(float *)size

Setting Parameters

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the action sent by the FontManager
+ setFontPanelFactory:classId Sets the class used to create the Font panel
+ setFontManagerFactory:classId Sets the class used to create the font manager
setSelFont:fontObj isMultiple:(BOOL)flag Notifies FontManager of selection's current font
setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Enables and disables the Font panel and menu

Querying Parameters

(SEL)action Gets the action sent by the FontManager
(char **)availableFonts Provides a list of all available fonts
getFontMenu:(BOOL)create Returns the Font menu
getFontPanel:(BOOL)create Returns the Font panel
(BOOL)isMultiple Returns whether selection contains multiple fonts
selFont Returns the first font in the current selection
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the Font panel and menu are enabled

Target and Action Methods

modifyFont:sender Converts current selection's font
addFontTrait:sender Causes trait to be added to font in current selection
removeFontTrait:sender Causes trait to be removed from font in current selection
modifyFontViaPanel:sender Converts font according to Font panel settings
orderFrontFontPanel:sender Orders the FontPanel front
sendAction Dispatches action message up responder chain

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Sets the FontManager's delegate
delegate: Returns the FontManager's delegate

Archiving the FontManager

finishUnarchiving Finishes unarchiving by creating the FontManager


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating a FontPanel

+ new Returns a FontPanel object
+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Returns a FontPanel object

Setting the Font

setPanelFont:fontObj isMultiple:(BOOL)flag Sets the Font panel's current font
panelConvertFont:fontObj Converts fontObj to the user's choice from the panel

Configuring the FontPanel

accessoryView Returns the application-customized view
setAccessoryView:aView Adds application-customized View to the FontPanel
setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Enables and disables the FontPanel's Set button
(BOOL)isEnabled Returns whether the FontPanel's Set button is enabled
(BOOL)worksWhenModal Returns whether FontPanel works when another window is modal

Editing the FontPanel's Fields

textDidEnd:textObject Detects completion of size field editing
endChar:(unsigned short)endChar
textDidGetKeys:textObject isEmpty:(BOOL)flag
Detects empty size field

Displaying the FontPanel

orderWindow:(int)place relativeTo:(int)otherWin
Repositions panel and updates it if necessary

Resizing the FontPanel

windowWillResize:sender Constrains FontPanel resizing
toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize


Inherits From: Matrix : Control : View : Responder : Object

Setting Form's Cell Class

+ setCellClass:classId Sets the subclass of Cell used by Form

Initializing a Form

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Form in frameRect

Laying Out the Form

addEntry:(const char *)title Adds a new entry with title as its title at the end of the Form
addEntry:(const char *)title Adds a new entry with title as its title at the end of the Form
tag:(int)anInt and sets its tag, target, and action
insertEntry:(const char *)title at:(int)index Inserts a new entry with title as its title at index
insertEntry:(const char *)title Inserts a new entry with title as its title at index and sets
at:(int)index its tag, target, and action
removeEntryAt:(int)index Removes the entry at index
setInterline:(NXCoord)spacing Sets the spacing between entries

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt at:(int)index Sets the tag of the entry at index to anInt

Finding Indices

(int)findIndexWithTag:(int)aTag Returns the index for the entry with tag aTag
(int)selectedIndex Returns the index of the currently selected entry

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether entries have a bezeled border
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the entries have a plain border
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw both titles and text
setTitleFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw entry titles
setTextFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw entry text
setTitleAlignment:(int)mode Sets how titles are aligned
setTextAlignment:(int)mode Sets how text is aligned within the entries

Setting Item Titles

setTitle:(const char *)aString at:(int)index Sets the title of the entry at index to aString
(const char *)titleAt:(int)index Returns the title of the entry at index

Setting Item Values

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble at:(int)index Sets the value of the entry at index to aDouble
(double)doubleValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat at:(int)index Sets the value of the entry at index to aFloat
(float)floatValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt at:(int)index Sets the value of the entry at index to anInt
(int)intValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString at:(int)index
Sets the value of the entry at index to a aString
(const char *)stringValueAt:(int)index Returns the value of the entry at index as a string

Editing Text

selectTextAt:(int)index Selects the text in the entry at index

Resizing the Form

calcSize Recalculates title positions in the Form
setEntryWidth:(NXCoord)width Sets the width of all the entries
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the Form and updates the widths of its entries
sizeToFit Modifies the Form's frame to fit its entries


drawCellAt:(int)index Displays the Cell at the specified index

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector at:(int)index Sets the action method of the entry at index to aSelector
setTarget:anObject at:(int)index Sets the target object of the entry at index to anObject


Inherits From: ActionCell : Cell : Object

Initializing, Copying, and Freeing a FormCell

init Initializes a new FormCell with "Field" as its title
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new FormCell with aString as its title
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the FormCell allocated from zone
free Deallocates the FormCell

Determining a FormCell's Size

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Calculates the FormCell's size within aRect
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect

Enabling the FormCell

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the FormCell reacts to events

Modifying the Title

setTitle:(const char *)aString Sets the FormCell's title to aString
(const char *)title Returns the FormCell's title
setTitleFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw the title
titleFont Returns the Font used to draw the title
setTitleAlignment:(int)mode Sets the alignment of the title
(int)titleAlignment Returns the alignment of the title
setTitleWidth:(NXCoord)width Sets the width of the FormCell's title field to width
(NXCoord)titleWidth:(const NXSize *)aSize Returns the width of the title, constrained to aSize
(NXCoord)titleWidth Returns the width of the title

Modifying Graphic Attributes

(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether the FormCell is opaque


drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the editable text portion of the cell
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the entire FormCell

Managing Cursor Rectangles

resetCursorRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Resets the cursor rectangle so that the cursor becomes an
inView:controlView I-beam when over the editable portion of the FormCell

Tracking the Mouse

(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent*)event Overrides Cell's method to allow editing
inRect:(const NXRect*)aRect


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the FormCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the FormCell to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing the Class

+ initialize Sets up a table of understood messages

Initializing a New Listener Instance

init Initializes the Listener after it's allocated

Freeing a Listener

free Deallocates the Listener and its ports

Setting Up a Listener

addPort Sets procedure to receive messages at port
removePort Removes procedure that receives messages
(int)checkInAs:(const char *)name Allocates a port and registers it as name
(int)usePrivatePort Allocates a port but doesn't register it
(int)checkOut Unregisters the port, making it private
(port_t)listenPort Returns the Listener's port
(port_t)signaturePort Returns the port used to validate the Listener
(const char *)portName Returns registered name of the Listener's port
setPriority:(int)level Sets the priority for receiving messages to level
(int)priority Returns priority level for receiving messages
setTimeout:(int)ms Sets how long to wait on sending reply
(int)timeout Returns how long to wait on sending reply
+ run Enables Listener in absence of an Application object

Providing for Program Control

(int)msgCalc:(int *)flag Receives message to update the current window
(int)msgCopyAsType:(const char *)aType Receives message to copy the selection
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgCutAsType:(const char *)aType Receives message to cut selection as aType data
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgDirectory:(char *const *)fullPath Receives message asking for the current directory
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgFile:(char *const *)fullPath Receives message asking for the current document
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgPaste:(int *)flag Receives message to paste data from pasteboard
(int)msgPosition:(char *const *)aString Receives message requesting selection information
posType:(int *)anInt
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgPrint:(const char *)fullPath Receives message to print the fullPath file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgQuit:(int *)flag Receives a remote message to quit
(int)msgSelection:(char *const *)bytes Receives message requesting the current selection
length:(int *)numBytes
asType:(const char *)aType
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgSetPosition:(const char *)aString Receives message to scroll so aString is visible
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgVersion:(char *const *)aString Receives message requesting version information
ok:(int *)flag

Receiving Remote Messages

messageReceived:(NXMessage *)msg Receives messages at the Listener's port
(int)performRemoteMethod:(NXRemoteMethod *)method
paramList:(NXParamValue *)params Performs Listener's remote method
(NXRemoteMethod *)remoteMethodFor:(SEL)aSelector
Looks up remote method for aSelector

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the Listener's delegate
delegate Returns the Listener's delegate
setServicesDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the receiver of service requests
servicesDelegate Returns the object that receives service requests


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Listener from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Listener to stream


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Initializing the Matrix Class

+ initialize Initializes the Matrix class
+ setCellClass:classId Sets the default class used to make Cells

Initializing and Freeing a Matrix

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Matrix object in frameRect
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Matrix object in frameRect,
mode:(int)aMode with aMode as the selection mode,
cellClass:classId classId as the class used to make new Cells,
numRows:(int)numRows and having numRows rows
numCols:(int)numCols and numCols columns
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Matrix object with the given values
mode:(int)aMode with aMode as the selection mode,
prototype:aCell aCell as the prototype copied to make new Cells,
numRows:(int)numRows and having numRows rows
numCols:(int)numCols and numCols columns
free Deallocates the Matrix and all its Cells

Setting the Selection Mode

setMode:(int)aMode Sets the selection mode of the Matrix
(int)mode Returns the selection mode of the Matrix

Configuring the Matrix

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Matrix reacts to events
setEmptySelectionEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether there may be no Cells selected
(BOOL)isEmptySelectionEnabled Returns whether there may be no Cells selected
setSelectionByRect:(BOOL)flag Sets whether a user can drag a rectangular selection
(the default is YES)
(BOOL)isSelectionByRect Returns whether a user can drag a rectangular selection

Setting the Cell class

setCellClass:classId Sets the subclass of Cell used to make new Cells
setPrototype:aCell Sets the prototype Cell copied to make new Cells
prototype Returns the prototype Cell copied to make new Cells

Laying Out the Matrix

addCol Adds a new column of Cells to the bottom of the Matrix
addRow Adds a new row of Cells to the right of the Matrix
insertColAt:(int)col Inserts a new column of Cells at col, creating as many as needed to make the Matrix col columns wide
insertRowAt:(int)row Inserts a new row of Cells at row, creating as many as needed to make the Matrix row rows wide
removeColAt:(int)col andFree:(BOOL)flag Removes the column at col, freeing the Cells if flag is YES
removeRowAt:(int)row andFree:(BOOL)flag Removes the row at row, freeing the Cells if flag is YES
makeCellAt:(int)row :(int)col Creates a new Cell at row, col in the Matrix and returns it
putCell:newCell at:(int)row :(int)col Replaces Cell at row and col with newCell; returns old Cell
renewRows:(int)newRows cols:(int)newCols Changes the number of rows and columns in Matrix without freeing any Cells
setCellSize:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the width and height of all Cells in the Matrix
getCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Gets the width and height of Cells in the Matrix
getCellFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the frame of the Cell at row and col
setIntercell:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the vertical and horizontal spacing between Cells
getIntercell:(NXSize *)theSize Gets the vertical and horizontal spacing between Cells
(int)cellCount Returns the number of Cells in the Matrix
getNumRows:(int *)rowCount Gets the number of rows and columns in the Matrix
numCols:(int *)colCount

Finding Matrix Coordinates

getRow:(int *)row Gets the row and col position of aCell
andCol:(int *)col
getRow:(int *)row Gets the row and col position corresponding to aPoint, and
andCol:(int *)col returns the Cell at that point
forPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint

Modifying Individual Cells

setIcon:(const char *)iconName Sets the icon for the Cell at row and col to the NXImage
at:(int)row named iconName
setState:(int)value at:(int)row :(int)col Sets the state of the Cell at row and col to value
setTitle:(const char *)aString at:(int)row :(int)col
Assigns Cell at row and col the title aString
setTag:(int)anInt at:(int)row :(int)col Assigns the Cell at row and col the tag anInt
setTag:(int)anInt Assigns a tag, target, and action to the specified Cell

Selecting Cells

selectCell:aCell Selects the Cell aCell if it is in the Matrix
selectCellAt:(int)row :(int)col Selects the Cell at row and col
selectCellWithTag:(int)anInt Selects the Cell with the tag anInt
setSelectionFrom:(int)startPos Selects the Cells in the Matrix from startPos to endPos,
to:(int)endPos counting in row order from the upper left, as though
anchor:(int)anchorPos anchorPos were the number of the last Cell selected,
lit:(BOOL)flag and highlighting the Cells according to flag
selectAll:sender Selects all the Cells in the Matrix
selectedCell Returns the last (lowest and rightmost) selected Cell
getSelectedCells:(List *)aList Puts the selected Cells into aList and returns the List
(int)selectedCol Returns the column of the selected Cell
(int)selectedRow Returns the row of the selected Cell
clearSelectedCell Deselects the selected Cell

Finding Cells

findCellWithTag:(int)anInt Returns the Cell with anInt as its tag
cellAt:(int)row :(int)col Returns the Cell at row row and column col
cellList Returns the Matrix's List of Cells

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the background between Cells to aColor
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the color of the background between Cells
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the background between Cells to value
(float)backgroundGray Returns the gray of the background between Cells
setCellBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the background within Cells to aColor
(NXColor)cellBackgroundColor Returns the color of the background within Cells
setCellBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the background within Cells to value
(float)cellBackgroundGray Returns the gray of the background within Cells
setBackgroundTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the background between Cells is transparent
(BOOL)isBackgroundTransparent Returns whether the background between Cells is transparent
setCellBackgroundTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the background within Cells is transparent
(BOOL)isCellBackgroundTransparent Returns whether the background within Cells is transparent
setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to display text in the Cells
font Returns the Font used to display text in the Cells

Editing Text in Cells

selectText:sender Selects the text in the first or last editable Cell
selectTextAt:(int)row :(int)col Selects the text of the Cell at row, col in the Matrix

Setting Tab Key Behavior

setNextText:anObject Sets the object selected when the user presses Tab while editing the last text Cell
setPreviousText:anObject Sets the object selected when user presses Shift-Tab while editing the first text Cell

Assigning a Text Delegate

setTextDelegate:anObject Sets the delegate for messages from the field editor
textDelegate Returns the delegate for messages from the field editor

Text Object Delegate Methods

(BOOL)textWillChange:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor (see Text)
textDidChange:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor (see Text)
textDidGetKeys:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor (see Text)
(BOOL)textWillEnd:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor (see Text)
textDidEnd:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor (see Text)
endChar:(unsigned short)whyEnd

Resizing the Matrix and Cells

setAutosizeCells:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Matrix resizes its Cells automatically
(BOOL)doesAutosizeCells Returns whether the Matrix resizes its Cells automatically
calcSize Calculates Cell sizes
sizeTo:(float)width :(float)height Resizes the Matrix to width and height
sizeToCells Resizes the Matrix to fit its Cells exactly
sizeToFit Resizes the Cells and Matrix to fit the Cell contents
validateSize:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Cell size needs to be recalculated


setAutoScroll:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Matrix automatically scrolls when dragged in
setScrollable:(BOOL)flag Makes all the Cells scrollable
scrollCellToVisible:(int)row :(int)col Scrolls Matrix so the Cell at row and col is visible


display Draws the Matrix and its Cells
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the Matrix and its Cells
drawCell:aCell Draws aCell if it's in the Matrix
drawCellAt:(int)row :(int)col Displays the Cell at row and col
drawCellInside:aCell Draws the inside of aCell if it's in the Matrix
highlightCellAt:(int)row :(int)col lit:(BOOL)flag Highlights (or unhighlights) the Cell at row, col

Target and Action

setTarget:anObject Sets the target of the Matrix to anObject
target Returns the target of the Matrix
setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the action of the Matrix to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the action of the Matrix
setDoubleAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the action method used on double-clicks to aSelector
(SEL)doubleAction Returns the action method for double clicks
setErrorAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the action method for editing errors to aSelector
(SEL)errorAction Returns the action method for editing errors
setTarget:anObject at:(int)row :(int)col Assigns anObject as the target of the Cell at row, col
setAction:(SEL)aSelector at:(int)row :(int)col Assigns aSelector as the action method of the Cell at row, col
sendAction Sends the selected Cell's action, or the Matrix's action if the Cell doesn't have one
sendAction:(SEL)theAction to:theTarget Has the Application object send theAction to anObject
sendAction:(SEL)aSelector Sends aSelector to anObject, for all Cells if flag is YES
sendDoubleAction Sends the action corresponding to a double-click
setReaction:(BOOL)flag Sets whether sending an action clears the selection

Handling Event and Action Messages

(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse Returns NO only if mode is NX_LISTMODE
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a mouse-down event
(int)mouseDownFlags Returns the event flags in effect at start of tracking
(BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NXEvent *)theEvent
Simulates mouse click in the appropriate Cell

Managing the Cursor

resetCursorRects Resets cursor rectangles so that the cursor becomes an I-beam over text Cells


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Matrix from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Matrix to stream


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating a Menu Zone

+ setMenuZone:(NXZone *)zone Sets the zone from which Menus should be allocated
+ (NXZone *)menuZone Returns the zone from which Menus should be allocated, creating one if necessary

Initializing a New Menu

init Initializes a new Menu with the title "Menu"
initTitle:(const char *)aTitle Initializes a new Menu with aTitle as its title

Setting Up the Menu Commands

addItem:(const char *)aString Adds a new item to the end of the Menu
keyEquivalent:(unsigned short)charCode
setItemList:aMatrix Replaces the current Matrix of items with aMatrix
itemList Returns the Menu's Matrix of MenuCell items

Finding Menu Items

findCellWithTag:(int)aTag Returns the MenuCell that has aTag as its tag

Building Submenus

setSubmenu:aMenu forItem:aCell Makes aMenu a submenu controlled by aCell
submenuAction:sender Activates a submenu attached to sender's Menu

Managing Menu Windows

moveTopLeftTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves the Menu's top left corner to x, y
windowMoved:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles a submenu being torn off its supermenu
getLocation:(NXPoint *)theLocation Determines where to display an attached submenu
forSubmenu:aSubmenu when it's brought up
sizeToFit Resizes the Menu to exactly fit the command items
close Removes the Menu (and any submenus) from the screen

Displaying the Menu

display Displays the Menu, resizing if needed
setAutoupdate:(BOOL)flag Sets whether Menu reacts to update messages
update Updates each MenuCell item

Handling Events

mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Tracks the cursor in the Menu and submenus
rightMouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Pops the main menu up under the cursor


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Menu from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Menu to stream
awake Reinitializes a Menu as it's unarchived


Inherits From: ButtonCell : ActionCell : Cell : Object

Initializing a New MenuCell

init Initializes a new MenuCell with "Menu Item" as its title
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new MenuCell with aString as its title

Setting the Update Action

setUpdateAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the update action for the MenuCell to aSelector,
forMenu:aMenu and sets aMenu to auto-update
(SEL)updateAction Returns the update action for the MenuCell

Checking for a Submenu

(BOOL)hasSubmenu Returns whether the MenuCell has a submenu

Tracking the Mouse

(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Refers mouse tracking to the MenuCell's Menu
inRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame

Setting User Key Equivalents

+ useUserKeyEquivalents:(BOOL)flag Sets the class to apply user-assigned key equivalents
(unsigned short)userKeyEquivalent Returns the user-assigned key equivalent for the MenuCell


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the MenuCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the MenuCell to stream


Inherits From: NXImageRep : Object

Initializing a New NXBitmapImageRep object

initFromSection:(const char *)name Initializes the new object from TIFF data in the section
initFromFile:(const char *)filename Initializes the new object from TIFF data in filename
initFromStream:(NXStream *)stream Initializes the new object from TIFF data in stream
initData:(unsigned char *)data Initializes the new object using data read from an image
fromRect:(const NXRect *)rect
initData:(unsigned char *)data Initializes the new object from raw bitmap data
initDataPlanes:(unsigned char **)planes Initializes the new object from raw bitmap data in the
pixelsWide:(int)width planes data buffers

Creating a List of NXBitmapImageReps

+ (List *)newListFromSection:(const char *)name
Returns a List of NXBitmapImageReps from name data
+ (List *)newListFromSection:(const char *)name
zone:(NXZone *)aZone Returns a List of NXBitmapImageReps from name data
+ (List *)newListFromFile:(const char *)filename Returns a List of NXBitmapImageReps from filename
+ (List *)newListFromFile:(const char *)filename Returns a List of NXBitmapImageReps from filename
zone:(NXZone *)aZone
+ (List *)newListFromStream:(NXStream *)stream
Returns a List of NXBitmapImageReps from stream data
+ (List *)newListFromStream:(NXStream *)stream
zone:(NXZone *)aZone Returns a List of NXBitmapImageReps from stream data

Reading Information from a Rendered Image

+ (int)sizeImage:(const NXRect *)rect Returns the number of bytes in bitmap for the rect image
+ (int)sizeImage:(const NXRect *)rect Provides information about the image bounded by the rect
pixelsWide:(int *)width rectangle
pixelsHigh:(int *)height
bitsPerSample:(int *)bps
samplesPerPixel:(int *)spp
hasAlpha:(BOOL *)alpha
isPlanar:(BOOL *)config
colorSpace:(NXColorSpace *)space

Copying and Freeing an NXBitmapImageRep

copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the NXBitmapImageRep
free Deallocates the NXBitmapImageRep

Getting Information about the Image

(int)bitsPerPixel Returns how many bits are needed to specify one pixel
(int)samplesPerPixel Returns the number of samples (components) in the data
(BOOL)isPlanar Returns YES if in planar configuration, NO if meshed
(int)numPlanes Returns the number of data planes
(int)bytesPerPlane Returns the number of bytes in each data plane
(int)bytesPerRow Returns the number of bytes in a scan line
(NXColorSpace)colorSpace Returns how bitmap data is to be interpreted

Getting Image Data

(unsigned char *)data Returns a pointer to the bitmap data
getDataPlanes:(unsigned char *)planes Provides pointers to each plane of bitmap data

Drawing the Image

(BOOL)draw Draws the image at (0.0, 0.0) in current coordinates
(BOOL)drawIn:(const NXRect *)rect Modifies coordinates so image is drawn in rect rectangle

Producing a TIFF Representation of the Image

writeTIFF:(NXStream *)stream Writes a TIFF representation of the image to stream
writeTIFF:(NXStream *)stream Writes a TIFF representation of the image to stream
writeTIFF:(NXStream *)stream Writes a TIFF representation of the image to stream

Setting and Checking Compression Types

+ (void)getTIFFCompressionTypes:(const int **)list
count:(int *)numTypes Returns all available compression types
+ (const char *)localizedNameForTIFFCompressionType:(int)compression
Returns the localized name for the compression type
YES if the image can be compressed using compression
(void)getCompression:(int *)compression Returns the compression type and compression factor
andFactor:(float *)factor
(void)setCompression:(int)compression Sets the compression type and compression factor


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the NXBitmapImageRep from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the NXBitmapImageRep to stream


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing an NXBrowser

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new NXBrowser within frameRect
free Frees the NXBrowser and its Matrices, NXBrowserCells and other objects (but not the delegate)

Setting the Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Sets the NXBrowser's delegate to anObject
delegate Returns the NXBrowser's delegate

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the NXBrowser's action method to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the NXBrowser's action method
setTarget:anObject Sets the NXBrowser's target object to anObject
target Returns the NXBrowser's target object
setDoubleAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the NXBrowser's double-click action to aSelector
(SEL)doubleAction Returns the NXBrowser's double-click action method

Setting Component Classes

setMatrixClass:classId Sets the class of Matrix used in the NXBrowser's columns
setCellClass:classId Sets the class of Cell used in the columns of NXBrowser
setCellPrototype:aCell Sets the Cell instance copied to display items in the columns of NXBrowser
cellPrototype Returns the NXBrowser's prototype Cell

Setting NXBrowser Behavior

setMultipleSelectionEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the user can select multiple items
(BOOL)isMultipleSelectionEnabled Returns whether the user can select multiple items
setBranchSelectionEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the user can select branch items when multiple selection is enabled
(BOOL)isBranchSelectionEnabled Returns whether the user can select branch items when multiple selection is enabled
setEmptySelectionEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether there can be nothing selected
(BOOL)isEmptySelectionEnabled Returns whether there can be nothing selected
reuseColumns:(BOOL)flag Prevents Matrices from being freed when their columns are unloaded, so they can be reused
setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the NXBrowser reacts to events
acceptArrowKeys:(BOOL)acceptFlag Enables arrow keys for scrolling and sending action
andSendActionMessages:(BOOL)sendFlag messages
getTitleFromPreviousColumn:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the title of a column is set to the title of the selected Cell in the previous column

Configuring Controls

useScrollBars:(BOOL)flag Sets whether Scrollers are used to scroll columns
useScrollButtons:(BOOL)flag Sets whether buttons are used to scroll columns
Sets whether buttons are used to scroll horizontally
(BOOL)areHorizontalScollButtonsEnabled Returns whether buttons are used to scroll horizontally
setHorizontalScollerEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether Scrollers are used to scroll horizontally
(BOOL)areHorizontalScollerEnabled Returns whether Scrollers are used to scroll horizontally

Setting the NXBrowser's Appearance

setMinColumnWidth:(int)columnWidth Sets the minimum column width
(int)minColumnWidth Returns the minimum column width
setMaxVisibleColumns:(int)columnCount Sets the maximum number of columns displayed
(int)maxVisibleColumns Returns the maximum number of visible columns
(int)numVisibleColumns Returns the number of columns visible
(int)firstVisibleColumn Returns the index of the first visible column
(int)lastVisibleColumn Returns the index of the last visible column
(int)lastColumn Returns the index of the last column loaded
separateColumns:(BOOL)flag Sets whether to separate columns with bezeled borders
(BOOL)columnsAreSeparated Returns whether columns are separated by bezeled borders

Manipulating Columns

loadColumnZero Loads column zero; unloads previously loaded columns
(BOOL)isLoaded Returns whether column zero is loaded
addColumn Adds a column to the right of the last column
reloadColumn:(int)column Reloads column if it is loaded; sets it as the last column
displayColumn:(int)column Updates to display columns through index column
displayAllColumns Updates the NXBrowser to display all loaded columns
setLastColumn:(int)column Sets the last column to column
selectAll:sender Selects all Cells in the last column of the NXBrowser
(int)selectedColumn Returns the index of the last column with a selected item
(int)columnOf:matrix Returns the column number in which matrix is located
validateVisibleColumns Invokes delegate method browser:columnIsValid: for visible columns

Manipulating Column Titles

setTitled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether columns display titles
(BOOL)isTitled Returns whether columns display titles
setTitle:(const char *)aString Sets the title of the column at index column to aString
(const char *)titleOfColumn:(int)column Returns the title displayed for the column at index  column
(NXRect *)getTitleFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the bounds of the title frame for the column at
ofColumn:(int)column index column
(NXCoord)titleHeight Returns the height of column titles
drawTitle:(const char *)title Draws the title for the column at index column
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
clearTitleInRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Clears the title for the column at index column

Scrolling an NXBrowser

scrollColumnsLeftBy:(int)shiftAmount Scrolls columns left by shiftAmount columns
scrollColumnsRightBy:(int)shiftAmount Scrolls columns right by shiftAmount columns
scrollColumnToVisible:(int)column Scrolls to make the column at index column visible
scrollUpOrDown:sender Scrolls a column up or down
scrollViaScroller:sender Scrolls columns left or right based on a Scroller
reflectScroll:clipView Updates scroll buttons to reflect column contents
updateScroller Updates the horizontal Scroller to reflect column positions

Event Handling

mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles mouse-down events in the NXBrowser
keyDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles key-down events
doClick:sender Responds to mouse clicks in a column of NXBrowser
doDoubleClick:sender Responds to double-clicks in a column of NXBrowser

Getting Matrices and Cells

getLoadedCellAtRow:(int)row Loads if necessary and returns the Cell at row in column
matrixInColumn:(int)column Returns the matrix located in column
selectedCell Returns the last selected Cell (rightmost and lowest)
getSelectedCells:aList Returns in aList all the rightmost selected Cells

Getting Column Frames

(NXRect *)getFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle containing the column at index
ofColumn:(int)column column
(NXRect *)getFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Returns the rectangle containing the column at index
ofInsideOfColumn:(int)column column, not includingborders

Manipulating Paths

setPathSeparator:(unsigned short)charCode Sets the path separator to charCode
setPath:(const char *)path Parses path and selects corresponding items in columns
(char *)getPath:(char *)thePath Returns string representing path from the first
toColumn:(int)column column to the column at index column


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the NXBrowser

Resizing the NXBrowser

sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the NXBrowser to width and height
sizeToFit Resizes the NXBrowser to fit all its contents

Arranging an NXBrowser's Components

tile Adjusts the NXBrowser's components

Methods Implemented by the Delegate

(BOOL)browser:sender Returns whether the contents of the column are valid
browserDidScroll:sender Notifies the delegate when the NXBrowser has scrolled
(int)browser:sender Returns the number of rows in a column and loads
fillMatrix:matrix NXBrowserCells in matrix
(int)browser:sender Returns the number of rows of data in the column at index
getNumRowsInColumn:(int)column column
browser:sender Requests the delegate to load Cell at row  in the column at
loadCell:cell index column
(BOOL)browser:sender Requests the delegate to select the Cell with title title in the
selectCell:(const char *)title column at index column
(const char *)browser:sender Queries the delegate for the title to display above the
titleOfColumn:(int)column column at index column
browserWillScroll:sender Notifies the delegate when the NXBrowser will scroll


Inherits From: Cell : Object

Initializing a NXBrowserCell

init Initializes a new NXBrowserCell with "BrowserItem" as its title
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a newNXBrowserCell with aString as its title

Determining Component Sizes

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Calculates the size of the NXBrowserCell within aRect
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect

Accessing Graphic Attributes

(BOOL)isOpaque Returns YES, since an NXBrowserCell is opaque
+ branchIcon Returns the NXImage for branch NXBrowserCells
+ branchIconH Returns the NXImage for highlighted branches


drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the inside of the NXBrowserCell in aView
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the entire NXBrowserCell in aView
highlight:(const NXRect *)cellFrame If lit is YES, highlights the NXBrowserCell in aView
inView:aView lit:(BOOL)lit

Placing in Browser Hierarchy

setLeaf:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the NXBrowserCell is a leaf or a branch
(BOOL)isLeaf Returns whether the NXBrowserCell is a leaf or a branch

Determining Loaded Status

setLoaded:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the NXBrowserCell is loaded and displayble
(BOOL)isLoaded Returns whether the NXBrowserCell is loaded

Setting State

set Highlights the NXBrowserCell and sets its state to 1
reset Unhighlights the NXBrowserCell and sets its state to 0


Inherits From: NXImageRep : Object

Initializing a New NXCachedImageRep

initFromWindow:(Window *)aWindow Initializes the new NXCachedImageRep for an image to
rect:(const NXRect *)aRect be drawn in aWindow
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)theZone Creates and returns a copy of the receiver

Freeing an NXCachedImageRep

free Deallocates the NXCachedImageRep

Getting the Representation

getWindow:(Window **)theWindow Provides the Window and rectangle where the image is
andRect:(NXRect *)theRect cached

Drawing the Image

(BOOL)draw Reads the cached image and renders it


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the NXCachedImageRep from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the NXCachedImageRep to stream


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating a New NXColorPanel

+ newColorMask:(int)colormask Returns the shared NXColorPanel
+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Returns the shared NXColorPanel
+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Returns the shared NXColorPanel
+ sharedInstance:(BOOL)create If YES, creates if necessary and returns the shared NXColorPanel

Setting the NXColorPanel

(int)colorMask Returns the color mask of the NXColorPanel
setColorMask:(int)colormask Sets the color mask of the NXColorPanel
setContinuous:(BOOL)flag Sets the NXColorPanel to continuously send the action message to the target
setMode:(int)mode Sets the mode and returns the NXColorPanel
setAccessoryView:aView Sets the accessory view to aView
setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the action message sent to the target
setShowAlpha:(BOOL)flag Sets the NXColorPanel to show alpha values
setTarget:anObject Sets the target of the NXColorPanel

Setting Color

color:(NXColor *)color Returns the currently selected color
setColor:(NXColor)color Sets the color of the NXColorPanel
+ dragColor:(NXColor *)color Drags color into a destination view from sourceView.
withEvent:(NXEvent *)event event is usually an NX_MOUSEUP


Inherits From: Object
Conforms To: NXColorPickingDefault


initFromPickerMask:(int)theMask Initializes the receiver for the specified mask and
withColorPanel:thePanel color panel

Button Images

provideNewButtonImage Returns a new button image for the color picker
insertNewButtonImage:newImage Override to customize newImage before insertion
in:newButtonCell in newButtonCell

View Management

viewSizeChanged:sender Does nothing.  Override to respond to size change.

Alpha Control Check

alphaControlAddedOrRemoved:sender Responds to change in color panel alpha control status

Order of Button Appearance

(float)insertionOrder Returns the color picker button's insertion order

Using Color Lists

attachColorList:colorList Override to attach a color list to a color picker
detachColorList:colorList Override to detach a color list from a color picker


setMode:(int)mode Override to set the color picker's mode


Inherits From: Control: View: Responder: Object


initFrame:(const NXRect *)theFrame Initializes and returns a new instance of NXColorWell

Event Handling

(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse Returns YES
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to mouse down in the NXColorWell


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects Draws the entire NXColorWell, including borders
drawWellInside:(const NXRect *)insideRect Draws the colored area inside the NXColorWell,without drawing borders


deactivate Deactivates and returns the NXColorWell
+ deactivateAllWells Deactivates all currently active NXColorWells
activate:(int)exclusive Activates and returns the NXColorWell
(BOOL)isActive Returns YES if the NXColorWell is active
setEnabled:(BOOL)enabled Enables the NXColorWell

Managing Color

activeWellsTakeColorFrom:sender Changes color of all active wells to that of sender
activeWellsTakeColorFrom:sender Continuously changes color of all active, continuous
continuous:(BOOL)continuously wells to that of sender
(NXColor)color Returns the color of the NXColorPanel
takeColorFrom:sender Changes color of the well to that of sender
acceptColor:(NXColor)color Changes color of the well to color when aPoint is a
atPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint point in the bounds of the NXColorWell
setColor:(NXColor)color Sets the color of the well to color
updateCustomColorList Saves the current color list in NX_COLORLISTMODE

Target and Action

(SEL)action Returns the NXColorWell's action message
setAction:(SEL) aSelector Sets the NXColorWell's action message
setTarget:anObject Sets the NXColorWell's target
target Returns the NXColorWell's target


awake Initializes the NXColorWell after unarchiving


Inherits From: Object

Initializing a New NXCursor Object

init Initializes a new NXCursor, but doesn't set the image
initFromImage:image Initializes a new NXCursor object with image

Defining the Cursor

setImage:newImage Sets the NXImage object that supplies the cursor image
image Returns the NXImage object that has the cursor image
setHotSpot:(const NXPoint *)spot Sets the point on the cursor that's aligned with the mouse

Setting the Cursor

push Makes the NXCursor the current cursor
pop Restores the previous cursor
+ pop Restores the previous cursor
set Sets the NXCursor to be the current cursor
setOnMouseEntered:(BOOL)flag Determines whether mouseEntered: sets cursor
setOnMouseExited:(BOOL)flag Determines whether mouseExited: sets cursor
mouseEntered:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a mouse-entered event
mouseExited:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a mouse-exited event
+ currentCursor Returns the current cursor


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the NXCursor from the typed stream stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the NXCursor to the typed steam stream


Inherits From: NXImageRep : Object

Initializing a New NXCustomImageRep

initDrawMethod:(SEL)aSelector Initializes the new object so that anObject's aSelector
inObject:anObject method will draw the image

Drawing the Image

(BOOL)draw Sends a message to draw the image


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the NXCustomImageRep from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the NXCustomImageRep to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing a Link

initFromFile:(const char *)filename Initializes a new instance from filename
initFromPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pasteboard Initializes a new instance from pasteboard
initLinkedToFile:(const char *)filename Initializes a new instance corresponding to filename
initLinkedToSourceSelection:(NXSelection *)selection
managedBy:linkManager Initializes a new instance as specified
supportingTypes:(const char * const*)newTypes
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the receiver, allocated from zone

Exporting a Link

writeToPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pasteboard Writes the link onto the pasteboard pasteboard
saveLinkIn:(const char *)directoryName Saves the link with a file name provided by the user
writeToFile:(const char *)filename Writes the link into the file filename

Information about the Link

(NXDataLinkManager *)manager Returns the link's manager
(NXDataLinkDisposition)disposition Identifies the link's type
(NXDataLinkNumber)linkNumber Returns the link's number

Information about the Link's Source

(const char *)sourceAppName Returns the name of the application containing the source
(const char *)sourceFilename Returns the file name of the source document
(NXSelection *)sourceSelection Returns the source selection
openSource Opens the document corresponding to source selection
(time_t)lastUpdateTime Returns the last time the link was updated
(const NXAtom *)types Returns the types that the source document can provide

Information about the Link's Destination

(const char *)destinationAppName Returns the name of the application containing the destination link
(const char *)destinationFilename Returns the file name of the destination document
(NXSelection *)destinationSelection Returns the destination selection

Information about the Link's Data

sourceEdited Sent to a source link to inform it that the data referred to by its source selection has changed
updateDestination Updates the data referred to by the link's destination selection
setUpdateMode:(NXDataLinkUpdateMode)mode Sets the link's update mode to mode
(NXDataLinkUpdateMode)updateMode Returns the link's update mode
break Breaks the link


Inherits From: Object

Initializing and Freeing a Link Manager

initWithDelegate:anObject Initializes and returns a newly allocated instance
initWithDelegate:anObject Initializes and returns a newly allocated instance
fromFile:(const char *)path
free Frees the objects and storage held by the link manager

Adding and Removing Links

addLink:(NXDataLink *)link Adds the link link to the document
at:(NXSelection *)selection
addLinkAsMarker:(NXDataLink *)link Incorporates link into the document as a marker
at:(NXSelection *)selection
writeLinksToPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pboard Writes all the link manager's links to the pasteboard
(NXDataLink *)addLinkPreviouslyAt:(NXSelection *)oldSelection
fromPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pasteboard Creates and adds a new destination link corresponding to
at:(NXSelection *)selection oldSelection
breakAllLinks Breaks all the destination links in the document

Informing the Link Manager of Document Status

documentClosed Informs link manager that document has been closed
documentEdited Informs link manager that document has been edited
documentReverted Informs link manager that changes have been reverted
documentSaved Informs link manager that document has been saved
documentSavedAs:(const char *)path Informs link manager that document has been saved
documentSavedTo:(const char *)path Informs link manager that document has been saved

Getting and Setting Information about the Link Manager

(const char *)filename Returns the filename for the link manager's document
(BOOL)isEdited Returns YES if the document was edited since the last save
setLinksVerifiedByDelegate:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the delegate is asked to verify updates
(BOOL)areLinksVerifiedByDelegate Returns YES is delegate is asked to verify updates
delegate Returns the data link manager's delegate
setInteractsWithUser:(BOOL)flag Sets whether manager displays panels if  link errors occur
(BOOL)interactsWithUser Tells whether manager displays panels if  link errors occur

Getting and Setting Information about the Manager's Links

setLinkOutlinesVisible: Sets whether outlines are visible
(BOOL)areOutlinesVisible Returns YES if outlines are visible
(NXDataLink *)findDestinationLinkWithSelection:(NXSelection *)destSel
Returns the destination link for the selection destSel
prepareEnumerationState:(NXLinkEnumerationState *)state
forLinksOfType:(NXDataLinkDisposition *)srcOrDest
Prepares manager to enumerate links
(NXDataLink *)nextLinkUsing:(NXLinkEnumerationState *)state
Returns the link manager's next link based on state


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Returning the Panel

+ new Returns the application's sole NXDataLinkPanel object
+ newContents:(const NXRect *)contentRect Initializes the NXDataLinkPanel object

Keeping the Panel Up to Date

+ setLink:(NXDataLink *)link Informs the receiver of the current document and selection
andManager:(NXDataLinkManager *)linkManager
setLink:(NXDataLink *)link Informs the receiver of the current document and selection
andManager:(NXDataLinkManager *)linkManager
+ getLink:(NXDataLink **)link Gets information about the currently selected link
andManager:(NXDataLinkManager **)linkManager
isMultiple:(BOOL *)flag
getLink:(NXDataLink **)link Gets information about the currently selected link
andManager:(NXDataLinkManager **)linkManager
isMultiple:(BOOL *)flag

Customizing the Panel

setAccessoryView:aView Adds aView to the NXDataLinkPanel's view hierarchy
accessoryView Returns the NXDataLinkPanel's custom accessory view

Responding to User Input

pickedBreakAllLinks:sender Invoked when the user clicks the Break All Links button
pickedBreakLink:sender Invoked when the user clicks the Break Link button
pickedOpenSource:sender Invoked when the user clicks the Open Source button
pickedUpdateDestination:sender Invoked when the user clicks Update from Source button
pickedUpdateMode:sender Invoked when the user selects the update mode


Inherits From: NXImageRep : Object

Initializing a New NXEPSImageRep Instance

initFromSection:(const char *)name Initializes the new object from EPS code in the section
initFromFile:(const char *)filename Initializes the new object from EPS code in filename
initFromStream:(NXStream *)stream Initializes the new object from EPS code in stream

Creating a List of NXEPSImageReps

+ (List *)newListFromSection:(const char *)name
Returns a List of NXEPSImageReps from EPS in name
+ (List *)newListFromSection:(const char *)name
Returns a List of NXEPSImageReps from EPS in name
zone:(NXZone *)aZone
+ (List *)newListFromFile:(const char *)filename Returns a List of NXEPSImageReps from filename data
+ (List *)newListFromFile:(const char *)filename Returns a List of NXEPSImageReps from filename data
zone:(NXZone *)aZone
+ (List *)newListFromStream:(NXStream *)stream
Returns a List of NXEPSImageReps from EPS in stream
+ (List *)newListFromStream:(NXStream *)stream
zone:(NXZone *)aZone Returns a List of NXEPSImageReps from EPS in stream

Copying and Freeing an NXEPSImageRep

copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the NXEPSImageRep
free Deallocates the NXEPSImageRep

Getting the Rectangle that Bounds the Image

getBoundingBox:(NXRect *)rect Copies the EPS bounding box into the rect rectangle

Getting Image Data

getEPS:(char **)theEPS length:(int *)numBytes Provides a pointer to the EPS code

Drawing the Image

prepareGState Implemented by subclasses to prepare the graphics state
(BOOL)draw Draws the image at (0.0, 0.0) in current coordinates
(BOOL)drawIn:(const NXRect *)rect Draws the image so it fits within the rect rectangle


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the NXEPSImageRep from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the NXEPSImageRep to stream


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing

+ new Creates, if necessary, and returns the NXHelpPanel object
+ newForDirectory:(const char *)helpDirectory Creates, if necessary, and returns the NXHelpPanel object
addSupplement:(const char *)helpDirectory Adds supplemental helpto the text displayed in the panel
inPath:(const char *)supplementPath
free Frees the NXHelpPanel and its storage

Attaching Help to Objects

+ attachHelpFile:(const char *)filename Associates the help file at markerName with anObject
markerName:(const char *)markerName
+ detachHelpFrom:anObject Removes any help information associated with anObject

Setting Click-for-Help

+ (BOOL)isClickForHelpEnabled Returns whether the click-for-help feature is enabled
+ setClickForHelpEnabled:(BOOL)enabled Sets whether the click-for-help feature is enabled


print:sender Prints the currently displayed help text
printPanel:sender Prints the currently displayed help text


(NXAtom)helpDirectory Returns the absolute path of the help directory
(NXAtom) helpFile Returns the path of the currently loaded help file

Showing Help

showFile:(const char *)filename Causes the Help panel to display the help contained in
atMarker:(const char *)markerName filename at markerName
(BOOL)showHelpAttachedTo:anObject Causes the Help panel to display help attached to anObject


Inherits From: Object

Initializing a New NXImage Instance

init Initializes the new NXImage without setting its size
initSize:(const NXSize *)aSize Initializes the new NXImage to the specified size
initFromSection:(const char *)name Initializes the new object from the data in name section
initFromFile:(const char *)filename Initializes the new NXImage from the data in filename
initFromPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pasteboard Initializes the new NXImage from the data in pasteboard
initFromStream:(NXStream *)stream Initializes the new NXImage from the data in stream
initFromImage:(NXImage *)image Initializes the new NXImage to be a subimage of image
rect:(const NXRect *)rect
copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Creates and returns a copy of the NXImage in zone

Freeing an NXImage object

free Frees the NXImage and its representations

Setting the Size of the Image

setSize:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the size of the image in base coordinates
getSize:(NXSize *)theSize Provides the size of the image

Referring to Images by Name

(BOOL)setName:(const char *)string Assigns string as the name of the NXImage object
(const char *)name Returns the name of the NXImage object
+ findImageNamed:(const char *)name Returns the NXImage object with name

Specifying the Image

(BOOL)useDrawMethod:(SEL)aSelector Creates a representation that will use a delegated method
inObject:anObject to draw the image
(BOOL)useFromSection:(const char *)name Creates representations for the data in the name section
(BOOL)useFromFile:(const char *)filename Creates representations for the data in filename file
(BOOL)useRepresentation:(NXImageRep *)imageRep
Adds imageRep to the List of representations
Creates an empty representation to draw in
(BOOL)loadFromStream:(NXStream *)stream Creates representation for the data read from stream
(BOOL)loadFromFile:(const char *)fileName Creates representation for the data read from filename
(BOOL)lockFocus Prepares for drawing in the best representation
(BOOL)lockFocusOn:(NXImageRep *)imageRep Prepares for drawing in imageRep
unlockFocus Balances a previous lockFocus or lockFocusOn:

Using the Image

composite:(int)op Composites the image to aPoint
toPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint
composite:(int)op Composites the aRect portion of the image to aPoint
fromRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
toPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint
dissolve:(float)delta Composites the image using the dissolve operator
toPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint
dissolve:(float)delta Composites the image using the dissolve operator
fromRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
toPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint

Choosing Which Image Representation to Use

setColorMatchPreferred:(BOOL)flag Determines whether color matches are preferred
(BOOL)isColorMatchPreferred Returns whether color matches are preferred
Sets whether to use EPS representations on mismatch
(BOOL)isEPSUsedOnResolutionMismatch Returns whether to use EPS representations on mismatch
setMatchedOnMultipleResolution:(BOOL)flag Sets whether resolution multiples match
(BOOL)isMatchedOnMultipleResolution Returns whether resolution multiples match

Getting the Representations

(NXImageRep *)lastRepresentation Returns the last representation added to the NXImage
(NXImageRep *)bestRepresentation Returns the best representation for the deepest screen
(List *)representationList Returns the List of all the representations
removeRepresentation:(NXImageRep *)imageRep
Removes imageRep from the List of representations

Determining How the Image is Stored

setUnique:(BOOL)flag Sets whether representations are cached alone
(BOOL)isUnique Returns whether representations are cached alone
setDataRetained:(BOOL)flag Sets whether image data is retained by the object
(BOOL)isDataRetained Returns whether image data is retained
setCacheDepthBounded:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the default depth limit applies to caches
(BOOL)isCacheDepthBounded Returns whether the default depth limit applies to caches
getImage:(NXImage **)image Gets the image that the receiver is a subimage of
rect:(NXRect *)rect

Determining How the Image is Drawn

setFlipped:(BOOL)flag Inverts the polarity of the y-axis for drawing the image
(BOOL)isFlipped Returns whether the polarity of the y-axis is inverted
setScalable:(BOOL)flag Determines whether representations are scaled to fit
(BOOL)isScalable Returns whether representations are scaled to fit
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the background color of the image
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the background color of the image
(BOOL)drawRepresentation:(NXImageRep *)imageRep
inRect:(const NXRect *)rect Has imageRep draw the representation
recache Invalidates caches of all representations, so they will be redrawn

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the delegate of the NXImage
delegate Returns the delegate of the NXImage

Producing TIFF Data for the Image

writeTIFF:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes TIFF for the best representation to stream
writeTIFF:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes TIFF for all the representations to stream

Managing NXImageRep subclasses

+(void)registerImageRep:imageRepClass Registers a new class for managing image data
+ (void)unregisterImageRep:imageRepClass Unregisters a class for managing image data
+ (Class)imageRepForFileType:(const char *)type
Returns image rep that handles data of type
+ (Class)imageRepForPasteboardType:(NXAtom)type
Returns image rep that handles data of type
+ (Class)imageRepForStream:(NXStream *)stream
Returns image rep that handles data on stream
+ (const char *const *)imageUnfilteredFileTypes
Returns a list of filetypes handled by the NXImage
+ (const NXAtom *)imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypese
Returns a list of pasteboard types handled by the NXImage

Testing Image Data Sources

+ (BOOL)canInitFromPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pasteboard
YES if  NXImage can create a representation from pasteboard
+ (const char *const *)imageFileTypes Returns an array of supported image data file types
+ (const NXAtom *)imagePasteboardTypes Returns an array of supported pasteboard types


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the NXImage and its representations from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the NXImage and its representations to stream
finishUnarchiving Replaces the NXImage with one having the same name

Methods Implemented by the Delegate

(NXImage *)imageDidNotDraw:sender Responds to message that image couldn't be composited
inRect:(NXRect *)aRect


Inherits From: Object


initFromPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pasteboard Initializes the receiver from pasteboard

Checking data types

+ (BOOL)canInitFromPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pasteboard
YES if NXImageRep can initialize itself from pasteboard
+ (BOOL)canLoadFromStream:(NXStream *)stream
YES if NXImageRep can initialize itself from stream
+ (const char *const *)imageFileTypes Returns an array of strings representing all file types
+ (const NXAtom *)imagePasteboardTypes Returns an array representing all pasteboard types
+ (const char *const *)imageUnfilteredFileTypes Returns an array representing directly supported file types
+ (const NXAtom *)imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes
Returns an array representing directly supported pasteboards

Setting the Size of the Image

setSize:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the size of the image
getSize:(NXSize *)theSize Copies the size of the image into the theSize structure

Specifying Information about the Representation

setNumColors:(int)anInt Informs the object that there are anInt color components
(int)numColors Returns the number of color components
setAlpha:(BOOL)flag Informs object whether there is a coverage component
(BOOL)hasAlpha Returns whether there is a coverage component
setBitsPerSample:(int)anInt Informs object there are anInt bits/pixel in a component
(int)bitsPerSample Returns the number of bits per pixel in each component
setPixelsHigh:(int)anInt Informs object that data is for an image anInt pixels high
(int)pixelsHigh Returns the height specified in the image data
setPixelsWide:(int)anInt Informs object that data is for an image anInt pixels wide
(int)pixelsWide Returns the width specified in the image data

Drawing the Image

(BOOL)draw Implemented by subclasses to draw the image
(BOOL)drawAt:(const NXPoint *)point Modifies current coordinates so image is drawn at point
(BOOL)drawIn:(const NXRect *)rect Modifies current coordinates so image is drawn in rect


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the NXImageRep from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the NXImageRep to stream


Inherits From: Object

Initializing and Freeing a Journaler

init Initializes a new NXJournaler
free Deallocates the NXJournaler

Controlling Journaling

setEventStatus:(int)eventStatus Controls recording and playback
eventStream:(NXStream *)stream
soundfile:(const char *)soundfile
getEventStatus:(int *)eventStatusPtr Provides status information about the NXJournaler
soundStatus:(int *)soundStatusPtr
eventStream:(NXStream **)streamPtr
soundfile:(char **)soundfilePtr
setRecordDevice:(int)device Sets whether CODEC or DSP is used for sound input
(int)recordDevice Returns NX_CODEC or NX_DSP

Identifying Associated Objects

speaker Returns the NXJournaler's Speaker object
listener Returns the NXJournaler's Listener object
setDelegate:anObject Sets the NXJournaler's delegate
delegate Returns the NXJournaler's delegate

Implemented by the delegate

journalerDidEnd:journaler Informs the delegate that the session terminated
journalerDidUserAbort:journaler Informs the delegate that the user aborted the session


Inherits From: Object

Finding an NXPrinter

+ (NXPrinter *)newForName:(const char *)name
Returns the NXPrinter with the given name
+ (NXPrinter *)newForName:(const char *)name Returns the NXPrinter with the given name and host
host:(const char *)hostName
+ (NXPrinter *)newForName:(const char *)name Returns the NXPrinter with the given name, host, and
host:(const char *)hostName domain
domain:(const char *)domain
+ (NXPrinter *)newForType:(const char *)type Returns an NXPrinter object for a given printer type
+ (char **)printerTypes:(BOOL)normalFlag Returns the names of the recognized printer types

Printer Attributes

(const char *)domain Returns the name of the printer's domain
(const char *)host Returns the name of the printer's host computer
(const char *)name Returns the printer's name
(const char *)note Returns the note associated with the printer
(const char *)type Returns the name of the printer's type
(BOOL)isReallyAPrinter Returns whether the object corresponds to an actual printer

Retrieving Specific Information

(BOOL)acceptsBinary Returns YES if the printer accepts binary PostScript
(NXRect)imageRectForPaper:(const char *)paperType
Returns the printing rectangle for the named paper type
(NXSize)pageSizeForPaper:(const char *)paperType
Returns the size of the page for the named paper type
(BOOL)isColor Returns whether the printer can print color
(BOOL)isFontAvailable:(const char *)name Returns whether the named font is available to the printer
(BOOL)isValid Returns whether the NXPrinter is valid
(int)languageLevel Returns the PostScript Language Level recognized by the printer
(BOOL)isOutputStackInReverseOrder Returns whether the printer outputs pages in reverse page order

Querying the NXPrinter Tables

(BOOL)booleanForKey:(const char *)key Returns a boolean value for the given key in the given table
inTable:(const char *)table
(void *)dataForKey:(const char *)key Returns untyped data for the key in the table
inTable:(const char *)table
length:(int *)bytes
(float)floatForKey:(const char *)key Returns a float value for the key in the table
inTable:(const char *)table
(int)intForKey:(const char *)key Returns an integer  value for the key in the table
inTable:(const char *)table
(NXRect)rectForKey:(const char *)key Returns an NXRect for the key in the table
inTable:(const char *)table
(NXSize)sizeForKey:(const char *)key Returns an NXSize for the key in the table
inTable:(const char *)table
(const char *)stringForKey:(const char *)key Returns a string for the key in the table
inTable:(const char *)table
(const char **)stringListForKey:(const char *)key
inTable:(const char *)table Returns an array of strings for the key in the table
(int)statusForTable:(const char *)table Returns the status of the given table
(BOOL)isKey:(const char *)key Returns whether key is a key to table
inTable:(const char *)tableg


Inherits From: Object

Making A Checker Available

+ sharedInstance Returns the NXSpellChecker to use
+ sharedInstance:  (BOOL)flag Returns the NXSpellChecker to use but creates a new one only when flag is YES

Managing The Spelling Panel

spellingPanel Returns the NXSpellChecker's panel
accessoryView Returns the spell panel's accessory view
setAccessoryView:aView Makes a view an accessory of the spell panel

Checking Spelling

(BOOL) checkSpelling:(NXSpellCheckMode)how
of:(id <NXReadOnlyTextStream, Starts the search for a misspelled word
(BOOL) checkSpelling:(NXSpellCheckMode)how
of:(id <NXReadOnlyTextStream, Starts the search for a misspelled word and the count of
NXSelectRange>)anObject words
wordCount:(int *)theCount

Managing the Language Being Checked

(const char*) language Returns the current spelling language
setLanguage:(const char *)aLanguage Sets the current spelling language

Managing Ignored Words

closeSpellClient:aClient Notifies the NXSpellChecker that a document has closed
(char **)ignoredWordsForSpellClient:aClient Returns the list of ignored words for a document
setIgnoredWords:(const char *const *)someWords
forSpellClient:(int)tag Initializes the list of ignored words for a document


Inherits From: Object

Checking in Your Service

(BOOL)registerLanguage:(const char *)language
byVendor:(const char *)vendor

Assigning a Delegate

delegate Returns the NXSpellServer's delegate
setDelegate:anObject Makes the spelling service program the delegate of the NXSpellServer object

Running the Service

run Starts the event loop in the NXSpellServer's delegate

Checking User Dictionaries

(BOOL)isInUserDictionary:(const char *)word Returns YES if the word is in any open user dictionary

Seeking alternative spellings

addGuess:(const char *)guess Called by the delegate to append the guesses it has found

Methods Implemented by the Delegate

(BOOL)spellServer:(NXSpellServer *)sender Searches for a misspelled word; return YES if one is found
findMisspelledWord:(int *)start
length:(int *)length
inLanguage:(const char *)language
inTextStream:(id <NXReadOnlyTextStream>)textStream
wordCount:(int *)number
(void)spellServer:(NXSpellServer *)sender Searches for alternatives to the misspelled word; returns
suggestGuessesForWord:(const char *)word guesses as a side effect, using addGuess:
inLanguage:(const char *)language
(void)spellServer:(NXSpellServer *)sender Notifies the delagte of a word added to the user's hidden
didLearnWord:(const char *)word wordlist
inLanguage:(const char *)language
(void)spellServer:(NXSpellServer *)sender Notifies the delagte of a word removed from the user's
didForgetWord:(const char *)word hidden wordlist
inLanguage:(const char *)language;


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing an NXSplitView

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new NXSplitView

Handling Events

mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles mouse-down events
acceptsFirstMouse Allows the NXSplitView to respond to the mouse event that makes its Window the key window

Managing Component Views

adjustSubviews Adjusts the heights of the subviews
resizeSubviews: Forces adjustment of the subviews
(NXCoord)dividerHeight Returns the height of the divider
drawSelf:(const NXRect *) rects :(int)rectCount Draws the NXSplitView
drawDivider:(const NXRect *)aRect Draws the divider
setAutoresizeSubviews:(BOOL)flag Ensures that the subviews are automatically resized

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Sets the NXSplitView's delegate
delegate Returns the NXSplitView's delegate

Implemented by the Delegate

splitViewDidResizeSubviews:sender Informs the delegate that subviews were resized
splitView:sender Limits divider travel
getMinY:(NXCoord *)minY
maxY:(NXCoord *)maxY
splitView:sender Allows custom resizing behavior
resizeSubviews:(const NXSize *)oldSize

Object Additions
This method is declared in the Application Kit as an addition to the root Object class.

Sending Messages Determined at Run Time

perform:(SEL)aSelector Sends an aSelector message to the receiver after ms delay


Inherits From: SavePanel : Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating and Freeing an OpenPanel

+ new Returns the shared OpenPanel object
+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Returns the shared OpenPanel object
free Deallocates the OpenPanel object

Setting the OpenPanel Class

+ setOpenPanelFactory:class Sets class for initializing an OpenPanel

Filtering Files

allowMultipleFiles:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the user can open multiple files

Querying the Chosen Files

(const char *const *)filenames Gets the names of the selected files

Running the OpenPanel

(int)runModalForDirectory:(const char *)path Displays the panel and begins its event loop
file:(const char *)name
(int)runModalForDirectory:(const char *)path Displays the panel and begins its event loop
file:(const char *)name
types:(const char *const *)fileTypes
(int)runModalForTypes:(const char *const *)fileTypes
Displays the panel and begins its event loop


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating and Freeing a PAgeLayout Instance

+ new Returns a default PageLayout object
+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Used in PageLayout instantiation
style:(int )aStyle
backing:(int )bufferingType
buttonMask:(int )mask
defer:(BOOL )flag
free Deallocates the PageLayout panel

Running the PageLayout Panel

(int)runModal Displays the panel and begins its event loop

Customizing the PageLayout Panel

setAccessoryView:aView Adds a View to the panel
accessoryView Returns the PageLayout's accessory View

Updating the Panel's Display

pickedLayout:sender Updates the panel when a new layout is selected
pickedOrientation:sender Updates the panel with the selected orientation
pickedPaperSize:sender Updates the panel when a paper size is selected
pickedUnits:sender Updates the panel when a new unit is selected
textDidEnd:textObject Updates the panel when the user finishes typing a page size
endChar:(unsigned short)theChar
(BOOL)textWillChange:textObject Updates the panel when a page size is typed
convertOldFactor:(float *)old Converts units for pickedUnits: method
newFactor:(float *)new
pickedButton:sender Stops the event loop

Communicating with the PrintInfo Object

readPrintInfo Reads the PageLayout's values from the PrintInfo object
writePrintInfo Writes the PageLayout's values to the PrintInfo object


Inherits From: Window : Responder : Object

Initializing a New Panel

init Initializes the new Panel with default values
initContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Initializes the new Panel as specified

Handling Events

(BOOL)commandKey:(NXEvent *)theEvent Initiates performKeyEquivalent: messages
keyDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Convert key-down event to a commandKey: message

Determining the Panel Interface

setBecomeKeyOnlyIfNeeded:(BOOL)flag Sets whether Panel waits to become key window
(BOOL)doesBecomeKeyOnlyIfNeeded Returns whether Panel waits to become key window
setFloatingPanel:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Panel floats above other windows
(BOOL)isFloatingPanel Returns whether the Panel floats above other windows
setWorksWhenModal:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Panel can operate on an attention panel
(BOOL)worksWhenModal Returns whether Panel can operate on an attention panel


Inherits From: Object

Creating and Freeing a Pasteboard

+ new Returns the selection Pasteboard object
+ newName:(const char *)name Returns the Pasteboard object named name
+ newUnique Creates a uniquely named Pasteboard
free Releases the Pasteboard object's storage
freeGlobally Frees the object and the domain for its name

Getting Data in Different Formats

+ newByFilteringFile:(const char *)filename Creates a pasteboard with all types for filename
+ newByFilteringData:(NXData *)data Creates a pasteboard with all types for data
ofType:(const char *)type
+ newByFilteringTypesInPasteboard: Creates a pasteboard with all types filterable
(Pasteboard *)pboard from pboard
+ (NXAtom *)typesFilterableTo: Returns all types type can be filtered to
(const char *)type

Referring to a Pasteboard by Name

+ newName:(const char *)name Returns the Pasteboard object named name
(const char *)name Returns the Pasteboard object's name

Writing Data

declareTypes:(const char *const *)newTypes Sets data types and owner of the Pasteboard
(int)addTypes:(const char *const *)newTypes Addsdata types to the pasteboard
writeType:(const char *)dataType Writes theData to the pasteboard server
data:(const char *)theData
writeType:(const char *)dataType Writes stream data to the pasteboard server
fromStream:(NXStream *)stream
(BOOL)writeFileContents: Writesdata from filename to the pasteboard server
(const char *)filename

Discerning Types

(const NXAtom *)types Returns an array of the Pasteboard's data types
(const char *)findAvailableTypeFrom: Returns first type in types that matches a pasteboard
(const char *const *)types type

Reading Data

(int)changeCount Returns the Pasteboard's change count
readType:(const char *)dataType Reads data from the pasteboard server
data:(char **)theData
length:(int *)numBytes
(NXStream *)readTypeToStream: Returns a stream to pasteboard data
(const char *)dataType
(char *)readFileContentsType: Writes pasteboard data to a file
(const char *)type
toFile:(const char *)filename
deallocatePasteboardData:(char *)data Deallocates data received from the pasteboard

Methods Implemented by the Owner

pasteboard:sender Implemented to write promised data to sender as type
pasteboardChangedOwner:sender Notifies prior owner that ownership changed


Inherits From: Menu : Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Initializing a PopUpList

init Initializes a new PopUpList

Setting Up the Items

addItem:(const char *)title Adds an item with title as its title to the end of the list
insertItem:(const char *)title Inserts an item with title as its title at position index
at:(unsigned int)index
removeItem:(const char *)title Removes the item matching title
removeItemAt:(unsigned int)index Removes the item at the specified index
(int)indexOfItem:(const char *)title Returns the index of the item matching title
(unsigned int)count Returns the number of items in the list

Interacting with the Trigger Button

changeButtonTitle:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the PopUpList is a pop-up or a pull-down list
getButtonFrame:(NXRect *)bFrame Gets the size needed for the Button that pops up the list

Activating the PopUpList

popUp:trigger Pops the list up over trigger

Returning the User's Selection

(const char *)selectedItem Returns the title of selected item

Modifying the Items

setFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw the items
font Returns the Font used to draw the items

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the PopUpList's action method to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the PopUpList's action method
setTarget:anObject Sets the PopUpList's target object to anObject
target Returns the PopUpList's target object

Resizing the PopUpList

sizeWindow:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the PopUpList to width, height


Inherits From: Object

Initializing and Freeing a PrintInfo Instance

init Initializes the PrintInfo instance after it's allocated
free Deallocates the PrintInfo object

Defining the Printing Rectangle

setMarginLeft:(NXCoord)leftMargin Sets the margins
getMarginLeft:(NXCoord *)leftMargin Returns the margins by reference
right:(NXCoord *)rightMargin
top:(NXCoord *)topMargin
bottom:(NXCoord *)bottomMargin
setOrientation:(char)mode Sets the orientation as portrait or landscape
(char)orientation Returns the orientation is portrait or landscape
setPaperRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Sets the width and height of the paper
(const NXRect *)paperRect Returns the rectangle for the paper size
setPaperType:(const char *)type Sets the paper type
(const char *)paperType Returns the paper type

Page Range

setFirstPage:(int)anInt Sets the page number of first page to be printed
(int)firstPage Returns the page number of the first page to be printed
setLastPage:(int)anInt Sets the page number of last page to be printed
(int)lastPage Returns the page number of the last page to be printed
setAllPages:(BOOL)flag Sets whether all the pages are to be printed
(BOOL)isAllPages Returns whether all the pages are to be printed
(int)currentPage Returns the page number of the page being printed

Pagination and Scaling

setHorizPagination:(int)mode Sets the horizontal pagination mode
(int)horizPagination Returns the horizontal pagination mode
setVertPagination:(int)mode Sets the vertical pagination mode
(int)vertPagination Returns the vertical pagination mode
setScalingFactor:(float)aFloat Sets the scaling factor
(float)scalingFactor Returns the scaling factor

Positioning the Image on the Page

setHorizCentered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the image is centered horizontally
(BOOL)isHorizCentered Returns whether the image is centered horizontally
setVertCentered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the image is centered vertically
(BOOL)isVertCentered Returns whether the image is centered vertically
setPagesPerSheet:(short)aShort Sets the number of pages printed per sheet of paper
(short)pagesPerSheet Returns the number of pages printed per sheet of paper

Print Job Attributes

initializeJobDefaults Invoked automatically to initialize printing defaults
setJobFeature:(const char *)feature Sets the value of the given printing job feature
toValue:(const char *)value
(const char *)valueForJobFeature:(const char *)feature
Returns the value for the given printing job feature
removeJobFeature:(const char *)key Removes the given printing job feature
(const char **)jobFeatures Returns the keys to the job features table
setPageOrder:(char)mode Sets the order in which pages will be printed
(char)pageOrder Returns the order in which pages will be printed
setReversePageOrder:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the page order is reversed
(BOOL)reversePageOrder Returns whether the page order is reversed
setCopies:(int)anInt Sets the number of copies to be printed
(int)copies Returns the number of copies to be printed
setPaperFeed:(const char *)paperFeedSlot Sets the paper feed slot used during printing
(const char *)paperFeed Returns the paper feed slot used during printing

Specifying the Printer

+ setDefaultPrinter:(NXPrinter *)printer Sets the user's default printer
+ (NXPrinter *)getDefaultPrinter Returns the user's default printer
setPrinter:(NXPrinter *)aPrinter Sets the printer that's used in subsequent printing jobs
(NXPrinter *)printer Returns the NXPrinter that's used for printing


setOutputFile:(const char *)aString Sets the output file for printing
(const char *)outputFile Returns the output file for printing
setContext:(DPSContext)aContext Sets the DPS context used for printing
(DPSContext)context Returns the DPS context used for printing


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the PrintInfo from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the PrintInfo to the typed stream


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating and Freeing a PrintPanel

+ new Returns a default PrintPanel object
+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Returns a PrintPanel object
style:(int )aStyle
backing:(int )bufferingType
buttonMask:(int )mask
defer:(BOOL )flag
free Deallocates the PrintPanel

Customizing the PrintPanel

setAccessoryView:aView Adds a View to the panel
accessoryView Returns the accessory View

Running the Panel

(int)runModal Displays the Print panel and begins its event loop
pickedButton:sender Stops the event loop

Updating the Panel's Display

pickedAllPages:sender Updates the panel when the user chooses all pages
(BOOL)textWillChange:textObject Updates the panel when user types pages to print

Communicating with the PrintInfo Object

updateFromPrintInfo Reads PrintPanel's values from the PrintInfo object
finalWritePrintInfo Writes PrintPanel's values to the PrintInfo object


Inherits From: Object

Managing the NeXT Responder

setNextResponder:aResponder Makes aResponder the receiver's next responder
nextResponder Returns the receiver's next responder

Determining the First Responder

(BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder Returns NO to refuse first responder status
becomeFirstResponder Notifies the receiver it's the first responder
resignFirstResponder Notifies the receiver it's not the first responder

Aiding Event Processing

(BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NXEvent *)theEvent
Returns NO to indicate theEvent isn't handled
(BOOL)tryToPerform:(SEL)anAction Aids in dispatching action messages

Forwarding Event Messages

mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
rightMouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
mouseDragged:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
rightMouseDragged:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
mouseUp:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
rightMouseUp:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
mouseMoved:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
mouseEntered:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
mouseExited:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
keyDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
keyUp:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
flagsChanged:(NXEvent *)theEvent Passes the message to the receiver's next responder
noResponderFor:(const char *)eventType Prints warning message to syslog if debugging

Services Menu Support

andReturnType:(NXAtom)typeReturned Implemented by subclasses to determine available services


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Responder from the typed stream stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Responder to the typed stream stream


Inherits From: Panel : Window : Responder : Object

Creating and Freeing a SavePanel

+ newContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Creates and returns a SavePanel object
free Deallocates the SavePanel

Setting the SavePanel Class

+ setSavePanelFactory:class Sets class for initializing an SavePanel

Customizing the SavePanel

setAccessoryView:aView Adds application-customized view to the panel
accessoryView Returns the application-customized view
setTitle:(const char *)title Sets the title of the SavePanel to title
setPrompt:(const char *)prompt Sets the title of the file name form field

Setting Directory and File Type

setDirectory:(const char *)path Sets the current directory of the SavePanel
setRequiredFileType:(const char *)type Sets the required file type (if any)
(const char *)requiredFileType Gets the required file type (if any)

Running the SavePanel

(int)runModalForDirectory:(const char *)path Displays the SavePanel and begins its event loop
file:(const char *)name
(int)runModal Displays the SavePanel and begins its event loop

Reading Save Information

(const char *)directory Returns directory chosen file resides in
(const char *)filename Returns full name of file to be saved

Completing a Partial Filename

(BOOL)commandKey:(NXEvent *)theEvent Enables command-space to do filename completion

Target and Action Methods

ok:sender Method invoked by the OK button
cancel:sender Method invoked by the Cancel button

Responding to User Input

selectText:sender Called when TAB is pressed in the form
textDidEnd:textObject Determines whether TAB or BACKTAB was pressed
endChar:(unsigned short)endChar
textDidGetKeys:textObj isEmpty:(BOOL)flag Determines whether there's any text in the form

Setting the Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the SavePanel's delegate

Methods implemented by the Delegate

(int)panel:sender Returns 1 if filename1 precedes filename2, 1 in the
compareFilenames:(const char *)fileName1 opposite case, 0 if the two are equivalent
:(const char *)fileName2
(BOOL)panel:sender YES if filename can be saved in directory
filterFile:(const char *)filename
inDirectory:(const char *)directory
(BOOL)panelValidateFilenames:sender YES if the filename is acceptable to the delegate


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Initializing a Scroller

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Scroller

Laying out the Scroller

(NXRect *)calcRect:(NXRect *)aRect Gets the rectangle that encloses partCode
checkSpaceForParts Checks for room for knob and scroll buttons
setArrowsPosition:(int)where Sets position of scroll buttons in Scroller

Setting Scroller values

(float)floatValue Returns Scroller's float value
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets value; positions knob
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat :(float)percent Sets value; positions and sizes knob

Resizing the Scroller

sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Sizes the Scroller


drawArrow:(BOOL)whichButton :(BOOL)flag Draws highlighted and unhighlighted arrows
drawKnob Draws the knob
drawParts Caches Bitmaps for knob and scroll arrows
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the Scroller
highlight:(BOOL)flag Highlights scroll button that's under mouse

Target and Action

setAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the Scroller's action to aSelector
(SEL)action Returns the Scroller's action
setTarget:anObject Sets the Scroller's target to anObject
target Returns the Scroller's target

Handling Events

(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse Makes the Scroller respond to the first mouse event
(int)hitPart Returns Scroller part that received mouse-down
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to mouse-down events
(int)testPart:(const NXPoint *)thePoint Returns Scroller part that's under thePoint
trackKnob:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to mouse-down events on the knob
trackScrollButtons:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to mouse-down events on buttons


awake Ensures that Scroller's Bitmaps are created
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Scroller from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Scroller to the typed stream


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object

Initializing a ScrollView

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new ScrollView

Determining Component Sizes

getContentSize:(NXSize *)contentViewSize Gets the content view's size
getDocVisibleRect:(NXRect *)aRect Gets the visible portion of the document view

Laying Out the ScrollView

+ getContentSize:(NXSize *)cSize Gets the content view size for the given ScrollView size
forFrameSize:(const NXSize *)fSize
+ getFrameSize:(NXSize *)fSize Gets the ScrollView size for the given content view size
forContentSize:(const NXSize *)cSize
resizeSubviews:(const NXSize *)oldSize Retiles the ScrollView after a sizeTo::
setHorizScrollerRequired:(BOOL)flag Makes space for a horizontal scroller
setVertScrollerRequired:(BOOL)flag Makes space for a vertical scroller
tile Retiles the scrollers and content view

Managing Component Views

setDocView:aView Makes aView the ScrollView's document view
docView Returns the current document view
setHorizScroller:anObject Sets the horizontal Scroller object
horizScroller Returns the horizontal Scroller
setVertScroller:anObject Sets the vertical Scroller object
vertScroller Returns the vertical Scroller
reflectScroll:cView Updates the Scrollers

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBorderType:(int)aType Determines the border type of the ScrollView
(int)borderType Returns the border type
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color Sets the ScrollView's background color
(NXColor) backgroundColor Returns the ScrollView's background color
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the ScrollView's background gray
(float)backgroundGray Returns the ScrollView's background gray

Setting Scrolling Behavior

setCopyOnScroll:(BOOL)flag Sets how newly exposed areas are redrawn
setDisplayOnScroll:(BOOL)flag Sets how the doc view is displayed during scrolling
setDynamicScrolling:(BOOL)flag Sets how the doc view is displayed during scrolling
setLineScroll:(float)value Sets the amount to scroll when scrolling a line
setPageScroll:(float)value Sets the amount of overlap for a page scroll


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the ScrollView

Managing the Cursor

setDocCursor:anObj Sets the cursor for the document view


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the ScrollView from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the ScrollView to the typed stream


Inherits From: Cell : Object

Creating a SelectionCell

init Initializes a new SelectionCell with "ListItem" as its title
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new SelectionCell with aString as its title

Determining Component Sizes

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Calculates the size of the SelectionCell within aRect
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect

Accessing Graphic Attributes

setLeaf:(BOOL)flag Sets whether SelectionCell is a leaf or a branch
(BOOL)isLeaf Returns whether the SelectionCell is a leaf or a branch
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns YES, since SelectionCells are opaque


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the SelectionCell in cellFrame within aView
drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the inside of the SelectionCell in aView
highlight:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Highlights the SelectionCell within cellFrame in
inView:aView controlView


awake Reinitializes the SelectionCell when it's unarchived


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Setting Slider's Cell Class

+ setCellClass:classId Sets the subclass of SliderCell used by Slider

Initializing a new Slider

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new Slider in frameRect

Modifying a Slider's appearance

setKnobThickness:(NXCoord)aFloat Sets the knob's thickness to aFloat
(NXCoord)knobThickness Returns the knob's thickness
setImage:image Sets the background image to image
image Returns the background image
setTitle:(const char *)aString Sets the background title to a copy of aString
setTitleNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the background title to aString
(const char *)title Returns the background title
setTitleCell:aCell Sets the Cell used to draw the background title
titleCell Returns the Cell used to draw the background title
setTitleFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw the background title
titleFont Returns the Font used to draw the background title
setTitleColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of text in the background title to aColor
(NXColor)titleColor Returns the color of text in the background title
setTitleGray:(float)aFloat Sets the gray of text in the background title to aFloat
(float)titleGray Returns the gray of text in the background title
(int)isVertical Returns 1 if vertical, 0 if horizontal, 1 if unknown

Setting Value Limits

setMinValue:(double)aDouble Sets the Slider's minimum value to aDouble
(double)minValue Returns the Slider's minimum value
setMaxValue:(double)aDouble Sets the Slider's maximum value to aDouble
(double)maxValue Returns the Slider's maximum value

Resizing the Slider

sizeToFit Modifies the Slider's size to fit its Cell

Handling Events

(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse Returns YES, since Sliders always accept first mouse
setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Slider reacts to events
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to mouse-down by initiating tracking


Inherits From: ActionCell : Cell : Object

Initializing a new SliderCell

init Initializes a new SliderCell

Determining Component Sizes

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Returns the size of the SliderCell
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect
getKnobRect:(NXRect*)knobRect Gets the rectangle the knob will be drawn in

Setting Value Limits

setMinValue:(double)aDouble Sets the SliderCell's minimum value to aDouble
(double)minValue Returns the SliderCell's minimum value
setMaxValue:(double)aDouble Sets the maximum value of the SliderCell to aDouble
(double)maxValue Returns the SliderCell's maximum value

Setting Values

setDoubleValue:(double)aDouble Sets the SliderCell's value to aDouble
(double)doubleValue Returns the SliderCell's value as a double
setFloatValue:(float)aFloat Sets the SliderCell's value to aFloat
(float)floatValue Returns the SliderCell's value as a float
setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the SliderCell's value to anInt
(int)intValue Returns SliderCell's value as an int
setStringValue:(const char *)aString Sets the SliderCell's value to a number represented by aString
(const char *)stringValue Returns the SliderCell's value as a string

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setKnobThickness:(NXCoord)aFloat Sets the knob's thickness to aFloat
(NXCoord)knobThickness Returns the knob's thickness
setImage:image Sets the background image to image
image Returns the background image
setTitle:(const char *)aString Sets the background title to a copy of aString
setTitleNoCopy:(const char *)aString Sets the background title to aString
(const char *)title Returns the background title
setTitleCell:aCell Sets the Cell used to draw the background title
titleCell Returns the Cell used to draw the background title
setTitleFont:fontObject Sets the Font used to draw the background title
titleFont Returns the Font used to draw the background title
setTitleColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of text in the background title to aColor
(NXColor)titleColor Returns the color of text in the background title
setTitleGray:(float)aFloat Sets the gray of text in the background title to aFloat
(float)titleGray Returns the gray of text in the background title
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns YES (SliderCells are always opaque)
(int)isVertical Returns 1 if vertical, 0 if horizontal, 1 if unknown

Displaying the SliderCell

drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the SliderCell's bar and knob in controlView
drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the inside of the SliderCell in controlView
drawBarInside:(const NXRect *)aRect Draws the SliderCell's bar
drawKnob Draws the SliderCell's knob
drawKnob:(const NXRect*)knobRect Draws the SliderCell's knob in knobRect

Modifying Behavior

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the SliderCell reacts to events
setContinuous:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Slider is continuous
(BOOL)isContinuous Returns whether the Slider is continuous
setAltIncrementValue:(double)incValue Sets how far the SliderCell moves when the knob is dragged one pixel with the Alternate key held down
(double)altIncrementValue Returns how far the SliderCell moves when alt-dragged

Tracking the Mouse

+ (BOOL)prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp Returns YES, since SliderCells must track even when the mouse leaves their bounds
(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Tracks the mouse
inRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame
(BOOL)startTrackingAt:(const NXPoint *)startPoint
inView:controlView Begins a tracking session
(BOOL)continueTracking:(const NXPoint *)lastPoint
at:(const NXPoint *)currentPoint Continues tracking the mouse
stopTracking:(const NXPoint *)lastPoint Ends the current tracking session
at:(const NXPoint *)stopPoint


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the SliderCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the SliderCell to stream
awake Caches knob icons when the SliderCell is unarchived


Inherits From: Object

Initializing a New Speaker Instance

init Initializes the Speaker after it has been allocated

Freeing a Speaker

free Deallocates the Speaker (but not its ports)

Setting Up a Speaker

setSendTimeout:(int)ms Sets how long to wait for messages to be delivered
(int)sendTimeout Returns how long to wait for messages to be delivered
setReplyTimeout:(int)ms Sets how long Speaker will wait for a reply
(int)replyTimeout Returns how long Speaker will wait for a reply

Managing the Ports

setSendPort:(port_t)aPort Makes aPort the port messages will be sent to
(port_t)sendPort Returns the port the Speaker will send messages to
setReplyPort:(port_t)aPort Makes aPort the port where replies are received
(port_t)replyPort Returns the port where Speaker receives replies

Standard Remote Methods

(int)openFile:(const char *)fullPath Sends a remote message to open fullPath file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)openTempFile:(const char *)fullPath Sends a remote message to open fullPath file
ok:(int *)flag

Providing for Program Control

(int)msgCalc:(int *)flag Sends message to update the current window
(int)msgCopyAsType:(const char *)aType Sends message to copy selection as aType data
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgCutAsType:(const char *)aType Sends message to cut selection as aType data
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgDirectory:(char *const *)fullPath Sends message requesting the current directory
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgFile:(char *const *)fullPath Sends message requesting the current document
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgPaste:(int *)flag Sends message to paste data from pasteboard
(int)msgPosition:(char *const *)aString Sends message requesting selection information
posType:(int *)anInt
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgPrint:(const char *)fullPath Sends message to print fullPath file
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgQuit:(int *)flag Sends remote message for application to quit
(int)msgSelection:(char *const *)bytes Sends message requesting the current selection
length:(int *)numBytes
asType:(const char *)aType
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgSetPosition:(const char *)aString Sends message to scroll so aString is visible
ok:(int *)flag
(int)msgVersion:(char *const *)aString Sends message requesting version information
ok:(int *)flag

Sending Remote Messages

(int)performRemoteMethod:(const char *)methodName
Sends remote methodName message
(int)performRemoteMethod:(const char *)methodName
with:(const char *)data Sends remote message with numBytes of data
(int)selectorRPC:(const char *)methodName Sends remote message with variable arguments
paramTypes:(char *)params,
(int)sendOpenFileMsg:(const char *)fullPath Sends an openFile:ok: remote message
ok:(int *)flag
(int)sendOpenTempFileMsg:(const char *)fullPath
ok:(int *)flag Sends an openTempFile:ok: remote message

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the Speaker's delegate
delegate Returns the Speaker's delegate


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Speaker from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Speaker to stream


Inherits From: View : Responder : Object
Conforms To: NXChangeSpelling

Initializing the Class Object

+ setDefaultFont:anObject Makes anObject the default Font object for Text
+ getDefaultFont Returns the default Font object for Text
+ excludeFromServicesMenu:(BOOL)flag Controls whether Text objects register for services
+ registerDirective:(const char *)directive Associates an RTF control word with a class object
+ initialize Performed automatically at startup

Initializing a New Text Object

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initialize a new Text object
initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initialize a new Text object
text:(const char *)theText

Freeing a Text Object

free Frees the Text object and its storage

Modifying the Frame Rectangle

setMaxSize:(const NXSize *)newMaxSize Sets maximum size of the Text object
getMaxSize:(NXSize *)theSize Gets maximum size of the Text object
setMinSize:(const NXSize *)newMinSize Sets minimum size of the Text object
getMinSize:(NXSize *)theSize Gets minimum size of the Text object
setVertResizable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether frame height can change
(BOOL)isVertResizable Returns whether frame height can change
setHorizResizable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether frame width can change
(BOOL)isHorizResizable Returns whether frame width can change
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the Text object to width and height
sizeToFit Resizes the frame to accommodate the text
resizeText:(const NXRect *)oldBounds Used by Text object to resize and redisplay itself
:(const NXRect *)maxRect
moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves the Text object to (x, y)

Laying Out the Text

setMarginLeft:(NXCoord)leftMargin Adjusts margins around the text
getMarginLeft:(NXCoord *)leftMargin Gets dimensions of margins around the text
right:(NXCoord *)rightMargin
top:(NXCoord *)topMargin
bottom:(NXCoord *)bottomMargin
getMinWidth:(NXCoord *)width Calculates area needed to display the text
minHeight:(NXCoord *)height
setAlignment:(int)mode Sets how text is aligned at margins
(int)alignment Returns how text is aligned at margins
alignSelLeft:sender Aligns the text to the left margin
alignSelCenter:sender Aligns the text between the margins
alignSelRight:sender Aligns the text to the right margin
setSelProp:(NXParagraphProp)prop Sets the paragraph style for one or more paragraphs
changeTabStopAt:(NXCoord)oldX Resets the position of the specified tab stop
(int)calcLine Calculates line breaks
setCharWrap:(BOOL)flag Returns whether extra long words are wrapped
(BOOL)charWrap Sets whether extra long words are wrapped
setNoWrap Disables word wrap
setParaStyle:(void *)paraStyle Sets paragraph style for the entire text
(void *)defaultParaStyle Returns the default paragraph style
(void *)calcParagraphStyle:fontId Recalculates paragraph style
setLineHeight:(NXCoord)value Sets height of a line of text
(NXCoord)lineHeight Returns height of a line of text
setDescentLine:(NXCoord)value Sets distance from base line to bottom of line
(NXCoord)descentLine Returns distance from base line to bottom of line

Reporting Line and Position

(int)lineFromPosition:(int)position Converts character position to line number
(int)positionFromLine:(int)line Converts line number to character position
(int)offsetFromPosition:(int)position Returns the byte offset corresponding to position
(int)positionFromOffset:(int)offset Returns the position corresponding to the byte offset

Setting, Reading, and Writing the Text

setText:(const char *)aString Replaces current text with aString
readText:(NXStream *)stream Replaces current text with text from stream
startReadingRichText Sent before Text object begins reading RTF data
readRichText:(NXStream *)stream Replaces text with RTF data from stream
readRichText:(NXStream *)stream Lets you add RTF data to stream
finishReadingRichText Sent after Text object reads RTF data
(NXRTFDError)openRTFDFrom:(const char *)path
Opens the RTFD file package specified by path
(NXRTFDError)saveRTFDTo:(const char *)path
removeBackup:(BOOL)removeBackup Saves the contents (text and images) of the Text object
errorHandler:errorHandler to the file package specified by path
writeText:(NXStream *)stream Writes all the text to stream
writeRichText:(NXStream *)stream Writes all the text to stream using RTF
writeRichText:(NXStream *)stream Writes text to stream using RTF
writeRTFDSelectionTo:(NXStream *)stream Writes the selection--text and images--to stream
writeRTFDTo:(NXStream *)stream Writes all the text and images to stream
(NXStream *)stream Returns stream access to Text object's text
(NXTextBlock *)firstTextBlock Returns pointer to first text block
getParagraph:(int)prNumber Gets position, length, and size of a paragraph
start:(int *)startPos
end:(int *)endPos
rect:(NXRect *)paragraphRect
(int)getSubstring:(char *)buf Copies numChars at startPos to buf
(int)byteLength Returns length of the Text object's contents in bytes
(int)charLength Returns number of characters in the text
(int)textLength Returns number of characters in the text

Setting Editability

setEditable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the text can be edited
(BOOL)isEditable Returns whether the text can be edited

Allowing Multiple Fonts and Paragraph Styles

setMonoFont:(BOOL)flag Controls whether multiple fonts and parastyles are OK
(BOOL)isMonoFont Returns whether only one font and parastyle is permitted

Editing the Text

copy:sender Copies selected text to the pasteboard
copyFont:sender Copies selected text's font to the pasteboard
copyRuler:sender Copies selected text's style to the pasteboard
paste:sender Replaces selection with pasteboard's contents
pasteFont:sender Replaces selection's font with pasteboard's contents
pasteRuler:sender Replaces selection's style with pasteboard's contents
cut:sender Deletes selected text; copies it to pasteboard
delete:sender Deletes selected text
clear:sender Deletes selected text
selectAll:sender Makes receiver the first responder; selects all text
selectText:sender Makes receiver the first responder; selects all text

Managing the Selection

subscript:sender Subscripts the current selection
superscript:sender Superscripts the current selection
unscript:sender Removes sub/super script in the current selection
underline:sender Toggles the underline attribute of text
showCaret Displays the previously hidden caret
hideCaret Removes the caret from the text display
setSelectable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the text can be selected
(BOOL)isSelectable Returns whether the text can be selected
selectError Selects all the text
selectNull Deselects the current selection
setSel:(int)start :(int)end Selects text from start through end
getSel:(NXSelPt *)start :(NXSelPt *)end Gets start and end of the selection
replaceSel:(const char *)aString Replaces the selection with aString
replaceSel:(const char *)aString Replaces selection with length bytes of aString
replaceSel:(const char *)aString Replaces selection with length bytes of aString
runs:(NXRunArray *)insertRuns
replaceSelWithRichText:(NXStream *)stream Replaces selection with RTF from stream
replaceSelWithRTFD:(NXStream *)stream Replaces selection with RTFD data from stream
scrollSelToVisible Brings the selection within the frame rectangle

Setting the Font

setFontPanelEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Font panel can affect text
(BOOL)isFontPanelEnabled Sets whether the Font panel can affect text
changeFont:sender Changes font of selection
setFont:fontObj Sets Font object for the entire text
font Returns a monofont Text object's font
setFont:fontObj paraStyle:(void *)paraStyle Sets Font and paragraph style for all text
setSelFont:fontId Sets Font object for the selection
setSelFontFamily:(const char *)fontName Sets font family for the selection
setSelFontSize:(float)size Sets font size for the selection
setSelFontStyle:(NXFontTraitMask)traits Sets font style for the selection
setSelFont:fontId paraStyle:(void *)paraStyle Sets font and paragraph style for the selection

Checking Spelling

checkSpelling:sender Searches for a misspelled word in the text
showGuessPanel:sender Displays panel suggesting spelling corrections

Managing the Ruler

toggleRuler:sender Controls the display of the ruler
(NXColor)isRulerVisible Returns whether the ruler is visible in the superview

Finding Text

(BOOL)findText:(const char *)string Searches for string in the text, starting at the insertion point

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray value of the text background
(float)backgroundGray Returns the gray value of the text background
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color Sets background color of the text
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the background color of the text
setSelGray:(float)value Sets the gray value of the selected text
(float)selGray Returns the gray value of the selected text
(float)runGray:(NXRun *)run Returns the gray value for the specified text run
setSelColor:(NXColor)color Sets the color of the selected text
(NXColor)selColor Returns the color of the selected text
(NXColor)runColor:(NXRun *)run Returns the color of the specified text run
setTextGray:(float)value Sets the gray value of the entire text
(float)textGray Returns the gray value of the entire text
setTextColor:(NXColor)color Sets the text color of the entire text
(NXColor)textColor Returns the text color of the draw entire text

Reusing a Text Object

renewFont:newFontId Resets Text object to draw different text
text:(const char *)newText
frame:(const NXRect *)newFrame
renewFont:(const char *)newFontName Resets Text object to draw different text
text:(const char *)newText
frame:(const NXRect *)newFrame
renewRuns:(NXRunArray *)newRuns Resets Text object to draw different text
text:(const char *)newText
frame:(const NXRect *)newFrame
windowChanged:newWindow Hides caret whenever the Text's window changes


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Draws the Text object
setRetainedWhileDrawing:(BOOL)flag Allows use of retained window when drawing
(BOOL)isRetainedWhileDrawing Returns whether retained window is used for drawing

Assigning a Tag

setTag:(int)anInt Makes anInt the Text object's tag
(int)tag Returns the Text object's tag

Handling Event Messages

(BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder Returns whether receiver can be the first responder
becomeFirstResponder Informs Text object that it's becoming first responder
resignFirstResponder Stops being the first responder, if delegate agrees
becomeKeyWindow Activates caret if selection has width of 0
resignKeyWindow Deactivates the caret
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to mouse-down events
keyDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to key-down events
moveCaret:(unsigned short)theKey Moves the caret in response to arrow keys

Displaying Graphics within the Text

+ registerDirective:(const char *)directive Associates an RTF control word with a class object
replaceSelWithCell:cell Replaces selection with image provided by cell
replaceSelWithView:view Unimplemented
setLocation:(NXPoint *)origin Sets origin of cell
getLocation:(NXPoint *)origin Places coordinates of graphic object into origin
getLocation:(NXPoint *)origin Unimplemented
setGraphicsImportEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether a Text object imports TIFF and EPS images
(BOOL)isGraphicsImportEnabled Returns YES if the object imports TIFF and EPS images

Using the Services Menu

+ excludeFromServicesMenu:(BOOL)flag Controls whether Text objects use services menu
andReturnType:(NXAtom)returnType Determines which Service menu items are enabled
readSelectionFromPasteboard:pboard Replaces selection with data from pboard
(BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:pboard Copies selection to pboard
types:(NXAtom *)types

Setting Tables and Functions

setCharFilter:(NXCharFilterFunc)aFunc Makes aFunc the character filter function
(NXCharFilterFunc)charFilter Returns the current character filter function
setTextFilter:(NXTextFilterFunc)aFunc Makes aFunc the text filter function
(NXTextFilterFunc)textFilter Returns the current text filter function
setBreakTable:(const NXFSM *)aTable Sets table defining word boundaries
(const NXFSM *)breakTable Gets table defining word boundaries
setPreSelSmartTable:(const unsigned char *)aTable
Sets cut and paste table for left word boundary
(const unsigned char *)preSelSmartTable Gets cut and paste table for left word boundary
setPostSelSmartTable:(const unsigned char *)aTable
Sets cut and paste table for right word boundary
(const unsigned char *)postSelSmartTable Gets cut and paste table for right word boundary
setCharCategoryTable:(const unsigned char *)aTable
Sets table defining character categories
(const unsigned char *)charCategoryTable Returns table defining character categories
setClickTable:(const NXFSM *)aTable Sets table defining double-click selection
(const NXFSM *)clickTable Gets table defining double-click selection
setScanFunc:(NXTextFunc)aFunc Makes aFunc the scan function
(NXTextFunc)scanFunc Returns the current scan function
setDrawFunc:(NXTextFunc)aFunc Makes aFunc the function that draws the text
(NXTextFunc)drawFunc Returns the current draw function


adjustPageHeightNew:(float *)newBottom Assists automatic pagination of text


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Text object from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Text object to the typed stream

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the Text object's delegate
delegate Returns the Text object's delegate

Implemented by the Delegate

textWillResize:sender Informs delegate of impending size change
textDidResize:sender Reports size change to delegate
oldBounds:(const NXRect *)oldBounds
invalid:(NXRect *)invalidRect
(BOOL)textWillChange:sender Informs delegate of impending text change
textDidChange:sender Alerts delegate to change in text
(BOOL)textWillEnd:sender Warns of impending loss of first responder status
textDidEnd:sender Reports to delegate loss of first responder status
endChar:(unsigned short)whyEnd
textDidGetKeys:sender isEmpty:(BOOL)flag Informs delegate of each text change
textWillSetSel:sender toFont:font Lets delegate intercede in the updating of the Font panel
textWillConvert:sender Lets delegate intercede in selection's font change
textWillStartReadingRichText:sender Informs delegate that Text object will read RTF data
textWillFinishReadingRichText:sender Informs delegate that Text finished reading RTF data
textWillWrite:sender Lets the delegate specify paper size
paperSize:(NXSize *)paperSize
textDidRead:sender Lets the delegate review paper size
paperSize:(NXSize *)paperSize

Implemented by an Embedded Graphic Object

calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize Provides the size of the object
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rect Draws the object
highlight:(const NXRect *)rect Highlights or unhighlights the object
readRichText:(NXStream *)stream Reads representation from RTF data
writeRichText:(NXStream *)stream Writes RTF representation to stream
(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Controls tracking of the mouse
inRect:(const NXRect *)rect


Inherits From: Control : View : Responder : Object

Initializing the TextField Class

+ setCellClass:classId Sets the Cell class used by TextField

Inializing a new TextField

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new TextField object with no text

Enabling the TextField

setEnabled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the TextField reacts to events

Setting User Access to Text

setSelectable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the TextField's text is selectable
(BOOL)isSelectable Returns whether the TextField's text is selectable
setEditable:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the TextField's text is editable
(BOOL)isEditable Returns whether the TextField's text is editable

Editing Text

selectText:sender Selects all of the text if it's selectable or editable

Setting Tab Key Behavior

setNextText:anObject Sets the object selected when the user presses Tab
nextText Sets the object selected when the user presses Tab
setPreviousText:anObject Sets the object selected when the user types Shift-Tab
previousText Sets the object selected when the user types Shift-Tab

Assigning a Text Delegate

setTextDelegate:anObject Sets the delegate for messages from the field editor
textDelegate Returns the delegate for messages from field editor

Text Object Delegate Methods

(BOOL)textWillChange:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor
textDidGetKeys:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor
textDidChange:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor
(BOOL)textWillEnd:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor
textDidEnd:textObject Responds to a message from the field editor
endChar:(unsigned short)whyEnd

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setTextColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the TextField's text to aColor
(NXColor)textColor Returns the color of the TextField's text
setTextGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the TextField's text to value
(float)textGray Returns the gray of the TextField's text
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the background to aColor
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the color of the background
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the background to value
(float)backgroundGray Returns the gray of the background
setBackgroundTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the TextField background is transparent
(BOOL)isBackgroundTransparent Returns whether the TextField background is transparent
setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the TextField has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isBezeled Returns whether the TextField has a bezeled border
setBordered:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the TextField has a plain border
(BOOL)isBordered Returns whether the TextField has a plain border

Target and Action

setErrorAction:(SEL)aSelector Sets the action method sent for an invalid value entered
(SEL)errorAction Returns the action method sent for an invalid value

Resizing a TextField

sizeTo:(float)width :(float)height Resizes the TextField to width and height

Handling Events

(BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder Returns YES if text is editable or selectable
mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Responds to a mouse-down event


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the TextField from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the TextField to stream


Inherits From: ActionCell : Cell : Object

Initializing a new TextFieldCell

init Initializes a new TextFieldCell with text "Field"
initTextCell:(const char *)aString Initializes a new TextFieldCell with text aString

Copying a TextFieldCell

copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a copy of the TextFieldCell allocated from zone

Modifying Graphic Attributes

setTextColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the text to aColor
(NXColor)textColor Returns the color of the text
setTextGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the text to value
(float)textGray Returns the gray of the text
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor Sets the color of the background to aColor
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the color of the background
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray of the background to value
(float)backgroundGray Returns the gray of the background
setBackgroundTransparent:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the background is transparent
(BOOL)isBackgroundTransparent Returns whether the background is transparent
setTextAttributes:textObject Sets the gray values of the background and text to those of textObject
setBezeled:(BOOL)flag Sets whether TextFieldCell has a bezeled border
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether the cell is opaque


drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the TextFieldCell
drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame Draws the inside of the TextFieldCell

Tracking the Mouse

(BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent Starts editing if possible
inRect:(const NXRect *)aRect


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the TextFieldCell from stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the TextFieldCell to stream


Inherits From: Responder : Object

Initializing and Freeing View Objects

initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Initializes a new View object
init Initializes a new View object
free Deallocates the View and its subviews

Managing the View Hierarchy

addSubview:aView Makes aView a subview of the receiving View
addSubview:aView Makes aView a subview of the receiving View
findAncestorSharedWith:aView Returns the ancestor shared by aView and the receiver
(BOOL)isDescendantOf:aView Returns whether aView is an ancestor of the receiver
opaqueAncestor Returns the receiver's nearest opaque ancestor
removeFromSuperview Removes the receiver from the view hierarchy
replaceSubview:oldView with:newView Replaces oldView with newView
subviews Returns a List of the View's subviews
superview Returns the receiving View's superview
window Returns the Window in which the View is displayed
windowChanged:newWindow Notifies the View that the Window it's in is changing

Modifying the Frame Rectangle

(float)frameAngle Returns the angle of frame rectangle rotation
getFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Gets the View's frame rectangle
moveBy:(NXCoord)deltaX :(NXCoord)deltaY Moves the View by deltaX and deltaHeight
moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves the View to (x, y)
rotateBy:(NXCoord)deltaAngle Rotates the View's frame rectangle by deltaAngle
rotateTo:(NXCoord)angle Rotates the View's frame rectangle to angle
setFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Assigns the View a new frame rectangle
sizeBy:(NXCoord)deltaWidth Resizes the View by deltaWidth and deltaHeight
sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height Resizes the View to width and height

Modifying the Coordinate System

(float)boundsAngle Returns the rotation of the View's coordinate system
drawInSuperview Makes the View use its superview's coordinate system
getBounds:(NXRect *)theRect Gets the View's bounds rectangle
(BOOL)isFlipped Returns whether the View is flipped
(BOOL)isRotatedFromBase Returns whether the View is rotated
(BOOL)isRotatedOrScaledFromBase Returns whether the View is rotated or scaled
rotate:(NXCoord)angle Rotates the View's coordinate system by angle
setDrawRotation:(NXCoord)angle Rotates the View's coordinate system to angle
scale:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Scales the View's coordinate system
setDrawSize:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height
Resizes the View's coordinate system to width and height
translate:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Shifts the View's coordinate system to (x, y)
setDrawOrigin:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Sets the View's origin to (x, y)
setFlipped:(BOOL)flag Sets whether polarity of y-axis is reversed

Converting Coordinates

centerScanRect:(NXRect *)aRect Converts the rectangle to lie on center of pixels
convertPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint Converts the point to the receiver's coordinates
convertPoint:(NXPoint *)aPoint toView:aView Converts the point to aView's coordinates
convertPointFromSuperview:(NXPoint *)aPoint
Converts the point to the receiver's coordinates
convertPointToSuperview:(NXPoint *)aPoint Converts the point to the superview's coordinates
convertRect:(NXRect *)aRect fromView:aView
Converts the rectangle to the receiver's coordinates
convertRect:(NXRect *)aRect toView:aView Converts the rectangle to aView's coordinates
convertRectFromSuperview:(NXRect *)aRect Converts the rectangle to the receiver's coordinates
convertRectToSuperview:(NXRect *)aRect Converts the rectangle to the superview's coordinates
convertSize:(NXSize *)aSize fromView:aView Converts the size to the receiver's coordinates
convertSize:(NXSize *)aSize toView:aView Converts the size to aView's coordinates

Notifying Ancestor Views

descendantFlipped:sender Notifies that sender's y-axis has flipped
descendantFrameChanged:sender Notifies that sender's frame rectangle changed
Sets whether to notify ancestors of frame change
notifyWhenFlipped:(BOOL)flag Sets whether to notify ancestors of flipped y-axis
Suspends ancestor notification

Resizing Subviews

resizeSubviews:(const NXSize *)oldSize Initiates superviewSizeChanged: messages
setAutoresizeSubviews:(BOOL)flag Sets whether to notify subviews of resizing
setAutosizing:(unsigned int)mask Determines automatic resizing behavior
(unsigned int)autosizing Returns the View's autosizing mask
superviewSizeChanged:(const NXSize *)oldSize Notifies subviews that superview changed size

Graphics State Objects

allocateGState Allocates a graphics state object (when next focused upon)
freeGState Frees the View's graphics state object
(int)gState Returns the View's graphics state object
initGState Initializes the View's graphics state object
renewGState Reinitializes the View's graphics state object
notifyToInitGState:(BOOL)flag Determines whether initGState message is sent


clipToFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect Clips to the frame rectangle during focusing
setClipping:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the View is clipped to its frame rectangle
(BOOL)doesClip Returns whether the View clips to its frame rectangle
(BOOL)isFocusView Returns whether the View is currently in focus
(BOOL)lockFocus Brings the View into focus
unlockFocus Unfocuses the View


(BOOL)canDraw Returns whether the View can draw
display Displays the View and its subviews
display:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Displays the View and its subviews
display:(const NXRect *)rects Displays the View and its subviews
displayFromOpaqueAncestor:(const NXRect *)rects
:(int)rectCount Displays underlying ancestors and the View
displayIfNeeded Conditionally displays  the View and its subviews
drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount Implemented by subclasses to supply drawing instructions
(BOOL)getVisibleRect:(NXRect *)theRect Gets the View's visible portion
(BOOL)isAutodisplay Returns whether the View automatically updates
setAutodisplay:(BOOL)flag Determines whether update redisplays the View
(BOOL)isOpaque Returns whether the View is registered as opaque
setOpaque:(BOOL)flag Registers the View as opaque
(BOOL)needsDisplay Returns whether the View needs to be redisplayed
setNeedsDisplay:(BOOL)flag Marks the View as changed, needing redisplay
(BOOL)shouldDrawColor Returns whether the View should be drawn in color
update Conditionally redisplays the View


adjustScroll:(NXRect *)newVisible Lets the View adjust the visible rectangle
autoscroll:(NXEvent *)theEvent Scrolls in response to a mouse-dragged event
(BOOL)calcUpdateRects:(NXRect *)rects Calculates the area to be redisplayed
:(int *)rectCount
:(NXRect *)enclRect
:(NXRect *)goodRect
invalidate:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount
Marks parts of the View as needing to be redrawn
scrollPoint:(const NXPoint *)aPoint Aligns aPoint with the content view's origin
scrollRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Shifts the rectangle by delta
by:(const NXPoint *)delta
scrollRectToVisible:(const NXRect *)aRect Scrolls the View so the rectangle is visible
(float)backgroundGray Returns the View's background gray (used by a ScrollView's document view only)

Managing the Cursor

addCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Adds a cursor rectangle to the View
discardCursorRects Removes all cursor rectangles in the View
removeCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Removes a cursor rectangle from the View
resetCursorRects Resets the View's cursor rectangles

Assigning a Tag

findViewWithTag:(int)aTag Returns the subview with aTag as its tag
(int)tag Returns the View's tag

Aiding Event Handling

(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse Returns NO to refuse first mouse-down event
hitTest:(NXPoint *)aPoint Returns the lowest subview containing the point
(BOOL)mouse:(NXPoint *)aPoint Returns whether the point lies inside the rectangle
inRect:(NXRect *)aRect
(BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NXEvent *)theEvent
Returns whether a subview handled theEvent
(BOOL)shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent:(NXEvent *)anEvent
Returns whether the View's Window is brought forward normally (mouse-down) or delayed (mouse-up)


registerForDraggedTypes:(const char *const *)pbTypes count:(int)count
Registers the Pasteboard types that the Window will accept in an image-dragging session
unregisterDraggedTypes Unregisters the Window as a recipient of dragged images
dragImage:anImage Instigates an image-dragging session
at:(NXPoint *)location
offset:(NXPoint *)initialOffset
event:(NXEvent *)event
pasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pboard
dragFile:(const char *)filename Instigates a file-dragging session
fromRect:(NXRect *)rect
slideBack:(BOOL) aFlag
event:(NXEvent *)event


printPSCode:sender Prints the View and its subviews
faxPSCode:sender Faxes the View and its subviews
faxPSCode:sender Faxes the View and its subviews
toList:(const char *const *)names
numberList:(const char *const *)numbers
faxName:(const char *)string
copyPSCodeInside:(const NXRect *)rect Generates PostScript code for the rectangle
to:(NXStream *)stream
writePSCodeInside:(const NXRect *)rect Places PostScript code for the rectangle on the pasteboard
openSpoolFile:(char *)filename Opens filename for print spooling
spoolFile:(const char *)filename Spools filename to the printer
(BOOL)canPrintRIB Indicates whether the View can print RIB files

Setting Up Pages

(BOOL)knowsPagesFirst:(int *)firstPageNum Returns whether the View paginates itself
last:(int *)lastPageNum
(BOOL)getRect:(NXRect *)theRect Provides how much of the View will print on page
placePrintRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Locates the printing rectangle on the page
offset:(NXPoint *)location
(float)heightAdjustLimit Returns how much of a page can go on the next page
(float)widthAdjustLimit Returns how much of a page can go on the next page

Writing Conforming PostScript

beginPSOutput Initializes the printing environment
beginPrologueBBox:(const NXRect *)boundingBox
creationDate:(const char *)dateCreated Writes the beginning of the prologue for a print job
createdBy:(const char *)anApplication
fonts:(const char *)fontNames
forWhom:(const char *)user
title:(const char *)aTitle
endHeaderComments Writes the end of the header
endPrologue Writes the end of the prologue
beginSetup Writes the beginning of the document setup section
endSetup Writes the end of the document setup section
adjustPageWidthNew:(float *)newRight Assists automatic pagination of the View
adjustPageHeightNew:(float *)newBottom Assists automatic pagination of the View
beginPage:(int)ordinalNum Writes a page separator
label:(const char *)aString
bBox:(const NXRect *)pageRect
fonts:(const char *)fontNames
beginPageSetupRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Writes the beginning of a page setup section
placement:(const NXPoint *)location
drawSheetBorder:(float)width :(float)height Allows you to draw a sheet border
drawPageBorder:(float)width :(float)height Allows you to draw a page border
addToPageSetup Allows you to add scaling to PostScript code
endPageSetup Writes the end of a page setup section
endPage Writes the end of a page
beginTrailer Writes the beginning of the trailer for the print job
endTrailer Writes the end of the trailer
endPSOutput Finishes the printing job


awake Initializes the View after reading
read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the View from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the View to the typed stream


Inherits From: Responder : Object

Initializing a New Window Object

init Initializes the new Window with default parameters
initContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Initializes the new Window object as specified
initContent:(const NXRect *)contentRect Initializes the new Window object for screen as specified
screen:(const NXScreen *)aScreen

Freeing a Window Object

free Frees the Window object and its Views

Computing Frame and Content Rectangles

+ getFrameRect:(NXRect *)frame Gets frame rectangle for given content rectangle
forContentRect:(const NXRect *)content
+ getContentRect:(NXRect *)content Gets content rectangle for given frame rectangle
forFrameRect:(const NXRect *)frame
+ (NXCoord)minFrameWidth:(const char *)aTitle
forStyle:(int)aStyle Returns minimum frame width needed for aTitle

Accessing the Frame Rectangle

getFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Gets the Window's frame rectangle
getFrame:(NXRect *)theRect Gets the Window's frame rectangle and screen
andScreen:(const NXScreen **)theScreen
(BOOL)setFrameUsingName:(const char *)name
Sets the frame rectangle from the named default
(void)saveFrameUsingName:(const char *)name Saves the frame rectangle as a system default
+ (void)removeFrameUsingName:(const char *)name
Removes the named frame data from the system defaults
(BOOL)setFrameAutosaveName:(const char *)name
Sets the name that's used to autosave the frame rectangle as a system default
(const char *)frameAutosaveName Returns the name that's used to autosave the frame rectangle as a system default
(void)setFrameFromString:(const char *)string Sets the frame rectangle from string
saveFrameToString:(const char *)string Saves the frame rectangle data to string

Accessing the Content View

setContentView:aView Makes aView the Window's content view
contentView Returns the Window's content view

Querying Window Attributes

(int)windowNum Returns the window number
(int)buttonMask Returns the mask identifying Window controls
(int)style Returns the Window's border and title bar style
(BOOL)worksWhenModal Returns NO

Window Graphics

setTitle:(const char *)aString Makes aString the Window's title
setTitleAsFilename:(const char *)aString Formats aString and makes it the Window's title
(const char *)title Returns the Window's title string
setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color Sets the Window's background color to color
(NXColor)backgroundColor Returns the Window's background color
setBackgroundGray:(float)value Sets the gray value for Window's background gray
(float)backgroundGray Returns the Window's background gray

Window Device Attributes

setBackingType:(int)backing Sets the type of window device backing
(int)backingType Returns the window device backing type
setOneShot:(BOOL)flag Sets whether memory for the window should be freed
(BOOL)isOneShot Returns whether memory for the window is freed
setFreeWhenClosed:(BOOL)flag Sets whether closing the Window also frees it

Graphics State Objects

(int)gState Returns the graphics state object for the Window

The Miniwindow

counterpart Returns the receiver's miniwindow/Window companion
setMiniwindowIcon:(const char *)name Sets the icon that's displayed in the miniwindow
(const char *)miniwindowIcon Returns the icon that's displayed in the miniwindow
setMiniwindowImage:image Sets the image that's displayed in the miniwindow
(NXImage *)miniwindowImage Returns the image that's displayed in the miniwindow
setMiniwindowTitle:(const char *)title Sets the title that's displayed in the miniwindow
(const char *)miniwindowTitle Sets the title that's displayed in the miniwindow

The Field Editor

getFieldEditor:(BOOL)flag for:anObject Returns the Window's field editor
endEditingFor:anObject Ends the field editor's editing assignment

Window Status

makeKeyWindow Makes the receiver the key window
makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender Makes Window the key window and brings it forward
becomeKeyWindow Records Window's new status as the key window
(BOOL)isKeyWindow Returns whether Window is the key window
resignKeyWindow Records that Window no longer is the key window
(BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow Returns whether Window can be the key window
becomeMainWindow Records Window's new status as the main window
(BOOL)isMainWindow Returns whether Window is the main window
resignMainWindow Records that Window no longer is the main window
(BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow Returns whether Window can be the main window

Moving and Resizing the Window

moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves the Window to (x, y)
moveTo:(NXCoord)x Moves the Window to (x, y) relative to aScreen
screen:(const NXScreen *)aScreen
moveTopLeftTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y Moves top left corner of the Window to (x, y)
moveTopLeftTo:(NXCoord)x Moves top left corner of the Window relative to aScreen
screen:(const NXScreen *)aScreen
dragFrom:(float)x :(float)y eventNum:(int)num Lets user drag the Window from (x, y)
constrainFrameRect:(NXRect *)frameRect Constrains the Window to screen
toScreen:(const NXScreen *)screen
placeWindow:(const NXRect *)frameRect Resizes the Window to new frame rectangle
placeWindow:(const NXRect *)frameRect Resizes the Window relative to aScreen
screen:(const NXScreen *)aScreen
placeWindowAndDisplay:(const NXRect *)frameRect
Resizes the Window while redisplaying its Views
sizeWindow:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height
Resizes the Window's content area
center Centers the Window on the screen
setMinSize:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the Window's minimum size
getMinSize:(NXSize *)aSize Returns the Window's minimum size
setMaxSize:(const NXSize *)aSize Sets the Window's maximum size
getMaxSize:(NXSize *)aSize Returns the Window's maximum size
(int)resizeFlags Returns the event flags during resizing

Reordering the Window

makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender Makes the Window the key window and brings it forward
orderFront:sender Puts the Window at the front of its tier
orderBack:sender Puts the Window at the back of its tier
orderOut:sender Removes the Window from the screen list
orderWindow:(int)place relativeTo:(int)otherWin
Repositions the Window in screen list
orderFrontRegardless Puts the Window at the front even if the application is inactive
(BOOL)isVisible Returns whether the Window is in the screen list
setHideOnDeactivate:(BOOL)flag Sets whether deactivization hides the Window
(BOOL)doesHideOnDeactivate Returns whether deactivization hides the Window

Converting Coordinates

convertBaseToScreen:(NXPoint *)aPoint Converts point from base to screen coordinates
convertScreenToBase:(NXPoint *)aPoint Converts point from screen to base coordinates

Managing the Display

display Displays all the Window's Views
displayIfNeeded Displays all the Window's Views that need it
disableDisplay Inhibits Views from drawing in the Window
(BOOL)isDisplayEnabled Returns whether Views can draw in the Window
reenableDisplay Reenables drawing by Views in the Window
flushWindow Flushes the Window's buffer to the screen
flushWindowIfNeeded Conditionally flushes the Window's buffer to the screen
disableFlushWindow Disables flushing for a buffered Window
reenableFlushWindow Reenables flushing for a buffered Window
(BOOL)isFlushWindowDisabled Returns whether flushing is disabled
displayBorder Displays the border and title bar
useOptimizedDrawing:(BOOL)flag Sets whether Window's Views should optimize drawing
update Implemented by subclasses (see Menu)

Screens and Window Depths

(const NXScreen *)screen Returns the screen that (most of) the Window is on
(const NXScreen *)bestScreen Returns the deepest screen that the Window is on
+ (NXWindowDepth)defaultDepthLimit Returns the maximum depth for the current context
setDepthLimit:(NXWindowDepth)limit Sets the Window's depth limit to limit
(NXWindowDepth)depthLimit Returns the Window's depth limit
setDynamicDepthLimit:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the depth limit will depend on the screen
(BOOL)hasDynamicDepthLimit Returns whether the depth limit depends on the screen
(BOOL)canStoreColor Returns whether Window is deep enough to store colors

Cursor Management

addCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Adds a new cursor rectangle to the Window
removeCursorRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Removes a cursor rectangle from the Window
invalidateCursorRectsForView:aView Marks cursor rectangles invalid for aView
disableCursorRects Disables all cursor rectangles in the Window
enableCursorRects Enables cursor rectangles in the Window
discardCursorRects Removes all cursor rectangles in the Window
resetCursorRects Resets cursor rectangles for the Window

Handling User Actions and Events

close Closes the Window
performClose:sender Simulates user clicking the close button
miniaturize:sender Hides the Window and displays its miniwindow
performMiniaturize:sender Simulates user clicking the miniaturize button
deminiaturize:sender Hides the miniwindow and redisplays the Window
setDocEdited:(BOOL)flag Sets whether the Window's document has been edited
(BOOL)isDocEdited Returns whether Window's document has been edited
windowExposed:(NXEvent *)theEvent Redisplays exposed part of the Window
windowMoved:(NXEvent *)theEvent Updates the frame rectangle
screenChanged:(NXEvent *)theEvent Adjusts depth limit of Windows with a dynamic limit

Setting the Event Mask

(int)setEventMask:(int)newMask Sets the Window's event mask to newMask
(int)addToEventMask:(int)newEvents Adds newEvents to the event mask
(int)removeFromEventMask:(int)oldEvents Removes oldEvents from the event mask
(int)eventMask Returns the Window's event mask

Aiding Event Handling

getMouseLocation:(NXPoint *)thePoint Provides current location of the cursor
setTrackingRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Sets a tracking rectangle within the Window
discardTrackingRect:(int)trackNum Clears tracking rectangle within the Window
makeFirstResponder:aResponder Makes aResponder the first responder
firstResponder Returns the first responder
sendEvent:(NXEvent *)theEvent Dispatches mouse and keyboard events
rightMouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles right mouse-down events
(BOOL)commandKey:(NXEvent *)theEvent Handles Command key-down events
(BOOL)tryToPerform:(SEL)anAction Aids in dispatching action messages
setAvoidsActivation:(BOOL)flag Establishes whether the application will become active when the user clicks in the Window
(BOOL)avoidsActivation Returns the value set by setAvoidsActivation:


registerForDraggedTypes:(const char *const *)pbTypes count:(int)count
Registers the Pasteboard types that the Window will accept in an image-dragging session
unregisterDraggedTypes Unregisters the Window as a recipient of dragged images
dragImage:anImage Instigates an image-dragging session
at:(NXPoint *)location
offset:(NXPoint *)initialOffset
event:(NXEvent *)event
pasteboard:(Pasteboard *)pboard

Services and Windows Menu Support

validRequestorForSendType:(NXAtom)typeSent Invoked by clicking a Services menu item
setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:(BOOL)flag Sets whether Window is left out of the Windows menu
(BOOL)isExcludedFromWindowsMenu Returns whether Window is left out of Windows menu


printPSCode:sender Prints all the Window's Views
smartPrintPSCode:sender Prints all the Window's Views
faxPSCode:sender Faxes all the Window's Views
smartFaxPSCode:sender Faxes all the Window's Views
openSpoolFile:(char *)filename Opens filename for print spooling
spoolFile:(const char *)filename Spools filename to the printer
copyPSCodeInside:(const NXRect *)rect Writes PostScript code for the rectangle to stream
to:(NXStream *)stream
(BOOL)knowsPagesFirst:(int *)firstPageNum Returns whether the Window paginates itself
last:(int *)lastPageNum
(BOOL)getRect:(NXRect *)theRect Provides how much of the Window fits on page
placePrintRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Locates the printing rectangle on the page
offset:(NXPoint *)location
(float)heightAdjustLimit Returns how much of a page can go on next page
(float)widthAdjustLimit Returns how much of a page can go on next page
beginPSOutput Initializes the printing environment
beginPrologueBBox:(const NXRect *)boundingBox
creationDate:(const char *)dateCreated Writes the beginning of the prologue for a print job
createdBy:(const char *)anApplication
fonts:(const char *)fontNames
forWhom:(const char *)user
title:(const char *)aTitle
endHeaderComments Writes the Application Kit print package
endPrologue Writes the end of the prologue
beginSetup Writes the beginning of the document setup section
endSetup Writes the end of the document setup section
beginPage:(int)ordinalNum Writes a page separator
label:(const char *)aString
bBox:(const NXRect *)pageRect
fonts:(const char *)fontNames
beginPageSetupRect:(const NXRect *)aRect Writes the beginning of a page setup section
placement:(const NXPoint *)location
endPageSetup Writes the end of a page setup section
endPage Writes the end of a page description
beginTrailer Writes the beginning of trailer for the print job
endTrailer Writes the end of the trailer
endPSOutput Finishes the printing job


read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the Window from the typed stream
write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the Window to the typed stream
awake Redisplays and reinitializes the Window

Assigning a Delegate

setDelegate:anObject Makes anObject the Window's delegate
delegate Returns the Window's delegate

Implemented by the Delegate

windowWillClose:sender Notifies delegate that the Window is about to close
windowWillReturnFieldEditor:sender Lets delegate provide another Text object
windowWillResize:sender Lets delegate constrain resizing
toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize
windowDidResize:sender Notifies delegate that the Window was resized
windowDidExpose:sender Notifies delegate that the Window was exposed
windowWillMove:sender Notifies delegate that the Window will move
windowDidMove:sender Notifies delegate that the Window did move
windowDidChangeScreen:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window changed screens
windowDidBecomeKey:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window is the key window
windowDidResignKey:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window isn't the key window
windowDidBecomeMain:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window is the main window
windowDidResignMain:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window isn't the main window
windowWillMiniaturize:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window will miniaturized
windowDidMiniaturize:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window was miniaturized
windowDidDeminiaturize:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window was restored to screen
windowDidUpdate:sender Notifies delegate that  the Window was updated